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Everything posted by wazza

  1. I spoke to a moderator and in game it flows to that if you have no left footed players on the rhs to do an inswinger it will automatically do an outswinger corner. So it works as it should
  2. Thats also the reason I bought early access as I have done for many years. as I thought as in previous years that the intention was to get as many bugs fixed for release with more 'testers' during this period, then on release a patch is brought in by SI fixing as many bugs that can be.
  3. Would it mean to get these 150- players into the game later on once the licencing has been sorted, you would need to re-start as it would be a database issue, or do SI know if it can be resolved by a DBC, INC or other such file that doesnt require a re-start and so you can continue the save.it
  4. @Jack Joyce Hi Jack, thanks alot I have sent you a couple of DM's with screenshots. Hopefully that will explain it better. Many thanks
  5. The corner takers are set by your assistant based upon weather you are using inswingers or outswingers - If you are using an Inswinger corners on the Left hand side - right footed players will be used and on the Right hand side Left footed players used. The only feedback I have on this is that you can no longer set different set piece instructions for the left hand side and right hand side with the same routine and you can only train 3 corners where on previous versions you could train 6 - 3 on the left and 3 on the right, My issue is with the 3 corner routine. Routine 1 set as inswinger to near post I have a Right footed decent corner taker 13 attribute or more on the left hand side - however I have to stay with the same routine for the Left hand side ie inswinger near post, but I have no decent Left footed corner taker only decent right footed ones. I therefore I wanted to change this to be to Routine 1 inswinger rhs near post left hand side but on the right hand side change it to Routine 1 outswinger to suit the corner taker that can be used on this side. However the game wont let me as it changes to outswinger for both Routine 1. That is my only gripe with the new set piece creator.
  6. @Jack JoyceCan you advise if this bug would also be fixed in the next round of fixes - its been in FM for a number of years and is currently under review - but not sure if its working as intended or an actual bug - as its under review I assume it is a bug
  7. Thanks, so my understanding then it is a bug and the training should change game to game to suit the last playing position. Will this be fixed as part of the next round bug fixes?
  8. Ive noticed on the new set piece creator you cannot have for the same routine inswinger and outswinger corners for the left and right hand side. I have an issue where I have no good left footed corner takers in my starting 11. I have a good right footed corner taker who on the left hand side I have instructed to inswing to the near post. I want to repeat this same routine but use him as the corner taker on the opposite side due to having no good left footed corner takers. However the players is only right footed, so on the right hand side I wanted him to outswing to the players in the box using his strongest foot - this though changes the routine also to outswing on the right hand side too for some reason. On the old set piece creator you could set 3 routines for rhs and 3 for lhs, this seems to only set 3 for both sides is there something Im doing wrong or has the creator got limitations.
  9. On fm24 you get your list from your assistant of aerial threats , box threats etc. based on players attributes What I have noticed is that on the aerial threats it lists the players in order but at a certain point it still lists players as an aerial threat but there height is below 6ft. On one case on my list it put a 5ft 9 player below a 6'1 player. Surely players below 6ft and who are not tall are not aerial threats and would be possibly a box threat. Is this set up right or is it a bug or can players below 6ft be an aerial threat
  10. So for Data changes and fixes does that just mean like players heights, players named at wrong clubs , chairmen names and staff missing from clubs etc.. or does it include certain bugs that have been reported such as in the j league where home grown players need a defined number of players in the squad and not obliged to be included, but the bug is that they have to be included to progress in the game. Is that and other competition rule bugs classed as Data changes or are these type of bugs and competition rule bugs fixed and not classed as Data changed but fixed and save game compatible
  11. There are few data bug issues in the bugs sections of the forum. On release when they are patched can you continue your saved game from the Early Access beta and the data bugs will be fixed or do you need to start a new game. I know many bugs can be fixed without starting again, but wondered if data isses ones can.
  12. I wondered if you could advise with regards to the above - I noticed that the post is set as public status 'open'. so does this mean its not a bug and working as intended?
  13. When I load the set piece creator and look at Attacking Corners under Box threats there are no players and suggests you drop players into this area to create a box threat. Is this because normally a corner routine does not generally use box threats and only aerial threats or is it because your coach is not technical enough to design a set piece utilising them From what I understand a box threat is someone who could score from a flick on or knock down - so it is feasible that a box threat could be utilised. Just wondered why there are no players ever listed under the heading Anyone any ideas or is it a bug
  14. This is really interesting approach to the issue and I will try it out. I also really like your ideas in your post So from what I understand you are saying with regards to player roles you can train a AML IF Support role in a 4231 formation in tactical 1 slot and also in a 433DM Wide formation have the AML set as WA for training purposes in tactical 2 slot. During a match you could then mix your tactics up to suit the opposition and play a 4231 formation with the AML role as a WA if you like and as you have trained that role in a 433DM Wide formation the tactical familiarity for that role in the Position Role and Duty. So they player can perform it, even though its a different formation?
  15. My DNA for my main tactic is to play a posession based style which is the way I want to play and be my DNA for the club based around the following team instructions - In Posession - fairly narrow, much shorter passing, slightly lower tempo, play out of defence, work ball into box, sometimes time waste, be more disciplined and dribble less, Transistion - counterpress, hold shape, slow pace down, short kick or roll it out to CB and FBs Out of Posession: High Press, Higher Defensive Line, Press much more often, Prevent short gk distribution, get stuck in These were based upon a video I watched for team instrucitons for the style I wish to play. I will be looking at a 4231 formation as my 1st tactic. A 343 and a 433 DM formation also works with posession tactics according to the video I watched. One question is does it matter what roles and duties I adopt for this as I will need the roles to suit the players that I have inherited and they may not be as per the preset control posession tactic in the drop down - does this matter and what impact does it have. For example I know that the 4231 formation my team plays in real life the DM on the right is either a DLP or possibly a Regista where as the role on the pre-set is not this. I always struggle with this at the beginning of FM save and also with determining what my next two tactics should be to gain tactical familiarity on during pre-season. Do I have 1 formation and have a balanced tactic / cautious tactic and positive tactic all as posession based or do I have 1 tactic for home and 1 for away with a sepeate one with another different formation for home games. Do I have a posession tactic and a counter attacking tactic for away games - do real teams play this way and have two styles of play, which affects the DNA of the club? or do they have the same tactical DNA ie posession but then in that posession tactic be possibly more defensive or have a different formation. I guess what Im asking is what is best for your other two tactics to gain familarity on for the game. I have seen on you tube that certain players will just change there tactics per game and instructions, this though will impact the tactical familiarty so your team may not be familiar with that approach. In the old manuals it states sometimes its best to start on a balanced mentality and then change to attacking / defensive depending upon whats happening in the match. I sometimes think that 3 tactical slots is not enough as if you did this with 1 formation and had balanced/attack and cautiious variations thats your 3 slots taken up already without even thinking of tweaking the formation. What is the best approach for dealing with this and the limitations of the tactical familiarity slots you can use.
  16. Thanks for the feedback - thats what I thought, but could not remember and wanted to double check which is why I was looking for some old posts.
  17. Looking for some advice, the way I understand Stop / Invite crosses is that it's the old defensive width instruction. Please correct me if I'm wrong!. I'm also led to believe that the trap inside and outside also affects the defensive width to a degree What attributes do your players need to carry out both instructions. Had a look for some old posts and you tube vids but couldnt find anything Also, how does stop invite / crosses work with trap inside/ outside as if you trap inside wouldn't this reduce the width of your defense and a trap outside increase the width of your defense. You could be reducing the width of your defence with the trap but then increasing it with the stop crosses instruction, which conflicts so wondered how this works or are you not supposed to trap and stop invite crosses at the same time
  18. Thanks both for the above guidance -as mentioned I've not dwelved alot into tactics for a few incarnation of the game and just set it up based upon how I wanted the team to play. which is basicaly how Hearne has advised above, so will use this method. It gets confusing and shows how much the game has developed since those initial guides where written, but worth going back to read.
  19. I used to know this as read many posts about it in the past but cannot remember where lol For FM24 I an re-designing my tactics by more following the guides that have been produced over the years and as I am trying to be more realistic with my tactics this year following the attributes of players rather than trial and error. So they have more sense and reason why when I am putting them together and wondered if someone could advise or point me in the right direction on the following. At times your assistant manager or coach may mention that you have not enough or too many defence / support or attack duties for the mentality chosen. Therefore does anyone know as a standard template how many defence duties / support duties or attack duties should be applied to a tactic based upon the mentality selected for the mentalities in the game. Contain Defensive Counter Standard Control Balanced Positive Attack Very Attacking etc... I have found the below post - but it only explains the attacking dutues and not the support of defensive for each mentality. https://community.sigames.com/topic/362162-the-art-of-counter-attacking/ Contain = 0-1 Defensive = 0-1 Counter = 0-1 Standard = 2 Control = 3 Attacking = 4 Overload = 4+ Any help would be appreciated.
  20. Hi, With regards to my post could you please advise if this is actually a bug or working as intended. If it is working as intended could you advise how I get the player to train in his last played match position for players who play in multiple roles from week to week - as it must be a setting Im not aware of. Thanks
  21. Thank you for the help - thats exactly what I was looking for the attribtutes to determine for the team to make there own decisions and not click on anything. I'll check my squad to see if they have good mental stats, particularly decisions and teamwork, like you say to determine if they are good enough to play this way. I watch alot of @Rahidi you tube videos which is where I got the information from to keep it simple as well as others. If that is correct and the winger tracks back that is what I want in my tactic to help out the full backs. It should also make my 4231 formation look more like a 442 formation in the defensive phase, which is what I am looking at also trying to achieve. I was hoping to try and do this with player instructions and roles, but if stop crosses helps that will be great. I will experiment with that in my new tactical set ups. What roles would you suggest to get the wingers to track back - In a 442 I like to have WA or WMS on each side - and as a 4231 I generally play with a WA or IWA and on the other side IFS - would these work to get them to track back to help the full backs so that the 4231 goes to a 442 in the defensive phase or would I need to add more player instructions - if so what would you recommend. This all makes more sense as when I design tactics and set my instructions I always want a reason for doing so, rather then clicking on instructions randomly, which is why I look at the teams general attributes for each instruction before I set them to determine, which instructions are best for the players I have inherited. It then determines where my squad is weak as not all players will meet the attributes required for the instructions, then they can be replaced.
  22. When I set my team instructions I normally do it using a team instruction guide for each one and determine which option to choose ie high defensive line / low defensive line, Attacking width ,Push up / drop back, stop or invite crosses etc... to suit the attributes required in the guide for each instruction, If the majority of my team has thoses attributes I will generally click that option for the team instruction. Therefore I normally have the majority of team instructiions clicked in my tactic. I have read many posts or watched you tube videos on tactics where they say keep it simple and not click each instruction. If you don't click an option for example stop crosses / invite crosses - what does this do in game. I understand that this is the old defensive width instruction so stop crosses is play wider where invite is play narrower - what is the effect of not clicking - I guess somewhere in the middle - Does it need to be clicked and an option picked. Is it wrong to have alot of team instructions and what affect does this have on your team and tactic. I get the keep it simple - but if the majority of the players have the attribtues for the instruction option to be clicked then should you do it or not. Where you do not click the options and leave it unselcted( ie keep it simple) what affect does this have on the tactic as it is must be a default for that instruciton - but what does the default do in each instruction. For example does it mean that for stop crosses / invite crosses the default is it will do a bit of both during a match? With the same question for the other team instrucitons.
  23. This has been the same bug in FM23 as well, not sure if it has ever been reported. Players including Seri can play in multiple positions in a team for example I have him set in a 4231 to play as a DM - Deep lying Playmaker or Regista role, in the 442 I have him to play as a MC - Advanced playmaker. On his individual training when in the 442 tactic on his training screen it is still showing (circled in red) his postion traning as a DM under position / role and duty when it should be Advannced playmaker. I assume the Position / Role Duty tab should automatically change to his role and duty based upon the tactic loaded in the screen for that week. For example if on week 1 he is playing in 4231 DM Deep lying playmaker role then the DM Playing Position is correct, If then in week 2 change the tactic is to be 442 with Seri as a MC - Advanced playmaker role, this screen and the Position Role Duty tab should autmatically change to read MC - Playing Role and the centre circle on the tactics pitch above has a yellow circle around it and not the DM position, It does not do this and I believe it should work this way. If I am incorrect, could you advise how it should work and how I get the training to automatically change between roles for players who play in different positions and roles on the pitch depending upon the match. Im sure that you should not have to change it each game yourself from the dropdown menu otherwise why is the 'Playing position' an option. I read it as the player trains based upon his position in the current tactic. I hope you can look into this and advise. I have uploaded a save game file, but believe it will be as everybodies save file as the tab seems to be set up that way and as mentioned has been for a few versions of the game, so not sure if its intentional.
  24. At half time and full time you can see your xg and player analytics along with also when you are in the analytic section you can see the team analysis as the following page. You used to be able to do this during the game by clicking a certain button prior to FM23. Is there a way to get this page up while the match is playing or are you just supposed to rely on the analysis tab that comes during a match. The page below shows more data and I used to use it alot during a match to change my team around, but cannot seem to get the page up anymore in FM23 while a match is playing. Is this by design on the later versions or am I missing something and if I am how do you get the screen up during a match?
  25. The very old versions of this game used to have with ball and without ball formations, way back when it was Championship manager. Alot of teams now seem to have two formations when you watch them, the team I watch seems to play 4411 in the defensive phase and a 4231 in an attacking phase, how do you get this to work on FM. I have tried using roles and duties as an experiment and the heat map showed a 4231 formation in the defensive phase (without ball - when it should have been as my base formation 442) as well as the attacking phase even though my start formation was 442 for the defensive phase - which Im guessing is the starting formation as when you tweak the players instructions it says movement for when team has the ball. For my outside wingers I had them as inverted on the attacking duty which the intention was to push them further forward then the team had the ball so that we would be left with 2 in central midfield and then they joined and went close to the CAM behind the striker. At times the team I watch also plays with high full backs/wing backs who join the attack and the left sided wide midfielder comes into the central area and joins alongside the CAM so in affect you can have a 2241 formation. Again can you replicate this in game. I'm guessing your starting formation when you set your tactics is the one without the ball and then you build through the correct roles and duties to get the formation you want with the ball in attack. What I dont get is as described my formation was 4411 in the defensive phase but looking at the graphs its showed as 4231 and of which I cannot understand why. Any advice appreciated on who you get the with and without ball formations to work how you want them to.
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