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Everything posted by metal_guitarist

  1. At the bottom of the save screen is an option to "Publish to Steam".
  2. Hi, It's a known issue, please raise a ticket over here: Pre-Game and In-Game Editor - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com) Thanks
  3. There has only been one genuine occasion the game was unplayable at launch, that was back in FM09 when the DRM servers got DDOS'd and no-one could activate the game. Let's stop throwing hyperbole around and stick to facts. The game is more than playable at the moment. Yes it has it's issues but there's nothing gamebreaking like you claim.
  4. No problem. As for the editor advice, best to create a thread over here: Editors Hideaway - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com) as I don't have the editor in front of me at the minute. Unless records are randomly disappearing in which case that would a separate bug thread creating in this forum.
  5. How strange. Maybe try validating the local files in Steam (right click on the game, properties, local files, validate) and try again. If not then raise a bug over here - All Other Issues - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com) I don't have the game available in front of me at the minute to test to myself I'm afraid.
  6. In that case they may have happened after data lock. Can't remember when that was off the top of my head.
  7. Have you started a new game? Database changes aren't able to be applied to existing saves.
  8. If you're having issues with editor crashes, please create a thread here: Pre-Game and In-Game Editor - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)
  9. Yes, over here please with evidence/good reasoning as to why certain attributes need changing: [England] Premier Division Data Issues - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com) What I will say about Doak is that he's 16 I believe? Generally first year scholars' attributes are random because researchers may not have been able to see them before then, clubs are very protective of their U16 groups and below. The Liverpool researcher has a good handle on things but it may be January before he's seen enough of Doak to accurately rate him.
  10. There may have been some minor changes here and there but I wouldn't expect anything major to change from beta to release on the attribute front.
  11. Open Editor -> acknowledge failed opening -> validate local files -> Open MacOS Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Under security is an error blocking the editor from running, click "Open Anyway" -> Authenticate -> click Open.
  12. Open Editor -> acknowledge failed opening -> validate local files -> Open MacOS Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Under security is an error blocking the editor from running, click "Open Anyway" -> Authenticate -> click Open.
  13. As per the title, in the pre-game editor, performance analysts cannot be found on club staff screens for any of the squads a club has. If you search for them in the "People" search, then they appear. This has been an ongoing problem since FM21.
  14. You can continue your saved game from the Beta. If you want the latest database updates however, then you will need to start a new save.
  15. Have found a workaround that fixes both the FM22 editor and the FM23 editor. Open Editor -> acknowledge failed opening -> validate local files -> Open MacOS Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Under security is an error blocking the editor from running because it is not from an identified developer, click "Open Anyway" -> Authenticate -> click Open.
  16. Close the Editor and Steam and try clearing the cache: C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2022 If that doesn't work, then redownload it.
  17. Can't be discussed on here I'm afraid, Google is your friend
  18. Bumping due to no triage after 10 days, FM23 editor needs checking to see if it's affected.
  19. Are you trying to start the game from the dock/desktop icon? If so, try opening Steam first and then launch it from inside there. If that doesn't work, please create a thread here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-early-access-beta-bugs-tracker/752_crash-technical-issues-and-game-performance-support-portal/
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