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Everything posted by EdL

  1. How big is the file? I think Steam cloud has a per file limit (I feel like 400MB off the top of my head)
  2. Yep, its not saying your driver is out dated, it is just a periodic reminder to check
  3. I'd say the size is relatively normal for a large database and 4 humans.
  4. No it came out out in Update 1 before Christmas
  5. FM23 already supports apple sillicon!
  6. It is a 30 season limit on both as it is cross save compatible
  7. Yes due to the licences we have for players, leagues etc.
  8. 1904540 will be the same - its the steam app id.
  9. When it says cross play in that conext it means network games (and that is between console edition on PC) You can't play FM22 on Steam on the Xbox
  10. If you have a save where it happens please log it, but I'm not aware of a known issue on it.
  11. I mean this happens IRL, on UEFA matchdays it is known as the "Arsenal Stadium"
  12. Probably they'll come to me about it, as its my sort of ares of dev, but its the sort of thing that with no real explanation and no reproduction its very hard to say, will let QA see if they can repro anything similar themselves but I'm not seeing it here, albeit on an Intel mac (but can't really think why that would make a difference)
  13. I don't really know what system data is tbh, but afaik I understand it FM shouldn't be doing anything it, I have FM on my macbook here and not seeing anything like that.
  14. I've not heard of this before, can you tell us what files specifically were taking up the space? Also which store have you purchased FM on?
  15. Actually I think that file is used to figure out if you swear in press conference comments
  16. DDR5 isn't going to cause any issue stuff like that is totally transparent to software
  17. FM22 would be rosetta, FM23 would be native but that makes it faster and all my tests show that. In general comparison there is little in it between fm22 and fm23, so I can't really explain how you are getting results like that.
  18. Hmm I just booted on Windows 11 here and it crashed on startup, but I validated files in steam it fixed a couple of things and now it has launched so looks llike it should be fine
  19. The only workaround that I'm aware of would be to run a virtual machine with the last macos version to support 32bit software and install steam & the game into that VM. Performance probably won't be great though, and if you have a newer Apple sillicon mac the VM may be trickier to run (but I've not tried!).
  20. This isn't a steam issue btw, Steam or no Steam - FM12 is a 32bit application which Apple has dropped support for.
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