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Everything posted by EdL

  1. I'm stretching my memory but actually I think it was a bug, I think we accidently packed an offset into the file incorrectly as a 32bit value, I think I noticed it by accident when going through the code and fixed it up, I can't recall what version it was though I'm afraid, possibly it was after we went 64bit.
  2. For xbox edition on PC it is correct as it all has to be cross play compatible so the same restrictions exist on both xbox and pc
  3. We are talking about the minimum spec, you are talking about well what you've made up as a minimum spec. The game can run fine on modern integrated GPU at medium graphics settings.
  4. Celerons will work, it sjust a question of speed Really the true defining requirement is does the CPU support upto the SSE3 instruction set.
  5. Yes Epic or MS store do not use Steam. But We do not ship red shell and never had on steam or any other platform.
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