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Everything posted by aldojags

  1. @libbyshussSome of those players coming through now Libby - Meier - ooft!! Exciting few years ahead if you can keep that team together.
  2. @libbyshusshave u had anyone given full german cap yet? forster can't be far away surely?
  3. aaaaaand im done in austria honestly hats off to u guys. i start this challenge probably on average 5 times per release for about 4-5 years, and in all but 1 attempt ive chucked it after half a season!
  4. @DazRTaylorno temptation to train Donelon as advanced forward? he looks great! but I think i'd prefer him upfront?
  5. @libbyshuss congrats on the promotion that's amazing. Need to give us a look at those players you mentioned sounds like they had a crazy season! The youth prospect - where you think of playing him? Amazing potential as you say but the 5'8 strength 4 and no pace limits what you can do with him a wee bit? Maybe the AM slot?
  6. thanks mate, appreciate the tip off, the squad I have inherited is largely Austrian so I think I'll do this by accident anyways even if I didn't know it was a rule! Does it repeat or is it just a once a season thing?
  7. Tried this challenge many times, usually lasting no more than a season, best attempt I've had was last year in Belgium but even then only got to 2nd tier!! Having a shot in Austria with this decent sized club, with reasonable facilities and 1000 season ticket holders, so a decent size of club for this level. 16 team 2nd tier however with 1 promotion slot so that will be fun trying to get out of that league! A look at my manager. Season Preview.
  8. great stuff @Barnsleywith half a billion in the bank haha!!
  9. @jmarchandGreat season there, those forwards look fantastic, I've never used a Raumdeuter i dont really get it even when I read the description, never tried it. I rarely venture from the usual positions, most unusual thing i've used was a regista last year with a spanish DM i had in my German save in this thread with Jena, but otherwise i stick to the old trusted roles! The youth prospect CB looks good too and his physical stuff will improve even if it's a chance of him being "just" a stud defender domestically and squad player in europe.
  10. Nedergaard and Hjulman,..ooof!! I'd pay fortunes for them if i was just about any club in europe!
  11. My main save 2 years ago was a Bulgarian road to glory with Spartak Pleven, and I had a similar battle with Ludogorets, for few years I just felt like I'd never beat them, but when you finally do it's so satisfying.
  12. @glennukthose centre halfs...ooft!!! that right there is a solid base with that keeper there! I do remember you always getting stud keepers through the years, glad it kept up!! great completion dude enjoyed watching your progress, inspirational stuff!
  13. unbelieveable @HenTheChickenwell done! @frieswhere can I get one of those! Starting quality premiership midfielder at 15!!!
  14. Really struggling with the motivation for FM this year, tried loading up just about every league in Europe to see if could find somethin to get me interested....started a few saves (by start i mean do a pre-season then cant be bothered minute I get beat) Been borderline addicted to past 3 FM's but for some reason I cant be bothered with this one....started a new save but gna wait until I've done a season and see if I'm gna stick at it!
  15. OOft @thomas_ethat GK is unreal!! The next Oliver Kahn/Manuel Neuer surely! @the_hdk that youth prospect with the driven personality - he'll make you a lot of money one day!
  16. @Tyer I completed this challenge in Bulgaria in FM21 with Spartak Pleven, who when I had a look are playable this year unfortunately, otherwise I may have went back, it's probably the most fun thing I've ever done in FM. Here is my completion post - worth a read for you, just to give u summary of journey! The league has no money, and a lot of players from established european countries dont want to come because of lack of infrastructure, which id never seen in FM before! But I pillaged Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Red Star and Partizan Belgrade were like my feeder clubs, Rijeka in Croatia too I got two guys in my team that completed from them, my keeper and my insane looking bosnian midfielder. Got some great youth through eventually, I kept the save going and Stoyan Neykov went onto be a world star with Real Madrid, ayoub madi as well with Bayern Munich. So it's doable, but frustrating early as you just end upm constantly selling all your best talent, but the journey is all part of it! and after completion, i stayed in save but left Pleven after a few CL titles, went to my own club Partick Thistle, and ended up beating Pleven in the CL final! So they stayed good for years. But the building a nation bit was good as the league definitely rose up with me, Ludogorets were the giants to slay in the beginning but fell away quickly, Levski Sofia, CSKa sofia, they wound up near the top rather than Ludogorets.
  17. @benrollothat's some conveyor belt u have there, some crackin players produced
  18. @_JHTB_well done on the early promotion, the first of the thread!! @arnoldinholove the idea for the save, puts a nice spin on the challenge, looking forward to seeing how it goes!
  19. This is my favourite challenge but I'm torn as I really want to give the youth academy one a go...I've still got 6 days to decide (didnt get beta, im getting it "for free" on xbox gamepass") My last 2 FM's have been Germany and Bulgaria for this challenge. Loved them both but after Germany last year I kinda want to go back to a smaller nation and build it up. My first thought had been for South Korea - but I remember seeing on youth challenge, i dont think there's relegation from 2nd tier, unless this has been fixed on a patch or something i'm unaware of?
  20. Well done @Muggert great looking squad, all a good age too you could wind up winning a few more Champions League if you played on in this save!! Are the Ukranian boys home grown?
  21. @rlipscombe We have a lot of things like that in our caseload, patients with new enhancing nodules on PET/CT scans etc, lot of the time it turns out to be a red herring, especially 7 years out mate, hopefully a benign explanation. But yes often too small to investigate further, cant biopsy it and only thing to do is wait and see how it changes on scans, which I know is rotten for you and your family dude. Hope you stay well and yes whilst I admire your love for the Owls, ditch them and get yerself back on here!! Once you complete the challenge you'll be mega famous coach, then take them over, thats what I do with my team Partick Thistle, go to them once I've made my name!
  22. @rlipscombethanks dude, good to see your name on the thread again! Sorry to hear about the health concerns for you and your wife bud, I work in Oncology up in Glasgow so I can well imagine the long term effects of having a brain tumour resected, hope you're staying well and able to join us for FM23!!
  23. HI @arnoldinho I did Belgium for the youth academy challenge this year, could not get out of the 2nd tier, I got out of the third tier in my first season then spent about 10 seasons stuck in mid table 2nd tier and got bored and quit, however had I been able to sign players I would done it easily I reckon. The third tier i can't remember exactly, but you play each other say 3 times, then it splits in half, and you start with like half the points you acquired during the regular season, and play each other twice. The 2nd tier is strangely only an 8 team league, played each other 4 times so 28 game league seasons you flew through it. THe premier league I cant answer for as I mentioned I never made it that far!! I completed this save in Bulgaria 2 years ago and bloody loved it, just the obscure nature of the league and teams, not a lot of money, but it was probably my favourite save ever. Only 2 tiers though, Ludogorets are the "giants" you need to topple but CSKA Sofia and Levski Sofia were good as well, I kinda want to do another league that like, maybe Czech Republic or something. I have a hankering for a South Korean save on FM23, despite playing FM for what 25 years, I've never ever managed outside Europe... But it's taking a lot of my time just now thinking of what I'll do next version!
  24. @BustaRaymesGreat progress in relatively short period of time well done to u sir!
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