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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. That's what I've included. The only thing I'm wavering on is the foreign GK rule because the AI managers don't abide by it anyway and just sign expensive goalkeepers to participate in training, lol. Will think on that one
  2. Try the other way around, i.e. Nuuk as a Greenlandic city in a Danish region. I had greyed out players (at least) showing up with names from my namepool that way. Not sure B67 have to be "based nation" to affect it but can't hurt.
  3. Yeah, I was wondering if maybe there were cities or local regions that hadn't been switched over, or that still had "Dutch" as a language somewhere. But Wolf can probably spot the issue...
  4. Sounds like you may have neglected to change the "city" language, the "local region" language, or the "nation" language from Dutch to English - particularly if the names showing up are more generic Dutch names and not names from the created players. Or the "nation" "region" from northern Europe to UK and Ireland. Alternately if you've deleted a bunch of the created Dutch players, you might be screwed. As someone said, deleted names say in the newgen pool
  5. OP updated with the new version of the U.E. Olot hard-coding, grab the logos again as well. Working a treat so far, especially with the U19 division. Here's the youth intake towards the end of season 1: There are a couple of non-Catalan Spaniards in the youth intake who are set to gain Catalan nationality in a couple of years, this is fine as it works with their Catalan-trained transfer policy: Let me know if you see anything that looks off. Thanks for the help so far @Reiver and @CannonballAndre.
  6. How were the games against United @Cthulhu Dreams? European nights against a United or Liverpool seem what these dbs are made for
  7. Some nations are hard-coded to produce certain namelists. I'd use one of the extinct nations like Ireland pre-1922 or CIS. Guessing that's it, but alternately you could try changing the language of the cities, local region etc to English, nation region to UK and Ireland, etc if you haven't already, and see if it helps
  8. Guessing it's another editor file, or a real name fix you've got and it's just hiding with the .lnc files (not in editor data) so you've missed it
  9. I don't think deleting them does anything, the names are in there. You can try adding 100+ names to the database with the new naming conventions and see if it makes a difference
  10. Lol. Or when they ask some complex question that can only be answered with a complex answer. But they just gloss over it and ask again expecting a magic solution with one or two clicks
  11. Updated. @X0X0 just to confirm, is English wiki right and they can only have 5 foreigners in the match squad? Is there still a limit on the amount of non-Resident players (over and above the foreigner limit)? And still no foreign GKs? Can you point me to any sources/official QSL documents supporting this stuff? Arabic is fine, if I can run it through translate. All the English regulations I was reviewing were from last season at the latest.
  12. Some regions (like southern africa) seem to affect newgen names and appearance, others not (or are overrided by national preferences). Sounds like those names came from some hidden namelist, either Switzerland-wide or specific to a local region. You'd think they'd just piggyback on the French, German, or Italian namelists but doesn't sound like it
  13. Lol. Let's give him this one because he hasn't been online since Thursday. Clock is ticking
  14. Don't worry, a quality DB is worth the wait. I think a lot of people wait for the final patch to get going on a new game and/or skip an FM or two. I still have a couple of classic DBs on FM19 and 22 I still plan on going back to at some point
  15. The only advantage to San Marino and Qatar having "does not allow dual nationality" is that it's not visible anywhere. The trick will function the same way, it's just you'll see this additional NZ nationality every time you look at a Kiwi's information page
  16. New version posted with everything except the U.E. Olot hard-coding. Includes the preseason cups, Copa Catalunya, and Catalan second nationality - you'll need to download the graphics again because we're repurposing Czechoslovakia instead of Crimea now, that should fix the noted issues. The Olot file will take a bit more time to get everything right, watch this space
  17. You making one of those Croatian diaspora tournaments with teams from Australia, Canada, etc? You can pull specific teams all kinds of different ways. You might have an issue where you've created a bunch of teams and competitions so you can't call on their unique ID in another file? There's probably a cleaner workaround someone has come up with
  18. Try adding 100+ people to the namepool with French first names and Corsican/Italian surnames. My method has been duplicating an official, giving them all the new nationality and birthplace, wiping the rest of their details, and making them 100 years old. I believe the game won't actually use them as refs anywhere.
  19. So the default Euro international comps are fine losing a slot (or two) and still operating fine? Even Euro qualifiers? You're telling me, I added 16 countries in the Island Games file, lol feel free to use any artwork from there if you like. Still need to do a long-term save with that and see what kind of craziness happens with youth intakes. I ended up not changing "based nation" for clubs like Jersey Bulls and Mariehamn (Aland/Finland), just the cities or local regions.
  20. Thanks! I need to take a slight break from editing for a week or two but you've got me thinking about an NZ database now, I hadn't realized there was an extra slot for OFC players. If you take it on, put the New Zealand "local regions" in your new nation (let's say, "NZ (Realm)"), and add that second nationality to all existing Kiwis, it should work with the EU players rule.
  21. Damn, that's interesting, so you've essentially got Kazakhstan, Israel, and Russia as permanent guest teams at the AFC Nations Cup and AFC qualifiers, and never taking part in their "home" (UEFA) tournaments? Then have you filled those two spare slots in Europe with anything? Cyprus are another natural choice, on a map they're pretty close to Asia even if the Greek side is more influenced by Europe
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