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Everything posted by wazzaflow10

  1. I mean there's CM 01/02 you could try out. little late since most of those players are kind at the peark or back end of their career. But you'll get to see some of the wonderkids from that era in an alternate reality. 20 year old ronaldinho to name one
  2. That's kind of true in real life. Those first four are elite, elite talents. Berbatov and klose were very good players with very good careers but never considered in "best player in the world" tier.
  3. I don't think its a matter of aggression its also what you're asking them to do with the ball. A slow technical team trying to play direct and playing balls into space on top of also trying to gegenpress is likely going to suffer as we saw. If those 9 attributes are actually the only ones that matter then we should be able to take what is supposed to be a poorly designed tactic and dominate. These sort of tests (again not knowing for sure what tactic was used) seems to stretch the extreme boundaries of the game in all directions. It might be useful in a context of physical attributes are more important than corner kicks but probably isn't useful to SI in terms of smoothing out the edges of the engine. We all know the game has limits. If we're all invested in testing these limits then we should do it constructively and with rigor to help improve the game rather than make claims on reddit for upvotes.
  4. I don't think that biased at all. Injuries robbed him of so much. He spent the four years in between WC's on the trainers table it seemed. Miracle he managed to perform for Madrid but really fell off afterwards. I think they leave stuff out like this for legal reasons. Just like no real players have bad personalities. I think it kind of ruins the game in some way.
  5. LOL that was before we started referring to him as the fat ronaldo. Just took me a minute to switch. I remember watching him dominate World Cup 98.
  6. I spent the first half thinking you meant Cristiano and was like he's shredded at 40 what do you mean he got fat. Then it clicked. Shame on me lol.
  7. Are we calling average getting 7-7.1 ratings instead of 8/9s? Or are you saying he'd get 6-6.4s? I never played as Barca during the early 2010s Busquets was never really a player to get a 10/10 match rating irl though. Same with Deschamps or Makalele. Those players never get credit but they're important to letting the star players function. I don't think there's anything wrong with giving those players above average but not great ratings. That's just the nature of the position, its an under appreciated role/duty. Also its too easy to sign great players in FM because we know what the attributes are without question. The game would become significantly harder if those values were subjective based on factors like form, training, coach/scout opinion. Precisely this. 20/20 pace/acc like those players is impossible to deal with. That's what makes Adama Traore so difficult to deal with in real life too, plus the strength. His technique/descisions let him down obviously but you can see his impact instantly. I think we all kind of suffer from just viewing highlights sometimes with this game. The engine isn't going to show Traore dribbling down the wing and launching a cross into row z. If you watch a full match I'm sure it happens plenty and you'd be pulling your hair out just like every wolves manager for the past 5 years. He might do better in the game b/c of limitations in the engine dealing with pace but I don't think its far off. Its basically a given that Daveincid's injury mod is necessary to limit how much you can press in the game. Maybe not within the match but eventually the entire team will be jaded or injured if you don't let up. I might be one of the few but I have high hopes for the unity changeover that will hopefully simplify the code and make it easier to address some of the things we see in the game.
  8. Wasn't this Theo Walcott? Amazing, blistering pace, incredible talent until injuries and age took it from him and then his poor technical/mental abilities made him virtually useless? I don't think there's anything wrong with physicals having more of an influence given the nature of the sport. It seems (and this has been brought up by you in this thread) like the best counter to that is rather than trying to reconfigure the engine, energy and fitness should suffer greatly if you play every match at extreme tempos. I think players being asked to press high should see their fatigue drop faster than in currently does. Otherwise you risk playing the last 15-30 mins with players who are gassed and then the physical attributes aren't enough to compensate for the lack of mental/technical skills. Thinking back, I wonder if they tried this in 23 but the centrebacks were the ones losing fitness rather than the midfield and forwards causing it to be logged as a bug and eventually abandoned.
  9. I think the interesting thing is the "meta attributes" are based on using supposed tactical exploits of the engine. Ironically these attribute are critical to making a tactic like this work. I obviously don't know what tactic this "experiment" used but lets say it was spiritually similar to the one below. It would be kind of like throwing gasoline on a fire to then take the attributes that are critical to making this tactic work and pushing them to the extreme. Then the ironic part is to take all those critical attributes away and play the same system. If you had a team full of slow, plodding but technically gifted players and asked them to play an extreme uptempo style... would you still expect to win?? Really all we can say is that the engine is exploitable (like all video games) under certain conditions and you can push those conditions to extremes to make some incredible claims. I feel like in a different context if one of the supposed overpressing tactic's were used it'd be some evidence to say the engine will actually punish you if your tactic isn't suited to your players. It is, of course, contradictory to the previous statement but calling this an experiment is pretty generous. It can still be true that certain attributes have more weight in the engine but this reads more like an extreme exploit that would never occur naturally in the game than proof of anything.
  10. Not for nothing but this isn't really a reflection of the ME more than it is your desire to break it. You've given it nonsense and it's spit back out something equally nonsensical. This probably isn't something SI invests a ton of time in testing (nor should they) because no AI or human trying to play the game as intended is going to make a tactic like this. But rather than complain about how broken the game is and tell us you've deleted a game you love so much in great detail why don't you put it to constructive use and capture a few pkms and screenshots and help them improve what you're claiming is broken. It won't happen overnight but it's at least constructive.
  11. You are. The rest of what you said is what they call in AI lingo, hallucinations. There's no giant conspiracy. Its amazing to me people here think SI is some terrible development company but at the same time competent enough to do absurd computing things.
  12. Matches do not look at overall count of league or team stats (cards, goals, fouls etc) when determining the outcome of an individual event to make it fit inside a box. It's just pure conditional probability with the conditions coming from inputs inside the context of the match. To do otherwise would necessitate the entire season of every league be simulated every time you make a change or do something other than press continue. You'd be waiting for days in real life to complete one compute cycle.
  13. There was a mod a few years ago I think that made AI managers more reactive/smarter or so it claimed. The top managers seemed to have much more tactical comprehension. I think the other problem with having the AI "learn" tactics is as the game goes on it will eventually meta the engine too. It'd be interesting if SI could figure out a way to slowly allow the engine to "evolve" and other styles to become the norm as time progresses. Right now pressing in in vogue but maybe 4-5 years into the game world the engine starts making pressing less effective and something else becomes a more dominant philosophy. Each player's game would be slightly different. I don't have the slightest clue how that would work technically but it would be a way to counter the human solve the engine problem.
  14. THis would be a nice feature. Have the summer window sorted but leave january to the game.
  15. Doesn't mean the default isn't extreme. Good thing its really, really easily avoidable too. The long term trends being what exactly? I haven't seen anything resembling valid statistical tests. I disagree with the idea that you cannot pinpoint an issue in the match engine if the problem is so widespread. If hitting high pressing teams on the counter is so broken as it is being claimed here there should be plenty of evidence in ME form to show it. Oh stop it. No one is resisting anything. We've all pointed out flaws to SI in the ME. If you have evidence and examples of where the game is consistently failing then post it in the bug forum.
  16. This is what happens when you treat the game as a tactic exploiter than a football management sim though. There's a whole site dedicated to telling you "is this tactic going to be overpowered". It's impossible to determine what an infinite number of man hours will do when tasked with a singular objective. It has nothing really to do with "is the game balanced or not?" and much more to do with people trying out more and more extreme variants to break it. It's no wonder someone has found a tactic that the ME can't handle by doing something extreme that none of the devs tested. Put up the same system for 2013, people would break that game too. The only question would be how long would it take to break it. Are there improvements to be had? Absolutely. SI hasn't come out and said this is our final ME version for the series. The best thing to do is show real examples with pkms of where defensively + counterattack things fall flat in the engine. If it's that prominent it should be easy to show.
  17. 1) That's what I thought but hadn't seen it yet this year. Definitely saw it in 23 when I was adjusting to the new feature and wasn't getting results. 2) Understood. I think the experience I was having was that there would be nothing returned for many focuses in some of the 2nd tier footballing nations. Not even B/C recommendations when scouting Holland, Belgium, Portugal etc as a top team. I wouldn't expect to get loads of recommendations by nature of the talent pool. 3) Understood and follow up question. Is there a limit on the number of recommendations in one focus at a time? I don't know If I've seen more than 20 listed but I could be misremembering.
  18. That might be part of it but there are definitely focuses where scouts do not find anyone. In particular if I set a scout to look for U18 players in England, nothing gets returned, nothing is in progress, and no one shows up in the scouted players tab. It might be possible that players that are meant to be recommended are getting deleted somehow but I've got a ton of focuses that don't return any scouted players.
  19. Thanks for the update Zach. Glad this is getting attention from the SI team. Couple of questions and feedback for you: Will the game have a notification or a warning if the selected staff member is in danger of being overworked when assigning focuses? Also could you provide guidance on what the definition of broad is as it conflicts somewhat with not overworking staff? Broad to me might be searching in England for U18 players playing in Youth Leagues with no restrictions on CA/PA stars. I would expect setting a focus to search the globe for U18 players to be a focus that overworks staff. Also want to echo BigV's sentiment of your last point. Checking that box means reports are just being shared in the current state. Obviously there might be some overlap if you're scouting Austria and the Champions League in separate focuses. I'm hesitant to accept this as a "fix" for the current challenges we're having in the game. I believe this masks part of the issue that we've been facing with this bug since recommendations would be filled with the same players and give the appearance of a focus actually working. I can understand in some instances that not having that box check will result in no players being found for a particular scouting assignment if the focus is extremely narrow - i.e. looking for 4 star CA players for Real Madrid in Austria. However if I'm scouting Austria in general looking for anything from a youngster to a potential first team player that check box should not have to be checked. I should still receive scouting reports but maybe only have C/B grades for the players that are not covered by a Champions League focus. Or conversely, if my CL focus is not sharing results it would exclude results from Austria who fit my criteria. If my interpretation of the function of that check box is incorrect please let me know. Thank you again for your team's attention to this issue. Looking forward to the next update.
  20. yeah that was 05/06/07/08. Those got really abused. You could have your RB become your left winger. That's why it was done away with. No way to contain people into something the engine could handle with regularity. Its strange that when you pick a tactical style they show you the little gif like clip but don't show you what your tactic could look like in the same vein.
  21. That would cause an issue for sure. But there is a warning message if scouts are overloaded. There is definitely a bug regarding scouts actually finding players. Some settings/areas work better than others.
  22. It would be nice if they took something from the WIBWOB days of showing you where players would generally be given where the ball is. The screen isn't editable but it would at least give you a visual of how you line up with and without the ball. I don't want to bring WIBWOB back but its not like Pep isn't showing players their positioning for phases of play. I think it would solve a ton of complaints here without really revealing how the engine works. They could also do with making the individual player mentality more accessible. Agree 100%.
  23. There's an ongoing issue in the bugs forum if you want to log your save.
  24. the computer referees definitely make mistakes. You used to be able go on a rant after matches and not get warned or suspended if you were right and they were wrong. I don't know if VAR makes a mistake according to how it's been coded i.e. no Newcastle v Arsenal situation. But there are definitely times where I've had VAR reviews be wrong and logged them as bugs and they've been reviewed instead of being told VAR is 95% right to reflect it sometimes getting it wrong. So VAR is definitely not perfect according to the letter of the law either. You can take that as a hint of accidental realism.
  25. Has he been loaned out? They need to spend 3 years at the club before their 21st birthday to be considered a youth player.
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