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Everything posted by aldojags

  1. keeps happening to me too dude Only thing thats worked has been telling them I'm going to use the young players and develop them, but then u actually need to make sure u do it!
  2. @Paddersthat's a sore one man, it's so frustrating, taking me all the willpower I have not to bin the save!!
  3. lads I'm devastated Can you explain how I have a first half of the season that looks like this and then a second half the season that looks like this That goes from 11 pts clear, to 4 points adrift Devastated!
  4. Oh dear the wheels are coming off.... I was 11 points clear 10 games ago
  5. Aaaand just like that my best player is out for months My young right winger who's been banging them in, out with a hip injury. I'm 11 points clear with 17 of 36 games gone....this is a huge blow. Here's a question for you, how do you resist temptation when scout reports come up of these free agents who would easily start for you, who you can easily afford, I'm so determined to win the league now i was hovering over some players thinking "ah just sack the youth challenge and just play a regular save with my wee team" is there any way of turning off scout reports? I have 1 chief scout as i thought i'd need that to scout the other teams etc, but the player report cards that come up witrh suggestions, it's like "here's what you coulda won" it's very distressing! Here's my lad who's injured, heartbreaker!
  6. Mid season update (season 1) This is not a drill folks, but after half the season, going into the insane 2.5 month Croatian winter shut down, I am 11 points clear at the top of the league. And we honestly haven't been that good! Fluked a few wins, been outgained on xG a few times and won, few games where our goal has led a charmed life and I feel there's still a shock to come! But a promotion in season 1 would be incredible, I hope I can keep this up 2nd half of the season. Finances a complete mess, despite me only spending 6k a week of a budgeted 19k on wages, average crowds of 500. So hopefully if I do go up there's a few quid to be made in the top league! And my preview of my first ever youth intake is in. Apparently a top prospect in central mid, which is by far my strongest position in terms of depth, i probably already have 5-6 starting quality central mids, could have been doing with a great CB coming through but nothing!
  7. Yeh i did that in Norway, and they were all immediately happy (but as I say I got fired after 11 games so didnt see it through) Trouble is in croatia, i have no young CB's, none, so I didnt want to promise this and then let them all down! I know we are the 0.1% that play the game this way, but I'd love an option to have an option to have a board change their policy to be a youth heavy club as its a pain in the ass playing it this way but u cant explain it to the game! rant over!
  8. See this game sometimes... My first attempt in Norway, which I didn't even get round to posting, was a disaster, players all turned on me due to poor squad depth and how terribly I'd handled this! I'm getting same again - I've had 3 games in charge, won all 3 and playing great football with a 4-3-3 with an inverting left back causing hellish overloads in the middle, great wingers and forwards, but now team want a meeting about lack of squad depth at centre back (which is true, we really only have about 3 and they are all rubbish!) But team atmosphere was good as you'll see (excellent in fact) due to great start to season, they all want a meeting moaning about squad depth, and because i tell them no I think we're good we are doing well, now the atmosphere is abysmal! I know this challenge is meant to be difficult but this is such an unnecessary obstacle to put in your way, how many squads pull up the manager about the squad depth, i get it all the time in these challenges!
  9. Looks like I'm joining you @The Chairman Plays! I set this up last night so I promise I'm not jumping on the bandwagon haha! However, I wouldn't worry, as I expect I'll be fired before long, but it'll be fun comparing notes for the first season at least! I know nothing about the Croatian league, but surely I can keep them up if I only need to finish 8th out of 10! I have 2 centre backs...that could be a problem!
  10. I occasionally praise - only if above 8. But if anyone is below 6 i slag them off. It's really boring - I wish SI would put in a delegate to assistant manager training ground discipline. It's just pointless clicking through 3 players every week slagging them, especially in the beginning when your reputation is so low and the squad completely disrespect you!
  11. got fired in Norway after 11 games...worst ever! i hadnt even posted my introductory post!
  12. seems that way dude The funny thing that i didnt notice until after ive posted this, ALL my staff, are on amatuer contracts, coaches, physios, everyone! So I wouldnt be paying whomever I hired anyways! strange!
  13. Can I check for Norway, it lets you load up to the 4th tier, but this appears to be unplayable when trying to pick a team, so can you just play in 3rd tier?
  14. Likewise, I was gonna do a foreign save when the game comes out proper, but I think this bingo card thing makes me want to do England that is so cool!
  15. ah what a shame - Netherlands or Japan were my top 2 picks this year and it seems both have issues. Can I clarify, Japan is in, but u need to convince board to do up the facilities? Which as we all know, in the beginning, is a disaster area. This is insanely cool - can't wait to see some of us appear on this (unlikely to be me!) It's been a bug bear of mine for about 3 FM's now - i dont think i've had to sub a keeper in FM for years now, usually like maybe once every 2-3 your GK needs swapped out - I haven't done it in years! But yeh this seems like a bit of an over correction!
  16. great squad with the youngsters coming in to supplement it mate, those 2 lads are megastars in waiting
  17. @HanziZolomani've fallen off the forums a wee bit past few weeks as my interest in game has dwindled a bit waiting on fm24, delighted to see a couple of promotions for you, are you carrying this save into fm24? You have to, you've come this far!!
  18. Really enjoyed your videos dude. Thought you did a great job, some phenomenal players. Where are you from I had trouble placing your accent?
  19. Aaaaand I'm sacked. End of season 4 with SC Toulon in 3rd tier of France, relegated, after a horror show season. So disappointed, whilst I was struggling, I was enjoying the save, and felt the squad, whilst rubbish, was still good enough to avoid relegation. Had a decent youth intake with probably the best prospect of the save so far in this young Chinese striker, but I never got to see him kick a ball! Conceded so many goals, so many games I was in front and threw it away, could have been avoided but we were just so easy to score on, and I couldn't find a shape that stopped the goals flying in. These games, 1 & 2, were fairly typical of my season! My final managerial stats for the save - not terrible, had a reasonably steady first 3 seasons but this last season was so difficult! With the being able to carry my save over onto FM 25, I don't see the need to wait for the new game, so I may start another save.
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