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Everything posted by metal_guitarist

  1. Pineapple on pizza sucks because the liquid in the pineapple comes out and makes the pizza soggy, and cooking it for so long that all of the liquid is out of the pineapple defeats the object of pineapple on the pizza to begin with because it would taste awful. Can't be having soggy pizza
  2. Removed some posts. Cut the personal attacks out, no need for it.
  3. It should work fine, the data has already been loaded into the game when you started the save, it's not like you have to reload the editor data files too. Even now, if you sent that save off to someone they'd be able to play it without needing the editor files.
  4. He won’t be added to FM23 because there are no more updates planned. Far too early to say what will happen with FM24 though.
  5. Hey Serana, if you have data available and/or any of the errors to hand, you could post them in the relevant country section in the link below that'd be greatly appreciated - https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/league-specific-issues/
  6. You need to have launched the game at least once for the folders to appear. Open the game, get to the main menu/profile creation, quit and then the folders will be there.
  7. You seriously overestimate how many people use the Mac beta. It's a very low percentage of users and mostly made up of techies + devs, enthusiasts and tech media. SI are not going to support a beta Operating System on a game that is practically out of support for all but the most pressing issues ahead of FM24 - of which supporting a beta OS that's been out for 2 days for a tiny portion of users is not, it's a waste of dev time that could be better spent elsewhere. No doubt MacOS 14 will be supported for FM24 upon release and FM23 will probably work just fine as well (although obviously there are no 100% guarantees at this point).
  8. Yeah, having the game on a subscription service like GamePass or Apple Arcade in addition to being able to buy it permanently is a good thing because it widens the potential player base and people don't have to risk spending £30/£40 on a game they might not like. It might also lead to a sale of the game if someone likes it enough. No plans to move the game itself to a subscription though which I'm glad of, although I do think if SI did decide to go down this route at some point in the future, they are better placed to do it than a lot of games that try to do this sort of thing.
  9. Miles said FM has no plans to go to a subscription model.
  10. All comes down to this really - do you need to buy a new laptop now? If yes, the M2 series chips should be more than capable of running FM to a good standard for a number of years and you'll be getting a great laptop. If you can wait then Apple are due to refresh a number of the models with the M3 series chips next year but realistically, the chances of there being a huge jump between M2 and M3 are quite small. I use an M1 MacBook Pro with an M1 Max chip in it and FM flies on it. Can play more graphically intense games on it as well without an issue.
  11. I'm sure they'll release specifics closer to the time but I'd expect most, if not all areas of the game to get an uplift once they move to Unity.
  12. Hi all, As this has reared its head again, we would like to clarify what the rules are on charging for content, asking for donations and advertising third party content. As per the House Rules linked below, charging for access to created content and asking for donations on the forum is prohibited, whether that's links to platforms such as Patreon or direct payment through platforms like PayPal. As for advertising third party content not hosted on the SI forum or Steam Workshop - whether that be tools, created content, streams etc, the place to do it is the Community forum here: https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/24-football-manager-channels-streams-and-community-links/ As with any third party service, anything you access and use is at your own risk. If you have any questions, please contact myself, Wolf_pd or one of the other mods.
  13. Happened way after data lock for this update unfortunately.
  14. Check that Steam has full disk access, causes an issue when it tries to read the saved games to display the info at the main menu but can't because the games are stored in a separate folder tree that Steam doesn't have permissions for. Enable the disk access, validate files in Steam and then open the game again. If that doesn't work then if you raise a ticket here someone should be able to help you: https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  15. Are you using any 3rd party or self-made database files? He's definitely not in the database that came out in the update.
  16. There will be another update, it's usually 2-4 weeks after the main one. It'll have transfers from the windows that closed at the end of February, possibly some data changes that didn't quite make the cut-off for the last update too. Not sure if bug fixes will be included in this one or whether there may be small hot fixes released at a later point, it depends as to whether SI feel there's a major issue that needs fixing immediately.
  17. Match Engine changes apply to save games, yes. It's usually only data changes and some competition changes that require a new saved game.
  18. Are you on a Mac? If so: - Go to System Settings - Select Privacy & Security - Select Full Disk Access, click the + and authenticate - Go to Applications, Steam, then click "Open". - Ensure the button is over to the right next to Steam in the apps list to indicate it allows full disk access If that doesn't work please create a support ticket - https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  19. Definitely one for the Bugs Forum please: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/755_user-interface/
  20. The update will be released when it's ready, SI do not give release dates ahead of time. End of February/early March is the usual time period where the updates come out around this time of year.
  21. 1. Can we take the Greenwood chat elsewhere please rather than using the feedback thread. 2. Mark Goldbridge (or Brent to call him by his real name) is a toxic clown and the sooner people stop giving him any kind of attention the better but again, a discussion for another thread.
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