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Everything posted by EdL

  1. would be good to know what leagues, but i'm not seeing anything like this with a new game with a simpel setup.
  2. Please log a bug in the issue tracker and we can look at the save, quite probably something specific has gone wrong in the save causing a slowdown
  3. Longer than what? all our itnernal soak tests show times that are pretty much the same as fm22 across the board. (its never totally accurate comparison as league dates etc change every season so you might not get the same number of fixtures etc) Are the two things you are comparing as close as possible in terms of leagues/db size & match engine detail level?
  4. yeah just pass in --disable_flip_discard to solve this if you are affected, don't start deleting files!
  5. The command line will restore to the exact same behaviour as before the patch, so no worries about using it (anyway a bit of software can';t destroy your graphics card if it did get too hot it would simply shut itself down)
  6. Can anyone provide the filters/views they had so we can see what is happening here? (did you create them or were they downloaded from somewhere?)
  7. Yeah guess thats "expected" given the other issue, they use the same rendering code.
  8. I'm not sure but anyway its not related to the apple sillicon change
  9. Do you have a free-sync monitor? It seems there might be multiple factors at play here.
  10. One thing to note with the nvidia control panel you have to press apply before it takes effect (and don't have FM running when you make the change) Also do you have a g-sync monitor?
  11. Interesting, I'd expect On to really be the same as what the default is, but will follow up with the graphics coders
  12. So anyone with the slow startup / high GPU usage think I have figured out what causes it go wrong. It looks like an interaction between the new code and vsync set to fast mode in the nvidia control panel, I tried that locally and can repro the issue then if you set your vsync to application defined it should resolve it without the need for --disable_flip_discard and you should have better performance than before.
  13. above my paygrade, but we do have a private beta and we had good feedback on reduction in GPU usage (shrug)
  14. If the loading screen lag went away it should be fine now. Its very odd this change is affecting modern cards, we've not seen that internally if anything this change massively reduced GPU usage for us! Thats PC development for you, there is always a surprise
  15. Hmm this shouldn't affect the loading time as far as I would imagine, odd
  16. This only applies to the 23.2 patch btw, if you had issues before 23.2 this won't be the fix
  17. Try launching the game with this command line added and see if it does anything for you, we made a change which should for most people improve performance but its possible with certain graphics cards/drivers it could make things worse in theory. --disable_flip_discard
  18. Its all relative to which system you have and what exactly you are doing but from my tests for running the full match simulation Average time to play a match on an M1 mac mini arm64: 1.594s x86_64 (Rosetta): 2.111s
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