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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. id="ofap" and id="gkap" is for outfield and goalkeepers if i remember correct, can be found in the analysis polygon I believe @_Ben_ made something that could do it for owned or not
  2. it's a simple open and close widget on 1 button (see video further up) i original got the close from @a31632 - fixed it to open and close on the same button
  3. Try this, i know it's a stadium pic. but the method is the same
  4. match players bar widget.xml and match console quick tactics panel for the buttons
  5. ofc - shared it here manager home.xml team upcoming fixture info manager home.xml bench.xml
  6. I can't currently see where the month's are pulled from, so sadly i can't be of help there and i can see from the previous post that i misunderstood and thought you ment the dates..
  7. just as a quick example in fixtures list sub panel i've just tested with the data in the Fixture list (not the goalscore list) <string id="fxdt" value=""/> replace with <record id="fxdt" value=""> <string id="colour" value="green"/> </record> as you can see, all i've done is making it a record to be able to manipulate it, opened it and given it a string for recolouring and then closed the record again hope you can use it
  8. it's nice progress, take the success in small chunks and be happy with it
  9. have you tried building the page with this method ?
  10. This should be enough to center the menu, replace current <container id="tBAR"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="middle"/> <container class="sections_menu_strip" id="acse" auto_size="horizontal"/> </container>
  11. The menu strip can be found in the "client object browser.xml" Graphics 1 - part with background (graphics/boxes/custom/interface/tab bar) 2 - part with buttons (graphics/tabs/standard/normal/top graphics/tabs/standard/selected/top/fm23)
  12. try and delete the cache and preferences from the c drive https://www.passion4fm.com/football-manager-troubleshooting-delete-cache-preferences/
  13. Questions: 1) if you compare the 2 files, you can find the stuff that has been changed and just make sure it's either in the new file or add the stuff from the new to the old. takes abit to spot and learn, but once you know what to look for it's simply (most of the time) 2) the widget file was probably only present in the base skin and if you don't clear cache and reload skins there might be cached stuff that will show up in another skin (happends more often then one may think)
  14. Correct it is possible. But what i also said is, IF the other skin already has "person properties.xml" or any of the other files - there might be changes to those file, which you will then lose if you just copy over the new file
  15. If you used the 4 files from me, and added them to the paths the % will be shown in the squad view already. and it won't show up in the add list. if you pick another view where it's not showing, you should be able to see it in the add list
  16. if you use the 4 files i linked further up, and use the paths aswell it will work
  17. make a folder called properties where you currently have the file and put it in there
  18. can't see why not just have in mind that if the skin already have these files, there may have been made changes to them already and you should lose those changes
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