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Everything posted by metal_guitarist

  1. Match Engine changes apply to save games, yes. It's usually only data changes and some competition changes that require a new saved game.
  2. Are you on a Mac? If so: - Go to System Settings - Select Privacy & Security - Select Full Disk Access, click the + and authenticate - Go to Applications, Steam, then click "Open". - Ensure the button is over to the right next to Steam in the apps list to indicate it allows full disk access If that doesn't work please create a support ticket - https://fmofficial.support/Ticket
  3. Definitely one for the Bugs Forum please: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/755_user-interface/
  4. The update will be released when it's ready, SI do not give release dates ahead of time. End of February/early March is the usual time period where the updates come out around this time of year.
  5. 1. Can we take the Greenwood chat elsewhere please rather than using the feedback thread. 2. Mark Goldbridge (or Brent to call him by his real name) is a toxic clown and the sooner people stop giving him any kind of attention the better but again, a discussion for another thread.
  6. He still remains suspended by the club. Until that situation changes it is very unlikely he will be included.
  7. Attributes are updated as well, not as extensively as they are during the summer but some changes are made based on performances so far this season.
  8. And sometimes typically, a feature request is required to fix a bug due to lack of existing functionality but that’s something for SI to make a decision over rather than the customer/end user.
  9. Existing functionality broken = bug = post it in the Bug Forum. New functionality required = a feature request, not an issue/bug = post it in the Feature Request section.
  10. No they're not and stop trying to push this narrative because it's frankly bollocks.
  11. Would you be able to raise a bug for this over here please: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/759_all-other-issues/ I would also be very happy to see this fixed, drives me mad too
  12. There is no confirmed date and never is. Usually there's a release sometime around early March followed by a second release a few weeks later with further updates, in particular for countries whose transfer window closes later than February.
  13. Hi, if you could post these over in the appropriate country section here it'd be greatly appreciated: Database and Research - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com) Thanks!
  14. Yeah please don't put your laptop on an icepack. Use a cooling pad from a reputable brand. You could try turning the crowd off completely as well, will make a difference.
  15. If it works the same way as attempting to sign staff members when it would take you over the limit, it should process the first deal agreed and cancel the second. It's a good question, will see if I can find the right person to give you a proper answer.
  16. Hi Anthony, Could you please this in the bugs forum over here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/753_match-engine-ai-and-tactics/ There's some links at the top that detail how to upload the match files.
  17. Another great Mbappe pen. 3 pens in one game all going the same way takes some doing
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