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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. You also have to check the competition rules if B teams are allowed at all.
  2. Are you managing Brazil by any chance? Because that's one of the few teams where I have seen that problem. Other than that, what Appy and RR9 have said.
  3. I was looking at this flag and thought, Jorgen did you confuse the Cuba and Puerto Rico one? Only to realise those flags are the same except for the colours blue and red swapped. So one of those flags is going to see some change (I need a yellow and red one somewhere else possibly ) In other news, most focus is towards the Iron Curtain (good tip, never do two big projects at the same time ), but there is a new piece of history in the works. I am unsure about how many years it will cover as the war I have in mind takes a little longer than the usual 5 years I cover.
  4. The good news, I am working in Soviet advanced rules. The bad news...... And yes, there are absolutely teams there. Looks a lot like what happened to me in Czechoslovakia, so I am probably in need of some major competition creation rework (but this was calculated in, as I had some expectations). So next is data work for Yugoslavia while I turn back a few versions for USSR and then start reworking each competition and test every time when I have reworked a few. Best thing is I can use this screenshot
  5. There was a post hidden a few hours ago. Let's keep things nice here please, even if you disagree with someone's point. There could be an issue with this setup as the Super Cup will need four teams, but if you have any repeat winner (usually the Champions League winner) you end up with a missing team. It's possible, but with a lot of backup teams needed.
  6. It does to some effect, but won’t be the fix.
  7. https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/topic/579549-fm243-saudi-pro-league/
  8. Just 4 more teams for Kazakhstan to add, checking all teams for second teams to be added to the competition (where do you think those 4 Kazakh teams will come from ). A final check that all teams are in the correct competition (will go quicker than you think and it is time for cup building. Just 17 to do
  9. Don't know about the guie, but in the case of Palestine, as there isn't an existing competition (it's a non-SI made competition afterall) it can't be found using the edit nation rules and add lower division trick.
  10. Congrats. No apologies needed. Would say there is a certain priority in live and FM does not trump kids (for most )
  11. Please don’t double post, thank you.
  12. Back to work, competition editing in the Soviet Union. With moving versions a lot of teams in Kazakhstan need to be redone (noooooo!) Not happy with having to re-add teams after moving games.
  13. Ah, that elsewhere. You should have known that "elsewhere" for me is still inside this forum
  14. Setting foreigner rules should do the trick. Depending on your exact set up, it should either be done in the international league, or if the teams also play in their national leagues, setting it there will be enough. Make sure to set both, no foreigners in squad and no foreigners in match squad. For some reason if one of them is missing the game will still think it is OK to bu foreign players. One disadvantage, you will have to move those foreign players. I usually play (when I am not editing or testing out things) with a set of files where there are no foreigners allowed in Europe at all.
  15. Quite an interesting idea. This could be something that could accesible from the datahub where you could have a development tab where you can select a player and see their development in a select set of increment, 3 (?), 6, 12 months and the like.
  16. Some items are set in a nation and will only apply to a nation, like the England league structure and the England youth rating. Other items are general items and will apply throughout the save. Injuries are an example of them. If you load both editor files in your game, you will have the modified injuries for both Italian and English competition (and all other competitions and teams worldround). If you would have any other question on the editor, you can ask here https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/forum/26-editors-hideaway/
  17. Let's say the case of the Bermuda Hoggies. It is an extinct team, but when revived it had some extra tricks up its sleeve. Apparently there is some hardcoding somewhere which was used when the team was active. The team is used to set a Athletic Bilbao kind of system where the club forces you only to play your own nation's players. If the developer is checking code and sees the code for this specific team, they will say, the team is now extinct, but the code is still there. That code can be cleaned up. The team no longer has this special feature then and is just another extinct team. We used this feature to our advantage, which is perfectly OK, but it was usable because someone didn't clean up the code and not because it was supposed to be usable like we did.
  18. Considering my own weight changing regularly, I can't really be bothered by it being shown or not. So for people not understanding/agreeing the reasoning, I can understand that. It's the real anger that has shown through that surprises me. I mean, weight doesn't say much. I am 1,73 (so pretty small for Dutch guy) and my healthy and fit weight is 84 kilos. That's healthy and fit based on health checks by several doctors last december. So what does it matter? Muscle is heavier than fat anyway. Anyway, that's my two cents on weight.
  19. You mean, they should hire me You are not wrong saying that they should understand the tool, but they don't always understand how it is used. The vanilla stuff should work from the start. That's simple and I am pretty sure we both agree on that. That should also be simple to check. The more complex stuff is where testing is harder and where a few people from our side would really be helpfull to make sure the most egregious issues are fixed. But there is also the expectations that certain 'tricks' will keep on working, while this tricks are really just bugs in the software. When they are fixed it takes away a nice option we had which sucks from a user point of view, but is explanable from a technical point of view. Anyway, I am getting too much in technical talk now. I think we all agree that things can be much better in terms of attention to the editor and from my side I am just asking you to help me to get the necessary information to get SI to help us.
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