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Everything posted by wazza

  1. It be good if SI could give us an update to an expected ETA as I agree 'coming soon' is vague orto give some indication on what they are working towards. We could do with regular updates on where the patch is in its development and estimated release time weather that be this week, next week or next month imo. I like welsh dragon have to give estimated times in my job too on the delivery of projects ,so this is common practice As welsh dragon has said this can be caveated if necessary in case there are any unforseen issues - then people who work / have families can plan around it as welsh dragon says.. It would also help others who unlike myself who will be starting a new game, may have imported there FM23 game into 24. so they can plan to go back and play the save on the previous version without having to wait. It would also help as Im currently planning tactics and training schedules until the patch comes out and it be good to know if I have a long time to plan them and can do other things or if I have to do them quickly as the patch is coming soon
  2. AI squad building for the future possibly yes, substitutions made in the 80th to 90th minute I'll disagree with you on. If your doing a long term save you can exploit the matches by waiting for the opposition players to be tired then put your subs on and win the game knowing that the AI won't sub. This gives the human manager an unfair advantage or exploit if you want to call it that against the AI. Then 5 to 6 seasons in you would have risen the leagues and be in a different position you should be if the AI is subbing as it should. However it's upto everyone how they play the game, for me I like to start aa realistic as possible without any possible exploits there maybe in the game and to me the subs one is a major one to me.
  3. Definately too buggy imo to start a long term save - team talks issues, high scoring games etc etc. and as JimmyThe BestCop says more buggy than last 2 versions. But looking forward to it once its patched as I believe and hope once it is it could potenitally be the best version
  4. I'm sure I re-call editions ago on the fm series that the beta would be released and there was a fix during the beta stage on occasions, then again another update at final release day followed by 2 or 3 more. Maybe I'm wrong and my ageing memory is playing tricks on me lol but if not why has this changed to only seem to get a bigger patch around December. It's like someones made a management decision for whatever reason. What I do know is I've bought the game each year and been able to enjoy playing it from early access with the updates coming when they do, except this year. The high scoring games, late subs are really annoying and I like to play the gane as most realistic as possible. If the alpha testers picked all this up, why havnt si fixed them if they have known about it. The game is marketed as the most polished version which to me means that the majority of bugs are fixed when in reality imo it's in its worst state ever on release In its history. It's also making me consider not buying early access again as there doesnt seem a point to it if bugs are not fixed. May as well play the previous years version for longer and then decide if its good enough quality in Jan once all bugs are fixed.
  5. What about subs been made 83rd minute or after unless injured. I set up a save and holidayed it for a month to see how real this bug was. Virtually every fixture in the championship ai managers made there subs late. This could make exploits in the game and to me could also lead to high scoring games as opposition will be tired. Hence why I'm waiting for fixes
  6. I'm a veteran on cm / fm and started playing it from the 1st version way back in time. I have never seen such a weird feature been put in the game. I don't know of any managers irl who put on face paint, so do not know why this was introduced. Also when you see the manager avatar on the pitch, it's too small to tell it has it on, also same issue with rings and other items they added to it. Imo it's a bit pointless, yes have the avatar and dress him, but that should be it. The feature then needs no more development and time should be spent on other aspects of the game instead of the small things ou cannot see on him. If anything that does need development ion this they could vary the manager clothes more, different types of manager coats large ones and also smaller ones, not a suit jackets and different styles. As you say they may have reasons for introducing it but doent make sense to me
  7. Never used to be - from what I re-collect the game was updated on release and sometimes even before,during beta stage and then further again after release and the bugs fixed, especially major ones quickly. Cant re-call when this stopped though or if it was the same for FM23 / 22,. Maybe its more difficult for SI to update like that now a days for some reason, possibly to do with complexities in the game or match engine as its advanced so much.
  8. Feel exactly the same, played the betas before no issue, for years and carried on my save unto full game and the bugs didn't make any difference to my enjoyment. But it's different this time, especially more frustrating is that it was advertised as most polished version. Hopefully it be patched soon
  9. Probably a bug, I read that was occurring to people who imported fm23 saves into fm24. Maybe raise in the bug forums so SI can investigate
  10. Windows Defenders does me and never had any issues with any nasties getting through, Not uses Norton for many years now
  11. How good are the custom training schedules in the game. I have previously developed my own Pre-Season schedules and also some for gaining tactical familiarity on quickly by only focusing on those aspects, which has worked in previous versions and I have just re-made these for FM24. I have other training schedules for my main team and also U21 and U18s, which appeared to have worked and slightly adjusted attrbutes to be higher, but not much. As I would have to re-make these again for FM24, I wondered to save time if anyone has ever used the in game training schedules for there season and had any really good positive results from them as I have never used them before as always wanted to make my own. Some of the schedules in the game seem to have alot of rest periods, when mine have had schedules for training in the slots.
  12. In this example of 1 weeks worth of results - 10 fixtures and 5 of the results have teams scoring over 4 goals - when does this happen irl? Yes it happens occassionally, but not every week and definatley not 5 of the results out of 10. This is the league I want to commence my save in - but not if the results are like this. Its has not been like this in any other FM's and needs toning down to stop it in the ME
  13. I'm aware of the issue , and glad others are on the ball with it more than myself I have seen it on my game not as in depth as others have as decided to stop playing because of it this bug I have also seen others posting the results showing strange high scoring un-realistic results. The ME deffo needs tweaking to bring this in line and make it more realistic as it should be.
  14. So I'm guessing the high scoring games bug, subs bug and team talk bug fixes comes in the next update under match engine fixes
  15. The idea of early access (beta as it was previously called) is for more people to spot bugs so they can be fixed. Have a look at the data base bug forums that was live during early access to report such bugs. This wIll tell you what bugs we're reported so they can be fixed. There have been no fixes for the database and these are coming in the next two updates as advised by SI as below thread
  16. SI said that the data in the database was locked before early access release. Once they do the fixes they will provide a new database version with the bug fixes. This though means you have to start a new game for those fixes to be implemented into a save. Any other fixes will be save game compatible as always.
  17. No idea the post from SI reports data issues been patched and this will require new save and I want to start with a full upto date data base. In the data bugs section it shows all the reporteed dB issues and the data lock was before the early access was out. So I'm guessing that the data fixes will include the reported bugs.
  18. I'm waiting for the updates Got my team, tactics , set pieces etc set up and saved in files ready to go Re set up some pre season training schedules that I had and now gonna re -set up my season 1st team U 18 and reserve training schedules, since they can't be imported from fm23 Once updates are confirmed will start again and plug in and play all the saved info
  19. I guess this means any database updates will mean a new save start? Or can they be sorted by dbc or other file types to prevent this or maybe its unknown atm. Would be good to know if possible
  20. So could this be why the players in the first season or so do not seem to respond when you give them a team talk as they have in previous games ie making them instantly happy with morale etc.. and then therefore it has been reported as a bug, when actually its the ways it is intended to be to make it more realisic.
  21. Completly agree, don't understand why that was removed - it really helped you, especially if you can't play the game for a week or so and have to then pick it up.
  22. Thanks, Ill give it a start tonight and see how I get along. I normally don't read the feedback threads and just get onto a save in the beta then continue it over into main game, letting the fixes come as they arrive. For some reason I started reading the forums this time and it put me off continuing. Ive not even played a match yet, just set up my team and tactics for how I want to play as with work etc... dont get alot of time to play the game. If I find any major bugs that stops my enjoyment I can always pause and wait for the fix. Also thinking about it as well with work etc... by the time I get to xmas I probably wont have even finished first season lol and by that time it would be hopefully patched based upon previous verisions
  23. Im in two minds weather or not to start my save at the weekend. My team is all set up and ready to go but because of the reported bugs - team talks not working - (Im a moticational manager and this is how I play the game so its important for this to be working for my saves, squad building, subs (Im pleased that Dagenham Dave has reported that the subs are not as bad as what is reported) but the thing that is mainly putting me off is the high scoring unrealisic games such as below in the Championship which is reported in the official feedback thread - so this is putting me off until fixes come out. I don't want to start a game and because it is generally scripted except the results know what issues I may have to face and then re-start. Hoping for fixes soon!
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