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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. Hmm hadn't thought of that. I wonder if it can be manipulated. I might just satisfy myself with the "new" country not having any clubs, just "based nation" clubs. So, the Catalan clubs (or Jerseyman, or whatever) in another country's system (eg. Spain). As long as there are no clubs with "nation" set, it shouldn't try to qualify anyone (Barca would stay in the "continental cup nation" Spain). Catalonia would still play internationals as per the OP. Alternately I wonder if the Liechstenstein Cup unique ID could be repurposed and have Catalonia send one cup winner to Europe every year. Just force every Liechtensteiner record into Switzerland and use it as the shell for a new nation. Don't even need all the steps in the OP for that
  2. I just tested by reloading the skin, first with the "Saudi Arabia" graphic folder in "graphics", and then without any graphics folders. It worked fine both times. So I'm unable to reproduce your issue... I wonder if it's some kind of compatibility issue with other graphics you've enabled. Alternately it might be an issue caused by changing skin? I'd suggest reinstalling FM23 as a last resort. I can't isolate anything in my DBs or graphics that might be causing it, if anyone else has encountered a similar issue please let me know
  3. Using United Arab Republic, I think I've managed to add a European nation to Nations League, WC Qualifying, Euro qualifying, and U19 qualifying (U21s can handle the extra team already). This was just a matter of adjusting some of the group and ranking settings (looks like we can get Russia back in with similar steps). To change it to your nation of choice (like, Ireland pre-1922), go in and undo the changes I've made to UAR (switching continent to Europe and "worldwide governing body" to yes), and apply those same changes to your nation of choice. You also need change a couple of "registered teams" entries in the advanced rules: File is here: download Could use some more testing. Haven't tried to add clubs yet but I think they would be added to the UEFA coefficients system. EDIT: Actually it seems I can't add a team to Euro qualifying without breaking it. Trying to test around it now
  4. Set it up as two separate stages played at the same time (First Stage A and First Stage B) and have teams qualify to a second stage (Second Stage A or Second Stage B) depending on their finish
  5. You'd have to copy and paste the individual screens - fixture dates each time, and then dates under league schedule (this will call upon the "fixture dates" you've set separately). I can post screenshots. Also under schedule, you can change the "start" and "end" dates to use the first and last fixture dates. Edit: Just PMed you
  6. The fixture priority is displayed in order in the drop-down ("international" and "highest" being the highest). Domestic league low is good for leagues that you want postponed to accommodate cup games (like here), and there's a league setting "fixture priority for last few dates" which you can bump up to domestic league high (or even higher) to get your league finished in time at the expense of postponed cup fixtures. You can also set specific dates to have high priority (like if you want the Boxing Day game to always be played, even if it's on a Friday or Sunday, give it a higher priority than the scheduled Saturday games around there so Saturday'll be moved instead). That "40" priority I haven't played with, must relate to which fixtures will be unused if not needed. Just not sure if "0" or "40" is what you'd use for the date that you want first on the block if there's less teams that year, I'd assign it to random Tuesdays and space them out @lionel messi they do often play on cup weekends if both teams are already knocked out, you could just set it as a lower priority. Same reason the league tables always end up with teams having 3 or 4 games in hand over teams near them
  7. In FM23 you can set the "fixture date" with a "special date" and use Easter Monday (with kickoff at 11:30 or whenever). Even if it's out of order it will still work - like, you have it as fixture date 38 or whatever in the base year, but it will move around as needed if it's 2 or 3 weeks early or late next year, and it will happen between fixture dates 34 and 35 or whenever Easter Monday is that year. It could overlap with cups but that happens all the time with league games getting postponed anyway. For boxing day and new years, you can just use the hard date for that (i.e. scroll up on the weekday so its blank). Offset dates also give you the chance to throw in the odd Saturday fixture that's moved from 15:00 to 18:00, or the odd Tuesday fixture that's moved from 19:45 to 19:30. Throws up some occasional realistic variation in your fixtures screen
  8. I was looking here for the Saturday and Tuesday matchdays to try and touch up the Combined Counties. Would likely extend to most divisions. Also allows you to add games like Easter Monday, boxing day etc
  9. I'm not sure I understand what the issue is. You're loading a game that used this editor file, and then it gets stuck loading a skin before throwing up that error message? I just started a new game using only this database, and saved and exited, and then restarted the game and was able to reload the save without any issues. Has anyone else encountered this error message?
  10. Could be an issue with setup date I guess. I think you'd pick a date range through all of Feb 2001, with setup date on January (or December 2000, if you've got a base year of 2000). Then your 22/23 version is played in February '23. Sounds like a date is off or something and it thinks it's skipping a year until the next available date
  11. Start date (not base year) needs to coincide with the rotation. So if you want it to start in 2023 and occur every two years, start year can be 2001 (it would hold it every two years but the earliest it can do so will be from 2023, which you want). Same reason the World Cup "start year" has to be 2002, or any year along the rotation. Base year can be anything as they've said, but different base years might affect dates very mildly? Like, when you pick Thursday Jan 27 2000 with base year 2000, or Thursday Jan 27 from another year with that base year, that might affect whether your tournament in 2021 shifts that date to the next Thursday before Jan 27, or the next Thursday after? Haven't tested this. Some years there seems to be a cutoff point when it shifts, and obviously years with February 29th mess that up too
  12. Expanded to include the Island Games here, pick one or the other though - the Island Games file has the Muratti and then some, but uses most of the extinct nations so is incompatible with any projects that use one. Muratti is not as expansive, though, and just adds the 3 Channel Islands using nations that aren't often used, so should be compatible with most DBs adding a nation.
  13. That might work, I just can't think of a way this early. I was referring to something that has a name like "transfer standings" but I can't recall exactly where it is. Maybe a stage flag or league setting. I'll take a look later
  14. Current ability? Yes, if their individual attributes don't correspond to it, they'll be bumped up or down to meet it - and/or attributes set as 0 (random?) will be adjusted to make up for it, I've never been entirely clear
  15. Link updated, next up will be using Bermuda Hogges to make an Athletic-style club that can only sign Catalan players (rebuilding Barça maybe?) Open to feedback on whether I should expand the second nationality to all of the Balearic and Andorran players/clubs.
  16. Isn't there a flag about "transfer standings" from another competition. I wonder if you could just transfer between a summer and winter competition twice a year for eternity
  17. Yeah I'm not sure you can actually click on it and look at the nation in FM23 either. I'm using it for my Catalan second nationality file now anyway, I want it to behave the same way as the "Basque" nationality so it works, and will be compatible with all my other files too. (edit: had to change this, my Spain file is unfortunately not compatible with the Island Games now) The current upload is ready to play. Teams like Guernsey, Anglesey etc have lots of players, but doesn't look like quite enough to make them manageable out of the gate. I'm gonna play around with FMRTE to swap myself into a head coaching job (can you do that with IGE too?). The teams all get an auto-generated coach by March or so you could swap yourself in and play Muratti/Island Games
  18. I wonder if "use seeding value for position in group" is confusing it too, especially with 0 and 1 both being top seeds. It should arrange them that way naturally, at least with the flag "don't randomize team order for scheduling" in "league settings"/"schedule" somewhere
  19. That's fair, I think the coefficients might get messed with if you touch it too. I tend to wait until the last update/patch before even considering messing with huge default structures like that anyway. These are fascinating, I think someone did similar for FM22 but I couldn't find it when I went looking for it the other day. I feel like a lot of these countries just enforce strict "domestic" rules without considering freedom of movement (try taking the QSL to court in Qatar, lol) but there's a lot that apply. SI doesn't seem to have considered adding any more since Cotonou from what I can see
  20. Looks brilliant, is the US free association one the only agreement that reflects IRL labour laws? i.e. Micronesians can work in the US with no visa (which I just learned) and I assume would count as domestic in MLS. I guess a lot can be achieved with "nations treated as non-foreign" but the agreements look so cool in the country profile
  21. Yeah I think I made a mistake there. Do you have to change the continent and then change it back or something? Gonna try it again tonight
  22. Are there other good ones? I know Catalan segunda teams play in this (with varying levels of first teamers)
  23. Testing a 16-team version now, just trying to get the playouts working. EDIT: done, group winners go into the semifinals and everyone else plays in a placement game (5th, 7th etc) depending on their performance in the groups. Just verifying some other minor changes and will upload it. @Rainbowz did you rebuild the World Cup and Euro qualifiers to include Ellan Vannin/Man? Did you use "get specific team" to insert them in the rules? If so I wonder if that entry would work with "get last winner" for the Island Games, so the winner would enter European WCQ/Euro qualifying. Would need the same unique ID across both files though, that can be fixed
  24. They had the Inter-Guiana Cup for a while, I think it was just like local high school select teams though, not exactly corresponding to the U20 teams in the game. But hey, the editor is your oyster, and there are a lot of helpful experts here thankfully, Those sounds like great ideas to get going. 90+ editor files? Lol, I don't see why not, I just worry about changes doubling up if you had, like, two different editors' versions of the same youngsters or agents file or something like that
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