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Everything posted by Neo_Geo

  1. For those who are interested in the bingo card for an England YAC save here you go (this is the second version from my images posted earlier as I think its a little more balanced for the early stages of the save) YAC Bingo Template (England).ods
  2. Actually think I might rework the left hand column to achievable team related goals: Think there were too many centred on winning multiple trophies in one season. This way the first 6 rows in column 1 can actually be completed in Vanarama North/South
  3. So I've spent the last few hours working on a fun way to set some additional goals/objectives and how to track them (thanks to @OlivierL for the starter on this one). I've come up with a bingo card (this one is specifically tailored for the English League) where there are 100 objectives set so complete as many as possible to get a score out of 100: The idea was to get the difficulty increase from top left to bottom right (though I think the left most column probably breaks this logic!) and keeping related objectives close to one another. This looks like a lot but from the other challenge attempts in England I have seen I think most of these items get marked off anyway as the saves are usually absolutely epics. Given the likelihood of success in England is not that high this will at least give a score out of 100 for the attempt so the next attempt can look to better that (albeit the bar is set quite high with the first likely objective to be completed is promotion from the Vanarama North/South or winning it). I've created this if OpenOffice Calc if anyone wants it for their English save.
  4. Anyone know specifically what the news items are when you are told what teams are responsible for the most homegrown players in the national squad and also the most players in top league of the nation? Are these still in this version?
  5. Thanks, I'm not sure it was the one I remember from before but I like it, may look to use this as the basis of one going forward.
  6. This version of the game is not for the light hearted. Guess who A. Bibbo is?
  7. 3 sure things in life, birth, death and @XaW loading up another Follo save Best make sure you get it done in this version of the game based on how they are doing IRL
  8. Spent a whole year with a grey keeper, first intake get a decent potential not so great current ability keeper and 6 games into the season.... When the first update drops I think its safe to say SI will have addressed the GK injuries
  9. Can anyone remember what poster created that really awesome checklist of goals for this challenge? Want to try tracking minor successes as I suspect the long slog in England will need a bit of good cheer to keep me going.
  10. Lewes FC Season 1 (24/25) Vanarama National South League Cups Youth Club
  11. Wow, you’d have thought with contributions like that it would have counted I recently struggled to find a nation/team that I felt any kind of connection to. Hard to suggest a nation or team as it largely depends on what you are looking for. Interesting league structure, a nation yet to be completed, an “easier” team to try to complete the challenge, a team with an interesting backstory etc.
  12. With a grey keeper all year and only 10 players left now (had 11 for a month or two) I never expected to be in this position with 4 games to go: 5 points separate the top EIGHT teams!
  13. I love that Lewes FC are not on the list, I had to do 6 reloads from May 24th to get them (and only didn’t stop earlier with Dulwich Hamlet because Fries has that save). Nice to be unique even if England has been completed multiple times.
  14. Certainly seems like a new feature and it makes sense if you ask me, there's little point on the club putting money into youth if you don't show there is a pathway to the first team, though clearly one of the references bugs with the person#1 text
  15. That'll do me (Kitbasher was a little more user friendly at first but without the templates there isn't much that I can do with it so I'll have to learn to make nice kits with this one)
  16. So I lost my Kitbasher files from my old PC, tried to download the kit templates and for whatever reason it won't download. What other kit designers are people using right now, keen to get better looking kits for my Lewes team.
  17. Thanks Ironically one of the players who retired applied to be Assistant Manager, and he's one of the better candidates (would have been nice if he had done one more year as a player assistant manager ) One of the listed players has left so its now 11
  18. I feel absolutely zero connection with Vihar Slavyonovo and the Bulgarian league, thought getting the first intake might help out a bit but it really didn't. I think it's because I really want to take on England and commit to something long-term, so I go again..... Lewes FC, also known as the Rooks (insert chess puns here), will hopefully be where I find my home in FM 24. Changing my avatar from one legendary video game character to another, this time Astarion is taking a break from witty quips and deadly kills in Faerûn to take over the East Sussex club Lewes FC. Manager Profile Lewes play their games at The Dripping Pan (3000 capacity) and I love the look of this unique stadium: I'm also quite partial to the red and black striped strip. Finances are decent with £159k in the bank, no debts or loans and currently £1.8k under the weekly wage budget so I have a little room to manoeuvre and get the current squad's contracts sorted. 14 players at the club but no goalkeeper so it'll be a grey keeper for a season but I've been used to playing with grey keepers in FM 24 so far given the injuries so it should be straightforward. EDIT: Spoke too soon, two players have retired a further two who aren't under contract are listed and I can't get them to negotiate, so very quickly I'll be down to 10 players
  19. Nice one @HanziZoloman, hopefully you'll rocket up the leagues now
  20. Nice additional target for this challenge would be to top the youth setup rankings, wasn't even aware of this little feature.
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