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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passes away. 21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022.

Confused Clarity

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8 hours ago, themadsheep2001 said:

The comparison between strikes and the monarchy funeral is disingenuous at best considering the reasons behind them. For someone who complains there hasn't been left enough representation, I'm surprised you make arguments that could easily come from a culture war Tory, because it absolutely reads of know your place while belittling the younger generations. Not sure I buy the subtle humour argument either to be frank. 

Well I was being cynical in my original post but certainly not in comparing people understanding strikes can cause problems but it being unacceptable for a funeral. Do you even buy the wall to wall sport or other news coverage being fine?

Not left enough representation? I'm not sure what you're referring to there, and I'm certainly no Tory. I will laugh at the younger generations if they say stupid things. I belittle the things I said 20 years ago. But plenty of young people can say intelligent things. I was pointing to the stupid things this time.

It's one day for a funeral to thank 70 years of service from a monarch I could argue people are disingenuous about, because they assume her stance on the worlds problems. The world will cope. Its also a gift from the monarch to let people have a day. The history behind her may stink but I think she tried to rectify some of that.

People can go shopping from 5pm when some stores will open.

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3 minutes ago, anagain said:

Well I was being cynical in my original post but certainly not in comparing people understanding strikes can cause problems but it being unacceptable for a funeral. Do you even buy the wall to wall sport or other news coverage being fine?

Not left enough representation? I'm not sure what you're referring to there, and I'm certainly no Tory. I will laugh at the younger generations if they say stupid things. I belittle the things I said 20 years ago. But plenty of young people can say intelligent things. I was pointing to the stupid things this time.

It's one day for a funeral to thank 70 years of service from a monarch I could argue people are disingenuous about, because they assume her stance on the worlds problems. The world will cope. Its also a gift from the monarch to let people have a day. The history behind her may stink but I think she tried to rectify some of that.

People can go shopping from 5pm when some stores will open.

I think the issue young people have is that the old people who are saying everything should shut down for the Queen are the same people that were outraged at things closing in the pandemic or who decry things shutting for strikes as workshy youths. 

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9 minutes ago, arenaross said:

I think the issue young people have is that the old people who are saying everything should shut down for the Queen are the same people that were outraged at things closing in the pandemic or who decry things shutting for strikes as workshy youths. 

It's just the sneering that i think is ridiculous, at this point wilfully misunderstanding the issues around it

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13 minutes ago, arenaross said:

I think the issue young people have is that the old people who are saying everything should shut down for the Queen are the same people that were outraged at things closing in the pandemic or who decry things shutting for strikes as workshy youths. 

Yeah there's a lot of crossover with the news of the last few years. Young people do feel like there's little going for them. I've said to younger people at work that I'm glad I'm not that generation because I see little future for them. This world is becoming very much not kind unless, many will argue, you have money.

Add to that global warming and overpopulation. The after effects of covid, too. 

I will accept that sometimes i can unfairly lump things at young people. It's not only them. People of all ages say stupid things. Jaki of Muir of Ord for certain.

I hope the world can improve because its a ****** place right now. Been very supportive of my nephew as he has grown up, spending money his mum don't have. Not that I'm saying that to make people think better of me. 😁

And personally I didn't care a bit about things closing in the pandemic. I worked all the way through it. As a socially anxious person I loved the quiet buses. 

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11 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

It's just the sneering that i think is ridiculous, at this point wilfully misunderstanding the issues around it

I don't sneer...i tut. It's something I must point out because you have me very wrong there. 😁

I can admit my faults. I just know we will all get through this...and do our shopping Tuesday. 

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3 minutes ago, anagain said:

I don't sneer...i tut. It's something I must point out because you have me very wrong there. 😁

I can admit my faults. I just know we will all get through this...and do our shopping Tuesday. 

It's not about the shopping, but you know that, there's been thousands of NHS appointments cancelled including but not limited to; cancer screenings, 3rd trimester pregnancy exams, surgeries. As well as other peoples actual funerals. The idea that someone has their family funeral postponed for a monarch who didn't even know they existed is grim

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1 minute ago, themadsheep2001 said:

It's not about the shopping, but you know that, there's been thousands of NHS appointments cancelled including but not limited to; cancer screenings, 3rd trimester pregnancy exams, surgeries. As well as other peoples actual funerals

And I respect that's not perfect. I think someone did reply earlier that the figures might not be 100% accurate and Charles has said he doesn't want disruption to healthcare to be the case. I do harken back to my point before about people being okay with train strikes and saying it was unfortunate that some people couldn't make appointments. Sorry, I know you didn't agree but it is true. 

I hope people get the care they need and it has been said that emergency care will be available. If the tories got the NHS funded again we wouldn't have half the problems we've had since lockdown. Only just catching up on appointments now. Hopefully people affected get sped through or their ops go ahead after all. 

I do very much agree there has been some poor decisions around this. Centre Parks especially. Shopping is not one, and that was my original joke, however badly put across it was. 

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3 minutes ago, oche balboa said:

“Tell me that story again grandad, isn’t the royal family great. King George is great” 

My daughter (6) has been obsessed with Queen Victoria since learning about the Victorians last year. No such love for Liz though unfortunately, she couldn't go to watch a football match last Sunday which she was quite upset about, then her swimming lessons are cancelled for Monday. "WHAT'S THE QUEEN GOT TO DO WITH SWIMMING?!", in her own words.

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12 hours ago, Confused Clarity said:

These people are truly evil. 
Good on Nicky Campbell for calling it out.



And that was from a thread being critical of Harry and Meghan - *gasp* - holding hands. Even though other couples have been pictured holding hands because, you know, it's a pretty standard thing to do.

Even if that picture was a smirk, which it clearly bloody isn't, raising a tiny smile isn't exactly the signs of evil.

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It’s not really any different to any other event you need to queue for.

Taking a flight, entering a football ground, going to a concert, going up the Eiffel Tower or seeing the Mona Lisa. You just need to decide whether the end justifies the waiting. Personally I wouldn’t wait that long but don’t see an issue if people feel it’s justified. 

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1 minute ago, AK22 said:

This really. People will have own their reasons to justify queuing for any particular event. The Mona Lisa is a particularly good example.

Anyway, hello from The Queue. We started about 11.20pm so have just hit 11 hours and we still have another 30-60 minutes to go. The closing of the hall for an hour at 4am to clean up was a real sucker punch and caused the queue to grind to a standstill right at the coldest part of the night. 

Go round again when you're through :thup:

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24 minutes ago, Lucas said:

I can't think of anything at the end of a queue that would make that length of time worth it. Hope it wasn't too bad.

The relief of needing a **** in a club and having to queue is usually worth it. 11 hours must be amazing 

Edited by Barry Cartman
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