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Everything posted by wazza

  1. In the data hub under team performance I have my screen set out to read as in the first image with all the data and stats showing. Last season and the season before the next oppositions performance tab would read the same - exactly how I set in out in the data hub teams performance. This season the next oppositions performance is duplicating the information as shown in image 2 and 3, where it didn't do this before. Can anyone suggest why and how to get it to read without the duplications. I have tried experimenting to make it work and noticed if I remove the tabs from my team performance screen the tabs disappear from the next oppositions performance screen, even the last 5 games analysis tabs. However then I can see my own teams performance so that is not the solution to why it is happening. The only other change is that I improved my performance analysts but this shouldn't mean the doubling up of the same information. You will also notice to get it to read as mine the 1st lot of data should not be there but it is and it is the top section that is the duplicate Can anyone assist please
  2. That's what that page is for its called 'overview' which is a summary - overall I love the data hub as it helps me form my tactical plans for my team to beat the opposition and also gives me key information on how my team is performing - best thing SI introduced imo as it allows you to micro manage your team and players and gives alot of key information to enable you to do that. Have a look at clicking on other pages in the hub and request information from your analysts to be full benefit from the data hub
  3. I've just been promoted to the premiership and am looking for a foreign affiliate to loan some youngsters out to for if I find any youngsters that require work permits. I have asked my board and they have accepted and have let me choose the club - the only clubs on the list are English ones and there are no foreign ones. When I asked the board I said ' propose an affiliate for loaning players out' - there was no option for a foreign affiliate for loans and assumed that if I just said as stated previously foreign teams would come up as well as English teams but they have not. Have I done something wrong when I asked the board ? Is this another statement as nothing else seemed to be there to choose from nor was there an option to look for affilate to help with work permits. Not sure if this statement should come up or not? If not why would it have not come up. Is it because I have just been promoted to the premiership and do not have a reputation for foreign clubs to affiliate with me at the moment - are there any thing else I need to improve in the club to make this happen
  4. I am trying to sign some young prospects with high premiership potential from abroad who I have been told have not played enough games in there respective countries to qualify for a work permit to come and play in my U21 / U18 team and then hopefully if they progress well enough into my first team. To do this I want to set up an affiliate club as a feeder club to loan the player out to. I therefore believe I would ask the board to look for 'affiliate' and not senior affiliate as this would mean I am the parent club looking for a feeder club. If I asked for a senior affiliate this would mean I become the feeder club to the parent club - that is my understanding please correct me if I am wrong. My question is does the affiliate club have to be the same nationality as the player who I wish to sign (ie he is Turkish) so I need a Turkish affiliate so that he can be loaned and play the required games in the 1st team and gain enough points to qualify for a work permit or can it be another club of a different country and nationality to the player. I guess as he requires a work permit it cannot be another British club I affiliate as the same rules will apply for him signing for me in the English Premiership. How do you choose the affiliate and how do you know if a different countries team requires a work permit for the player when you choose it. As if you choose the wrong club to affiliate to you may have the same issue where the player needs a work permit to play on loan for them and you have messed it up. Can anyone advise. I have not used affiliates before and am unclear how to set it up successfully for foreign players to gain work permits Thanks
  5. Season 2023 - 2024 Squad Transfers As well as the players above being sold a number of players contracts did not get renewed at the end of last season / commencement of this season, most notably Lewie Coyle the club captain of who I deemed not good enough for this level. The board asked for me to reduce the wage budget by approx £3million - £3.5millon per year in the January transfer window due to the clubs finances which where beginning to spiral out of control. A number of players where sent out on loan and two players sold for over a million pounds in transfer fees to help. It was a tough juggling act to decide who to sell, ideally I wanted to get rid of Bobby Reid as he was costing the club nearly £1.2million in wages for very little return on the pitch - my decision to sign him at the end of last season been a poor one. However nobody was interested in him. The easiest solution to reduce the wage budget would have been to let go one or two of the top earners, however no other club was interested in any of them, Seri, Tufan and Oscar where also part of my spine of the team and I really did not want to lose them. I could have tried offering them out to try and generate some interest, however if no other club wanted to put a bid in, this may have disrupted the dynamics and may have put a dent in my promotion push. I decided not to risk it and to try and get rid of some squad / fringe players on loan or for a fee instead. This decision could have easily backfired if these squad / fringe players could not be shifted and it would have made the board unhappy with me as one of my key objectives was to make sure that the clubs wage budget was not higher than specified. It was a difficult challenge at the time, but one which the board said needed to be done or the clubs finances could have taken a massive turn for the worst. Due to this I began to realise that the clubs board is probably not a wealthy as I first thought they were and have gambled all of there money on going up into the Premiership at the first / second attempt. Even though the board not said they wanted promotion this season, I cannot see how the club can maintain its finances with the current squad without promotion to the Premiership as each season a top earner is going to have to leave as it is unsustainable to keep losing money. Season Media Prediction Board Expectations The board have stated that they want a top half finish. I do not believe that the clubs finances can survive with the current squad without promotion. I have alot of quality players and if promotion is not sealed this season I can see me having to get rid of some of them, especially the high earners as the club is losing money. Supporters Expectations End of Season Acolades Championship Winning the Championship was special, the board did not state they wanted it, however as can be demonstrated the clubs finances needed it, especially if quality players were to be brought in. Without promotion next season would have been tougher as players like Tufan and Seri would have needed to have been sold for cheaper alternatives as in my eyes the club could not keep on losing money the way it was. It was good for Henrique who was a rock in my central defence to be noticed and be a runner up as a Championship signing of the season FA cup League cup The squad was rotated for the FA cup and League cup fixtures. Second choice goalkeeper Matt Ingram featured for the majority of the cup fixtures. As we approached the Semi Final against Newcastle I dropped Ingram and replaced him with first choice keeper Nathan Baxter as I really wanted to get to the League cup final for the first time in the clubs history - we still though got beat and knocked out by Premiership team Newcastle United. I was not very loyal to Matt, but the teams needs are more than the players. The highlight of the run was beating 'Spurs' in the Quarter finals - the team had 8 shots compared with Tottenham's 18 and where 1-0 down, however Oscar came up trumps with virtually the last kick of the game (90+2 minutes) where he equalised and took the game to penalties in which we won the shootout. They were dramatic scenes at the MKM stadium at the final whistle. What made this result even more remarkable was that Spurs had won the cup the season before and where its holders. How the team lined up Awards and records About a year and a half ago the press was saying that the 'Jury was still out' on me. This season is my first full season and I have taken the club to promotion to the Premiership and to the Semi final of the league cup. Both these achievements have exceeded the expectations of the board. Last season I took over a club languishing close to the bottom of the league in a relegation battle and took them to the play offs. I believe now I have proven any doubters wrong Moments to remember The Finances Team Stats League Goalscorer's Oscar managed 21 league goals - 3 more than last season 18 goals. As we did last season the goals came from all over the team, Tufan and Sayyadmanesh getting 7 a piece with Halil Dervisoglu getting 10 goals. Assists Last season Seri was 4th in the Assist charts with 10 assists - he only managed 7 this season, However two other players made it into the top 5 Sinik topping the league on 11 and Docherty who was Seri's partner getting 10. Club Information I can't understand how the club has a remarkable season, gains a stature increase but drops down the European rankings league. We will look to address this once in the Premiership as my aim is to make us a solid, difficult to beat team so that we maintain our Premiership status each season and slowly get better season on season. We though in the footballing world be expected to go straight back down. Challenge accepted! The club needs to make sure it has its own Youth players coming through the ranks and develops its own players. It is evident that the clubs finances took a massive hit this season as the board told me to reduce the wage budget. Through developing our own players we can attempt to get players cheaper and sell on for a profit if necessary when the time is right and if the players in question do not fit in with the team. The club needs to be sustainable and stand on its own two feet and to do this we need to make sure that we are maximising all our revenue streams of which Youth development is a major one. Now we are in the promised land I intend to bring in more quality scouts and extend the scouting network to look for more players. The extra finances from the Premiership TV money will help me do this. I am a little taken aback at the size of the transfer and wage budget. It is again showing to me that the board do not have that much money. I think there is going to have to be some wheeling and dealing going on to fetch the right players to the club. If I have 36million to spend in transfer fees that is three 10 million pound players. I believe we need more than that if we are to have a chance of surviving next season in the Premiership. I will also expect that I will be held to ransom by clubs and players agents over the fees. I do not believe my Director of Football will be able to negotiate the deals that are needed to be done to compete next season, but we shall see. I may have to pay some monies up front with the remainder of the fees spread over a number of years and fetch in more players who are worth over 10 million pounds. Depending upon which players are interested in signing for me I may have help Lee Darnborough my Director of Football to get some deals of these deals over the line or relegation may occur. Towards to end of this campaign and ready for next season I wanted to make sure that any young players who went out on loan went to a league club with good training facilities so that they can progress better and that I form a link with the club. I therefore asked my chairman to look around for a league club that would be suitable I have chosen Cambridge as my affiliate and it will be my intention to send out any youngsters that I feel will benefit from League two football with the benefit of using Cambridge's good training facilities. I am hoping that this link will help progress and develop my young players by making sure that they have 1st team football. This will be better for them than playing in the U21 or U18 squads. My priority after promotion is obviously making sure that the 1st team squad has enough quality to make sure it survives in the Premiership. Once I have this squad I will aim to look at buying younger players to play in my U21 and U18's who will also supplement the youth players coming through. Depending upon my budgets (which look quite low from the initial assessment) this may take a few years before I can start looking at improving these two teams unless a cheap good quality bargain is available in the market. Manager Info Manager history Season Club League Position FA Cup League Cup Champs Lgue Europa Lge Comm Shld Achievements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/23 Hull City Championship 6th 4th rnd 4th rnd n/a n/a n/a 23/24 Hull City Championship 1st 3rd rnd Semi Final n/a n/a n/a Man of mth x 3 / Man of Year Style of play statistics The clubs main tactical style is to play Pass and Move Football. combining short plays with Positive / Attacking football. The team should therefore have a good average possession rating in the league along with a high pass completion ratio. The team has done well in keeping hold of the ball and where the best in the league with 61% average possession being recorded and this bettered last season rating of 55% (joint 5th),which shows that the team has got better over time and through training. The team has also increased by 3% (85%) to last season in its pass completion ratio statistics, this season the teams stats showed 87% Average possession Pass completion ratio Conversion rate The team has also converted chances better than last season of which they finished 20th in the table with a rating of 10%, whereas this season they managed a 11% rating, while only a slight increase this put them in the top 5. Defensive stats The team has been pretty solid defensively and better than last season conceding 4 goals less. with only 1 indirect set piece been conceded. Formation and tactics The clubs main home tactic was 4231 The clubs main away tactic 433DM wide An attacking mentality tactic was used if things was not working as a Plan C, which was changed from last seasons 5212 positive formation as I believed this brought more balance and suited the players better Staff In Out Next Season Board Vision The board and supporters want me to 'Attempt' to avoid relegation from the Premier league next season. I will need to build a sold team to realise this and to make sure that we fight and are not push overs. Next season I will also be playing Leeds United as they are in the Premiership, I will need to make sure I am competitive against them and make sure that when we walk off the pitch we have been in a game and not been pushed over. I have told the players at the end of season team meeting that we will probably come back down again but I will be adding players to the squad to help them compete and of which I got a positive response. I also aim to improve the scouting team so that our network can be increased. I will also look at certain staff members whose contracts are up for renewal and decide weather or not to offer them a deal or replace them. I will look at adding more positive personalities across my coaching staff if I can find staff members of good enough quality.
  6. Thanks, I did not have that option at first which is why I could not find it. Once I had relinquished control of general and individual training of the U21's and passed it to the U21's manager that screen came up and I could change it. Pity you cannot do this without setting the U21 manager to do the general and individual training
  7. Can anyone advise how you stop your U21 and U18 team from playing the same tactic and formation as your main team in FM23 Im sure there used to be a tick box somewhere but I cannot find it. I normally play all my teams with the same tactic, but have a couple of wingers for my second tactic who are not fully fit and want to use my U21's to get them fit and therefore use a different formation for my U21's for a few games so that I can bed them into the team. Is there a way how to do this, Im playing 5212 formation for my main squad with a 4231 back up formation. For this week I want my main team to play 5212 but my U21's to play 4231 so the 2 wingers can play and get fit ready to play in my back up formation, but cant find how to do it in the staff responsibilities
  8. Is there a way in game to get your u21 manager to pick certain players for the U21 team instead of him picking his own team. I know you can make available players from your 1st team squad to the U21 and U18's but is there a way that you can force the U21 manager to definitely pick them. For example I have a number of 1st team players who need match experience, if I make them available for the U21 squad and put them in the position that I want them to play will the U21 manager play them that way
  9. I have the majority of the leagues loaded from the game - Im sure on previous FM's you got asked in an email when pre-season was to start and you could state the length of it.
  10. For some reason I am not been asked when I want to schedule my pre-season start date. I am playing FM23. I am playing the the English Premiership and I am sure on previous versions of the game you could request the start date to the board in your inbox - has this been removed?
  11. I agree it would be great to play that way, however at the moment the DOF appears to not be able to structure deals how a human manager can or give the human manager the tools to set the parameter for the DOF to go and sign players using installments and add ons, which would maximise the transfer budget for the season and allow the DOF to bring in more qualty players for less money in a season
  12. After gaining promotion, my squad will need an overhaul and to help max out the 35 mill transfer budget I wanted to sign players so that the min amount is to be paid this season with the remaining instalments over the next 2 to 3 years on a 16mill pound value player. I went to my DOF and told him that the max offer is 2.5 mill - believing he would take this out of my 35 mill budget this year and negotiate the remaining value over 2 or 3 year or with appearance fees and add ons, howver he just ignored my and put in a £16.35 mil transfer bid, which A) way above the max asking price I set him to and B) Is it not in the game for the DOF to negotiate deals using add ons and by splitting the cost down over 2 to 3 years, so the transfer budget can be maxed out. If the game does not allow for the DOF to negotiate adds and instalments, this should be implemented for future versions as if you play using a DOF and are in this situation where you want to max your transfer budget by fetching in 6 or 7 over 10mill pound players to improve your squad the only way to do this is through instalments and the game does not appear to let you do that. The other thing I cannot understand is why he has gone above my head and just put in a 16.25mill bid when I specifically stated 2.5mil max. I don't believe that this is working as it should as the DOF should be able to think and negotiate better deals including add ons, instalments etc... when they negotiate (especially when just promoted and need to max out budget over alot of players to improve the squad), also you as the manager when you go to him you should be able to ask him how to structure the deal, presently you can only say max transfer offer and max wage offer. If you play a DOF type save this ruins it. Anyone had similar issues with the DOF and how best to deal with it
  13. If you want to spread your transfer budget over 8 or 9 new players as just been promoted, obviously the best way to do this is to negotiate the fee with a smaller upfront cost with instalments over 6 or 12 months or per league appearance etc....which keeps your seasons transfer budget higher Is there a way or does your DOF do this automatically when negotiating deals by adding players as tansfer target for DOF. Ive not had much experience of using a DOF for transfers and when you add a transfer targer you can only say the max offer amount in fee and wages but not break it down into instalments.
  14. The board gave me the wage budget at the beginning of my save a season and a half ago and I obviously worked to it. Last season I finished in the playoff of the Championship. This season I am top of the league in January and am running at a - £6million deficit in my finance and this looks like it will keep rising.. It is the January transfer window and the board have just reduced my wage budget from £19 mil to £16.6 mill (-£2.88) I am currently trying to send out on loan players who are not mainly in my starting 11, this is working to some extent = but these players are not on that much of a big wage. I also tried selling these players but no-one was interested and only wanted them on loan at there terms. One player I have loaned out and at the end of the season will get a mandatory transfer fee of 1.3 million with another 1.2 million over 2 years as the club have agreed to sign him at the end of the loan, which will help clear some of the debt (£2.5 mil). However that is not cash in the bank now. Does the game recognise that this money will eventually be coming in when it works out if Id be sacked for not keeping a control on the wages. Which were in control of until the board reduced the budget. My high earners where already signed by the previous manager and nobody wants them as they do not have a 'wnt 'tab next to them. so selling them is unlikely to raise the money. The players I am trying to sell to raise the funds - nobody is interested in or they say there wages are too high - again these players were signed by the previous regime . On some players I was going to try to offer them reduced contract terms - but am concerned that this may upset the player and eventually the dressing room. If I offer my high earners who are my best players for sale and transfer list them - again this may upset them and affect my promotion push, especially if no-one is interested and if comes back that they wont sell as the wages are too high. If I gain promotion to the premier league the debt will no doubt be wiped out and a new wage budget given to me and I will have alot more money. Is it worth riding it out and hopefully get the promotion in 4 months time and cost cut where I can in this January window with the players who I can ship out and who are not playing alot of the time? I really don't want to sell my best players or highest earners who at the moment no one is interested in anyway or do you think I may be sacked for not keeping the finances in check - even if I do gain promotion. I cant help it if players where signed on high wages by the previous regime and no body is interested in them.
  15. I have a player on loan who' s contract is expiring in 6 months time and it is January so normally I can put a contract offer for him at this time, however it won't give me the option in his profile to begin talks of a contract for next season. It appears I can't because he is on loan to me and I have to put in a transfer bid to his parent club - even though his contact his expiring - why cant I approach him like I can other players whos contracts are expiring like the player pictured at the bottom of this post - what is the difference? It says this under the contract offer tab. On the other player profile it says approach to sign. To make matters worse another club though is allowed to approach him and offer him a contact for next season. so why can't I?
  16. Hi Zachary. I have just uploaded my save called 'Wazza Squad Planner' to the SI cloud. I have unloaded my custom skin and the bug still remains. with the average rating being different on the squad planner to what is shown in the players form as described above in the post
  17. Please see copy of issue in general forums which other memebers believe will be a bug to be fixed
  18. UPDATE Nathan Baxter has played in 1 U21 fixture during this period of time with an average rating of 6.7. The Average ratings on the squad planner showed 6.35. If you take his average rating for the main league games 6.92 and add the U21 fixtures during this period of 6.7 and divide it by 2 for the 2 rating it comes to 6.81. Therefore the numbers on the planner for the average rating on the planner do not add up. Can SI clarify where the average ratings numbers come from on the planner as they do not make sense.
  19. I finally checked on an outfield player to make sure I was correct to think where the planner is getting the numbers from and checked again with Jacob Greaves squad planner and profile The planner says he has played 17 games scoring 3 goals with an average rating of 6.76 His profile shows 17 games out of 20 and a 7.15 average rating over that period with 3 goals. When checked his ratings added up came to 121.6 / 17 matches played = 7.15 which is correct on his profile but not on the planner. Can SI advise where the average ratings are coming from on the squad planner - do they take into account any U21 fixtures or U 18 fixtures the players has also played in during this 20 game period. as on the form pages there are also tabs you can pull down to show the U18 fixtures the players played in, and any international fixtures. (** See uodate on thread below - the average ratings on the planner also do not work out when taking these numbers into account) However the planner only says 17 games and appears NOT to take those matches into account so you would have thought the average rating in the planner would relate back to the games and assists that is also visible on the charts, however it appears not to Any clarity for SI would be appreciated as it would help sort out the misleading information when planning your squad for the season and season ahead
  20. I am not sure if this is a potential bug. The average ratings appear to show incorrect on the squad planner Taking 2 players as an example Nathan Baxter and Matt Ingram Baxter shows as playing 17 games with an average rating of 6.35 on the squad planner Ingram has played 3 games with an average rating of 6.33, on the squad planner I know for a fact that Baxter has played more than 17 games he is my n0 1 keeper and I have played more matches than that in the league. So I wondered where is the squad planner pulling this information from. I believe it comes from the Form tab in a players profile as this registers only 20 matches. The average rating shown on the squad planner for Baxter is 6.35, In his profile his average rating for the 20 matches says 6.92 - however when I add up the ratings for the 17 matches and divide them by 17 to get the average it comes to 117.6 / 17 = 6.917 = 6.92. So the average rating on the profile for the 20 matches is correct at 6.92 yet the planner says 6.35 for the 17 matches, so that is incorrect. The average rating shown on the squad planner for Ingram is 6.33. In Ingrams profile his average rating for the 20 matches is 7.00. When again checked this comes to 21 total ratings / 3 matches = 7.0. So that average rating on his profile for the 3 matches is 7.0 yet the planners says the average rating for the 3 matches is 6.33 which is incorrect
  21. Does the Championship have league position and promotion prize money and also the play-offs. i believe this was in other FMs but nothing shown in the rules for FM23. No wonder my finances are low lol!! In the league rules for the Premiership it shows prize money per position in the rules and also in League 1 and 2 for promotion places, but nothing is shown in the Championship? Is this an oversite, my finances seem very low in December of my 2nd season and this could have contributed if prize money not been added to my finances. A website states that the English championship should pay 100k and 2nd place team 50k, therafter it drops in increments
  22. As can be seen below I have certain players who in training after a pre-season and 12 games into the league campaign have started to have red arrows against them. What is the best way to rectify this. I try and balance my training schedules out, firstly having a tough pre-season and then working on tactical familiarity if the players are not upto speed on it, hence why in my week off in the third week of the training schedule below I am getting them to work on trigger press and marking as my tactical familiarity is not at to top level in that. After that week I have gone to my balanced routines changing the schedules each week so they are not boring for the players. What is the best way to get the arrows to be green quickly on the players where they are red. Ashley Barnes has red arrows, but he is ageing so this maybe the reason for his arrows to go red, but some players are quite young and the coaches report that they are doing well in training, yet I have red downward arrows throughout. Any advice on where to start to look to rectify this would be helpful and gratefully recieved.
  23. Season 2022 - 2023 Squad Transfers Following the takeover of the Tigers, Shota the previous manager was backed in the transfer market as 14 new players where brought into the club. However, it did not work out and after 12 games he was sacked and I took over the team. In the January transfer window I approached Lee Darnbrough. my Director of Football with a list of transfer targets that I wished him to sign, which he managed to do without my input and intervention. There were a couple of other players as well which were transfer targets and Lee failed at signing these and so did I after intervening in the deals. All three signed transfer targets have Championship experience, which I feel is needed for the team has alot of the players that was signed by Shota did not have this experience and were brought in from abroad. The Chairman is of Turkish origin and wants players in the team who are based in Turkey or of Turkish nationality, the team under Shota brought in alot of these type of player already and I feel that we will need a blend of both what the board want plus English Championship or higher league experience if we are to progress further. I took up the reigns at the Tigers during October 2022, therefore all transfers before this time in the transfer in and out tables was by the clubs previous manager Season Media Prediction Board Expectations Supporters Expectations End of Season Acolades Championship Looking back at the 2 times we have played Burnley they have beaten us on both occasions. The ties are going to be very tough. Playing at home in a nervy match, we dominated the possession statistics (63%) and also had number of shots on goal (16 shots with 7 on target), but could only manage a 2-2 draw, after conceding on 38 minutes. Burnley are a good solid team who take there chances when they arrive, which was the difference between the two teams. Burnley took there chances where we did not. We ended up coming back and managing a 2-2 draw in the 1st leg. We again dominated the possession stats (63%) and managed 17 shots on goal with 5 being on target. In that statistic the only goal we scored was a penalty and not from open play. Burnley in there 37% possession had 13 shots with 5 being on target. They again showed there proficiency in front of goal, which is the difference between the teams. When I took over the team they were heading into a relegation battle as they were languishing in 19th place in the league on 13 points with a -3 goal difference. I have managed to take the previous players and make them into play-off contenders. With some astute signings next season I am hoping we can cement a promotion place. To do this though I will need to make the team more proficient in front of goal and get them to score more frequently than they have been. FA cup League cup How the team lined up Awards and records Even though its not technically an award it shows how I am slowly turning the club around and beginning to get noticed by coming runner up in the April Manager of the Month awards. On two other occasions in the season I came third, especially when at the beginning of the season I had a lot of doubter's and the jury was out on my performance. Moments to remember The Finances Team Stats League Goalscorer's Oscar managed 18 league goals, the teams runner up goal scorer was Ozan Tufan who scored 8 league goals, which was not enough to enter into the top 20 chart. I will need to improve our attack next season and fetch in players to match Oscar if we are to progress. We will need to provide a reliable back for Oscar who can also find the net for if Oscar is suspended or injured. That player will be brought in to push Oscar to earn his first team place. Assists Seri has done a fantastic job in feeding Oscar for his goals, There were a number of players in runner spot all having 3 assists each. Again if Seri was injured we need cover for him as he is a major part of how the team play. Club Information Manager Info Manager history Season Club League Position FA Cup League Cup Champs Lgue Europa Lge Comm Shld Achievements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22/23 Hull City Championship 6th 4th rnd 4th rnd n/a n/a n/a Style of play statistics The clubs main tactical style is to play Pass and Move Football. combining short plays with Positive / Attacking football. The team should therefore have a good average possession rating in the league along with a high pass completion ratio. The team has done well in keeping hold of the ball 55 % and is joint 5th. Slight improvements (3% or more) need to be made at keeping possession if we are to top the charts in this regard. The previous managers style of football (12 games) will also be incorporated into these charts. so that will reflect on the results. The team has done well in its Pass completion ratio this season finishing in 2nd place, joint top. Average possession Pass completion ratio Conversion rate The team has not done very well compared to other teams in the league at converting there chances and a vast improvement is needed in this department. Encouragingly we have had 619 shots on goal, however the conversion rate needs drastically improving next season Defensive stats The team has been pretty solid defensively. Improvements can be made for next season though, especially in defending direct free kicks, where 4 goals where conceded. Formation and tactics The clubs main home tactic was 4231 The clubs main away tactic 433DM wide The second positive mentality tactic was used if things was not working as a Plan C Staff In I brought in Nicky Butt as Assistant Manager and brought in many new staff members. All new staff members, if possible will have a positive personality so that this rubs off onto the players. Tan Kesler the club's Director is responsible for renewing the Director of Footballs contract or appointing a new one. Lee Darnbrough is the current Director of Football and his contract is up at the end of the season. I hope that Tan decides to terminate it as his attributes are not brilliant, especially in negotiating. Looks like for the time being I am stuck with Lee as my Director of Football Tan is also responsible for hiring / firing a Techincal Director and he approached and signed Tom Reid to fill this role. Out End of season club vision progress Board Supporters Next Season At the end of the current season I accepted the above club vision with the board, however as we made the play-offs this season I do not see why the players should not be pushed to do the same again next season. This makes sure that each season the club is progressing. I told the players my play-off expectations in the end of season team meeting. There are a number of players who are out of contract, some of which I will be re-newing new deals with. A lot though will depart and I have a list of targets of who I will ask the Director of Football to go and sign, which hopefully he can without my intervention. I will also look at progressing the strength of my backroom team by bringing in better staff with more positive personalities where I can.
  24. Defensively my team is pretty sound, however in the overall team defending stats they are weaker than the league average for blocks, interceptions, tackling attempts and tackle won. Is there any Team Instruction settings or plater Instruction settings I should be looking at to increase these stats . From what I understand tackling harder will make the player stronger in the tackle. If he is more forceful, does that mean he will attempt more tackles with the chance that more are won? How do I increase the number tackles a player will attempt and win the ball. I dont wat to accept these stats and try and make the team more competititve in them so they match the league average Any help would be appreciated
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