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Everything posted by wazza

  1. When customising or creating views sometimes you cannot click on the title area and move it in so that the full page can be fitted onto 1 screen without having to scroll the bar at the bottom. on occassions as well the Auto sizing of the columns leaves massive gaps between each column so that the last column does not fit on a page and has to be scrolled. The last attribute column sometimes appears on the page then disapears off it when there is enough room for it to be there but then forces you to scroll to see it
  2. Does it matter if you have red dots on the tactics analysis tab. If I play a 4231 deep no matter what roles I put on the 2 deep midfielders red dots will appear between the midfield and opposition defence with a note saying that there is no one directly responsible for that part of the pitch even if I play a segunda Volante as one of the DM's. The only way to counteract this is if I play the 2 midfielders higher up but my defenders are not as good so could do with cover from players. Also if I play a counteracting 433DM system my LB on a WB S role has a red dot behind him again with a note saying that no one directly responsible for that part of the pitch, which is funny because the RB on a WBS does not have this even though he is playing same role. To counteract this I can put the LB on FB D role and the red dot disappears but ideally as this is a counter attacking tactic I could do with him on Support role especially as I already have 2 holding midfielders centrally in the 433DM role and want to offer more width but am concerned about the red dot behind him if I do. Does it therefore matter if in certain instances if you have red dots with notes saying no-one directly responsible for that part of the pitch as sometimes depending upon the formation and best roles/ duties chosen it is not always possible to get rid of them all?
  3. Just uploaded save game file called - Squad Planner issue - Hull.fm for you to look at to the SI cloud service Thanks
  4. Thanks I hadnt looked at the aspect of changing the roles as yet as was looking at going for a preset tactic with the roles and duties set I was surprised that a pre-set tactic set it up with 2 holding midfielders on the 4231DM AM Wide tactic and that the game says that the DLP and the Defensive midfielder was the best roles for this set up in the vertical tika taka system along with the play through middle on the preset
  5. To make my FM23 save more realistic I have turned off 1st transfer window and am starting the save mid October with the current team and therefore only have the players brought in by the previous manager to work with. When looking at the formations the players suit a 4231, and when setting up the tactics the assistant recommends 4231DM wide as per the below attached with the roles indicated. I have set the best inherited players to suit this. When I also look at the squad I want the defence to be able to control the space and have looked at the antipation, concentration, decisions, bravery positions and ofb of my defenders and as there are some red and blue attributes in there I believe the defence may need some help by a defensive midfielder. The issue is when using the preset for the 4321 DM wide I will be using 2 midfielders in a deeper role DLP and Defensive midfielder which I am hoping will help out the defence. When I look at the analysis tab of the tactic there are some red dots and two red squares between the midfield and AMC and when ticking on these squares the areas have Low positive influence and the red circles say that high negative influence as no one is directly responsible for that area. Will this matter in the tactic? which is based on a preset roles and duties. I could push up the middle 2 and change there roles which changes everything to green, but am concerned that with my defence been week in the attributes stated above this may lead to goals been conceded. My question is does it matter that there are some red circles saying high negative influence and 2 red squares in the tactic or do I need to look at addressing it
  6. When viewing the comparision tab for the individual tabs for each of goalkeeper, defender, midfield and attack it lists the attributes for all goalkeepers defenders midfielders and attackers as the 'show only' boxes for each are automatically ticked below it On previous editions of the comparision tab when you clicked the goalkeeper tab only goalkeeper was ticked in the show only box and corresponding attributes same for defender, midfielder and attack
  7. Squad planner showing incorrect role ability ratings Pelkas profile reports inside forward as 3 stars on the squad planner its shown as 3.5stars in role ability. Seri p profile reports shows 3 star for box to box midfielder on squad planner its shown as 3.5 star for box to box midfielder in role ability Not sure if this is also correct for other players as not checked, but are two I have picked up.
  8. On previous versions there was a tootlip when you hovered over the yellow lines displayed to see if the players had formed a good partnership or not. On the tactics screen on the photo attached when I hover over the line nothing displays so you cant work out what the lines mean
  9. For John Michael Seri the role ability for a box to box midfielder in the squad planner says 3.5 stars - yet in his tactics on his profile it does not match as it says 3 stars. See attached screenshots - I assume that the role ability is pulled from the tactics section where it shows the roles that player can play in
  10. Its a long time ago since I set up the database in FM. I want the game to run quite fast I have AMD Ryzen 7 2700 X Eight Core Processor 3.7GHz and 24 GB or RAM How many playable leagues do you think I can run and what leagues, countries to get a good realistic game I am starting off in the English Championship, want a realistic game experience going around the world eventually, Europe, USA and some possible South America so need to know if I should put some view only league on and what I should set the custom database to, to make sure I have the right players loaded especially with wonderkids coming in and if any top teams have links to smaller teams that will be needed in a save Any help appreciated.
  11. When I go to download I get the message 'download qued' on steam I dont have anything else waiting to download. Any ideas it has never done this to me when downloading before an FM game or is it an issue with steam
  12. I have been watching some you tube videos for team instructions online on Bust the Net gaming which was really interesting. From what I understand is that each tactic has a basic set up and then tweaked with other instructions to suit the opposition or situations that happen during a match ie a few defenders get yellow cards so you use the instruction run at defence in the match or the team has set up with alot of space at the back so you may decide in the match to pass into space etc... or you may decide during the match to slow the tempo down, go wider etc... to force the opposition out from playing deep and create space behind. When I have played the game previously I have generally got my tactics to gain familiarity in all of the mentality, width, tackling, PRD etc..... and then hardly tweaked anything except focus play to suit the oppositions weak area or to pass into space if they concede alot of through balls. If you are to tweak your tactic as per the videos show each match or during the match to suit certain situations that arise, there maybe instances where the players have lost tactical familiarity as you can only train 3 tactics. How do you play each match to ensure tactical familiarity is maintained while also making tweaks to suit individual situations in a match ie go slower tempo or play wider when needed in a match, but knowing you have not trained in it as there isn't enough slots for every situation in a match.? Does tactical familiarity really matter?
  13. Great idea, need more than 3 tactics to gain familiarity so u can tweak in a game and also to change formation if you want. 3 tactical slots is not enough as during a game you may want to play 433 attack, positive or defend, during a match depending upon the situation. Or then if your losing or drawing decide to change formation to 442 and then go attack defend or positve depending upon the situation. There is not enough tactical slots to do this and gain familiarity in all situations There needs to be more flexibly on this as managers irl have different incarnations of formations which isn't properly replicated in fm as it only allows 3
  14. Is 3 tactical slots enough? For me I would like to have two formations trained and would like to have each trained as 1 option defence another positve and a third attacking mentalities. This though takes up 6 tactical slots so it can't be done to gain familiarity in them all. How do you play the game, ? I always think it best to have 2 formations in case 1st one doesn't work and can go to a plan B or for a second one for if you want to try something different against another team. However if you tweak the mentality or certain team settings it affects the tactical familiarity of the tactic. The only way to make this work and for it not to affect tactical familiarity is to have more slots for the tactics and more breakdowns positive, defence, attack etc of each main formation Thoughts?
  15. I want to make the game as hard and realistic as possible. Alot of clubs now hire the manager and call them 'Head Coach'. I guess this means that all they do is coach the players that the DOF or chairman fetches in and having no say in the transfers into the team. Is this the realistic way that clubs carry out there transfer business now without input from the manager or am I reading into it? This would make the FM save harder if you were just a head coach and not allowed any input into the transfers of each club. This could also be varied from club to club so one club allows you to be involved in transfers and another doesn't with it all stipulated in the club vision as this would normally be the chairman's decision on how the club is run rather than the manager telling the club how to do transfers when they arrive. Does anyone know or can advise of which current English Championships operate only with a DOF for transfers and not allow the manager input into them and only have to coach the players that are brought in by others.
  16. This sounds a real good idea, I normally start on a journey man save with Sunday League rep. But for FM23 I want to play as my hometown club who are in the English Championship, so will have to adjust the experience and badges to suit this. I want to make the game as hard and realistic as possible. Alot of clubs now hire the manager and call them 'Head Coach'. I guess this means that all they do is coach the players that the DOF or chairman fetches in and having no say in the transfers into the team. Is this the realistic way that clubs carry out there transfer business now without input from the manager or am I reading into it? This would make the FM save harder if you were just a head coach and not allowed any input into the transfers of each club. This could also be varied from club to club so one club allows you to be involved in transfers and another doesn't with it all stipulated in the club vision as this would normally be the chairman's decision on how the club is run rather than the manager telling the club how to do transfers when they arrive. Does anyone know or can advise of which current English Championships operate only with a DOF for transfers and not allow the manager input into them and only have to coach the players that are brought in by others.
  17. Is there a way during a match on FM21 that you can go and view analytical data. XG stats and assistnat manager advice during a match and not at half time like in previous FM versions. If so how do you do this, from what I can tell the panels to click on the xg and alaytical data only come up at half time for you to view. I used to like checking it every 15-20 mins and making changes to suit. You also used to be able to get assistant manager tactical feedback etc during a game every 15 mins- has this been removed from the latest version
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