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Everything posted by EdL

  1. With the way saves have to work on PS there is no distinction between cloud/local really (they cloud sync if you pay for that as part of PS plus) 1GB space is all a game is allowed to use for save data by Sony.
  2. no, that is expected, the crash reporter is there in case the game crashes
  3. It is is not officially supported no.
  4. In general cases I wouldln't expect much difference, iirc it was more some saves hit a bug that caused them to slowdown
  5. Also I can't remember when mac changed from PowerPC to Intel, but I think these are probably PowerPC still so would need to be a very old MacOS version at this point
  6. This is different to the situation with Windows. Thee onyl way you could do it is by running a virtual machine running an older version of MacOS that still had 32bit support.
  7. No they won't work as modern macOS only supports 64bit apps and back then FM was 32bit
  8. thats the same issue as --disable_flip_discard will fix
  9. Thats just down to the different packaging used on switch and AA
  10. I think you;ll have to create a support ticket as it seems your issue is different to the majority issue we are seeing then.
  11. Hmm that doesn't seem to match with the other issues we've received they've usually been solved by using the comman line and/or reducing the refresh rate. Basically the change for CU1 could cause the frame rate to become unbounded in some setups, which the game isn't designed to handle and would break some things. But your issue seems different perhaps. Also worth checking your nvidida control panel v-sync setting to make sure it sets to application default.
  12. Yeah absolutely but everyonI've come across has solved it with that command as it reverts the rendering behaviour to pre-patch. What GPU and monitor have you got? Are you using a high refresh rate and g-sync or free_sync ?
  13. sounds like a bug, if you log it in the bug tracker it can be investigated.
  14. Have you all tried passing in the --disable_flip_discard command line as above?
  15. DOn't worry about it in FM16 we statically linked the runtime anyway, so they aren't used
  16. Did you install it to the same drive as the game? It has to be like that as it shares data between the two.
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