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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. @hyrule_king already wrote that it's not for sharing, please respect that.
  2. This would be a good idea for a feature request, not much there can be done about from the Skinning part of things.
  3. To your first part There is a few attributeless skins out there. you've already found one i see.. for the rest of your post, it will have to be directed to the feature request forum.
  4. If you add these files into the match folder of the base skin, you will have a left panel split into 2 untick "use cached files" in preferencees Clear the cache and reload the skin If you don't have the base skin, you can get it from here Edit: Updated 2 files as it had panels in it which would not work for you. Nep1 and nep2 match in between highlights panel.xml match touchline tablet panel nep.xml match touchline tablet slot nep1.xml match touchline tablet slot nep2.xml
  5. Yes i was, it's been so long since i used the default that i still thought it ws possible to customize the left side. which i just checked and noticed that you can't
  6. There should be a customize button in the default one where you can customize it
  7. there wasnt really any thoughts process, it's just one of the trial and error ways if nothing else works, remember if you make changes to "generic/interaction featured object team budget panel.xml" that it's being used somewhere else aswell i would start be figurering out if it's possible to rename it and still have it populate, then from there workout how to align it as you want. you might need to play around with <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> and get the property id.
  8. There is probably another way and alot easier But i was unable to find a way aswell to make it populate, so i tried this and it populated this will give you something to start with. this is just tested in the base skin. I replaced you lines 109 to 134 (both included) with this <widget class="interaction_featured_object_team_budget_panel" > <translation id="title" type="use" value="" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget> hope it will get you abit further.
  9. Rename the current file in generic folder and then add this one. Untick "use cached files" in preferences clear cache and reload skin see if it works continue.xml
  10. If you don't have a file, you will have to extract if from the default game
  11. If you add this <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" /> <!--pos/role/duty indicator--> <widget class="position_role_duty_suitability_pie" id="prdF" width="26" height="19"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="-2"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="19"/> </widget> </container> to the bottom of tactics icon info panel overview.xml you should have the wanted circles I can't remember if there is any graphics to it. Edit: You might need these aswell unpack and copy the graphics into the "graphics/icons/custom" folder https://www.mediafire.com/file/1834xplv4tpsxq7/role_rating.7z/file
  12. You should be able to find the needed info here
  13. make sure you have "used cached files" unticked in preferences and you clear the cache and reload the skin
  14. I can't say if it's possible or not, but i can tell you that "pitch with tactics container.xml" is where the pitch is set maybe you can use that for something
  15. Have you cleared the cache and reloaded the skin ?
  16. You can add or remove leagues in an ongoing save, have in mind that it will happend on specific dates(will tell you on adding them) and not instantly. but this way you con't have to restart your save.
  17. Line 29 and 59 change the value of transparency (at the end of the line)
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