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[FM23][SKIN] The Annual Show Your Skin thread


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I'm reposting here as I think I originaly posted on the wrong thread, sorry about that.

I'm making progress in making both TOP and SIDEBAR the same color (club, competition, etc), however, I'm having trouble understanding where and how to edit the client object browser.xml so that I can merge these lines at the top and on the right hand side, making the thing a single screen. My idea is to try to remove that visual sense of margins and blend the whole thing.

I don't know if I made myself clear, I think that visually observing it makes more sense than describing it.

Does anyone know how to do it, any help will be valid.

Thank you in advance!

Edited by lugui
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On 15.11.2022 at 20:27, (sic) said:

Inspired by @Wozzie's Tato skin (great work yet again, one of my favorite skins definitely). I've added the left/right foot strength indicators on the tactics panel.




It's a pity that I couldn't edit and put it because the tatoo theme is in the fmf file...

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Any help appreciated, why am I only getting the contrast boxes and nit any of the information in them.

Code in spoiler.


<panel save_session_state='true'>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
    <container class="vertical_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally">

        <!--TOP ROW, NEED TO SET HEIGHT-->
        <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_height="330">
            <widget class ="picture" id="pict" scale_picture="true">
                        <animation class="slide_in_left_animation"/>
                        <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" />
                        <flags id="image_alignment" value="centre" />
                        <record id="object_property">
                            <integer id="get_property" value="mnpc" />
        <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally" default_height="-1">
            <!--LEFT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
            <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_width="-1">
                <widget class="club_overview_details_panel" file="club/club overview details panel" id="clod">
                            <record id="object_property">
                            <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                            <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
            <container class="vertical_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally" default_width="-2">
                <!--TOP ROW, NEED TO SET HEIGHT-->
                <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_height="-1">
                    <widget class="person_snapshot_club_overview_panel" id="mana" player="false" file="club/manager overview details panel">
                                <record id="object_property">
                                    <integer id="get_property" value="TMnR" />
                                    <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
                <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally" default_height="-1">
                    <!--LEFT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
                    <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="left" default_width="-1">
                        <widget class="team_container_honours_panel" id="hons" navigation_container="true">
                        <record id="object_property">
                            <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                            <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
                    <!--RIGHT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
                    <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_width="-1">
                        <widget class="club_overview_kits_panel" id="cloK">
                                <record id="object_property">
                                    <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                                    <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
            <!--RIGHT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
            <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_width="-1">
                <widget class="club_overview_stadium_panel" id="clos" file="club/stadium picture">
                                <record id="object_property">
                                    <list id="get_properties">
                                            <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                                            <integer id="set_property" value="Cclu" />
                                            <boolean id="dont_set_object" value="true" />
                                            <integer id="get_property" value="Tsre" />
                                            <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
                                            <boolean id="dont_set_hint" value="true" />


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7 minutes ago, snowofman said:

are you making a skin from the base ?

if yes, then you probably havnt copy'ed the sub pages that has the missing info. 

if you have given more info somewhere else, i have missed it, but it's hard to help without proper info

Its all in the folder, club/ - but not showing up.


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3 minutes ago, hyrule_king said:

yeah always clear the cache after each change and caching is unticked.

only thing i can see that it might be, is the contrast_box

have you looked in classes if there is such a box.

else try and change one of then to plain_box to se if it has an effect

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15 minutes ago, snowofman said:

only thing i can see that it might be, is the contrast_box

have you looked in classes if there is such a box.

else try and change one of then to plain_box to se if it has an effect

will have a look through. 

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2 hours ago, hyrule_king said:


Any help appreciated, why am I only getting the contrast boxes and nit any of the information in them.

Code in spoiler.

  Reveal hidden contents

<panel save_session_state='true'>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
    <container class="vertical_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally">

        <!--TOP ROW, NEED TO SET HEIGHT-->
        <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_height="330">
            <widget class ="picture" id="pict" scale_picture="true">
                        <animation class="slide_in_left_animation"/>
                        <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" />
                        <flags id="image_alignment" value="centre" />
                        <record id="object_property">
                            <integer id="get_property" value="mnpc" />
        <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally" default_height="-1">
            <!--LEFT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
            <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_width="-1">
                <widget class="club_overview_details_panel" file="club/club overview details panel" id="clod">
                            <record id="object_property">
                            <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                            <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
            <container class="vertical_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally" default_width="-2">
                <!--TOP ROW, NEED TO SET HEIGHT-->
                <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_height="-1">
                    <widget class="person_snapshot_club_overview_panel" id="mana" player="false" file="club/manager overview details panel">
                                <record id="object_property">
                                    <integer id="get_property" value="TMnR" />
                                    <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
                <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" gap="0" mode="distribute_equally" default_height="-1">
                    <!--LEFT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
                    <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="left" default_width="-1">
                        <widget class="team_container_honours_panel" id="hons" navigation_container="true">
                        <record id="object_property">
                            <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                            <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
                    <!--RIGHT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
                    <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_width="-1">
                        <widget class="club_overview_kits_panel" id="cloK">
                                <record id="object_property">
                                    <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                                    <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
            <!--RIGHT COLUMN, NEED TO SET WIDTH-->
            <container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg" alignment="centre" default_width="-1">
                <widget class="club_overview_stadium_panel" id="clos" file="club/stadium picture">
                                <record id="object_property">
                                    <list id="get_properties">
                                            <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                                            <integer id="set_property" value="Cclu" />
                                            <boolean id="dont_set_object" value="true" />
                                            <integer id="get_property" value="Tsre" />
                                            <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
                                            <boolean id="dont_set_hint" value="true" />


Yours missing layout codes. Scroll down to layout attribute types and read through


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5 hours ago, snowofman said:

inbox content with team mentoring panel


sry didnt see it was a mail at first

by any chance, do you have this panel in your skin? maybe you could attach here and I try it with yours in, because I don't seem to have this specific panel - so can't quite understand what's the issue

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1 minute ago, DamienFerriggi said:

by any chance, do you have this panel in your skin? maybe you could attach here and I try it with yours in, because I don't seem to have this specific panel - so can't quite understand what's the issue

i use the default, so it's not in my skin. but if you look in the folder


and if you see the above file, just rename it. put a _copy after the name, before the .xml 

clear the cache and reload the skin and it will grab the defaulty page from the game and not the skin

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28 minutes ago, snowofman said:

i use the default, so it's not in my skin. but if you look in the folder


and if you see the above file, just rename it. put a _copy after the name, before the .xml 

clear the cache and reload the skin and it will grab the defaulty page from the game and not the skin

Thanks buddy!

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Hi, sorry for bother.. but i don't know which line I have to edit to change the purple color to black in the news panel (there are 2 purple colors in the image and I don't know which lines they are).



Also, what I want is that all the icons that are in the sidebar have the same color. Look at the squad planner, it's white and i don't know where i have to change it.




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3 minutes ago, Nachote912 said:

Hi, sorry for bother.. but i don't know which line I have to edit to change the purple color to black in the news panel (there are 2 purple colors in the image and I don't know which lines they are).

  Reveal hidden contents


Also, what I want is that all the icons that are in the sidebar have the same color. Look at the squad planner, it's white and i don't know where i have to change it.

  Reveal hidden contents



the 1 is
<colour name="bg tertiary"                                                         value="pick your colour"/>
in your settings file

the 2nd - try and look here, maybe you can find the answer.


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hace 18 minutos, snowofman dijo:

the 1 is
<colour name="bg tertiary"                                                         value="pick your colour"/>
in your settings file

the 2nd - try and look here, maybe you can find the answer.


Thank you for your fast answer.. Yeah the first one i solved it, but the second one i can't. I think it's because my Skin is of the FM22 and i'm using in the FM23, but i don't know. That thread that you send me is to change the notification colour.. i will continue trying to solve it.

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1 minute ago, Nachote912 said:

Thank you for your fast answer.. Yeah the first one i solved it, but the second one i can't. I think it's because my Skin is of the FM22 and i'm using in the FM23, but i don't know. That thread that you send me is to change the notification colour.. i will continue trying to solve it.

you're welcome and half way is also good :)

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Working on a pastel colour skin.

Few Issues i am having:

- Graphics for potential/Ability don't show up on the squad screen or the player overview - c2ba8437bba2b47882912a665a95acc6.png

- Colour of the game date and time, would like it to be the colour of the background. - e1f48b4e7bcdb1b17bfe1c6b82c0cf55.png

- sidebar is showing up like this when clicked on - 1eb26b8f00d1c78a9fb40940dc1daf96.png


- Where are the colour settings for this - c946021073064c3816d7e1ab0205fdb1.png


Any help would be gratefully received. :)

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Added some selector panels, changed up the stadium panel, the top panel with the logos and stuff, as well as added some icons to other stuff (club details and facilities).

Overall, I'm looking to add more icons to other areas as well, player profile, home page, etc. I really like how they make the skin feel less empty and less boring,

Edited by (sic)
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39 minutes ago, (sic) said:


Added some selector panels, changed up the stadium panel, the top panel with the logos and stuff, as well as added some icons to other stuff (club details and facilities).

Overall, I'm looking to add more icons to other areas as well, player profile, home page, etc. I really like how they make the skin feel less empty and less boring,

I started using the sas skin and thats how the skin uses the space so well with tabs within screens.

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6 hours ago, hyrule_king said:

Just trying to find all the bits where the text is white, to change to the more bluey colour.

good luck my friend! I have been fighting with white text for the third year and there is still one place where I have not won. plus this year added the problem with the horrible draw panels. it will be interesting to look at your code :cool:


and dark text on a dark background should also be changed to light, for example the Av.Rating column looks bad

Edited by Olas Nick
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15 hours ago, (sic) said:

Overall, I'm looking to add more icons to other areas as well, player profile, home page, etc. I really like how they make the skin feel less empty and less boring,

Icons are something I’ve recently realised can really add to a skin. I haven't explored how they look on the club screen yet but really like yours!

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28 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Icons are something I’ve recently realised can really add to a skin. I haven't explored how they look on the club screen yet but really like yours!

Thanks, it took me a while to find these icons and put them together so they make sense (as I just used the already available icons that come with the game).

It would've been easier to just download some off the internet :D 


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24 minutes ago, (sic) said:

Thanks, it took me a while to find these icons and put them together so they make sense (as I just used the already available icons that come with the game).

It would've been easier to just download some off the internet :D 


You guys are so creative, i wish my creativity was on the same level, guess old age ate my creativity :( *sobs*

edit typo

Edited by snowofman
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5 minutes ago, snowofman said:

You guys are so creative, i wish my creativity was on the same level, guess old age ate my creativity :( *sobs*

edit typo

Hardly creative mate, I struggle with that as well :D 

Most of my "creativity" comes from seeing someone else's work, then trying to "improve on it" or do something similar, but in a "better" or different way (when I say improve and make it better, I mean making it suit my taste more). I have a hard time coming up with stuff myself (one of the reasons I stopped pursuing a career in web design and UI/UX design).
Most of the stuff you see on that panel comes from taking inspiration from Tato, FME, TCS and OPZ skins for example (stuff like the general layout of panels, using tabbed containers, using different selector panels, using tables, etc.). 



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9 minutes ago, (sic) said:

Hardly creative mate, I struggle with that as well :D 

Most of my "creativity" comes from seeing someone else's work, then trying to "improve on it" or do something similar, but in a "better" or different way (when I say improve and make it better, I mean making it suit my taste more). I have a hard time coming up with stuff myself (one of the reasons I stopped pursuing a career in web design and UI/UX design).
Most of the stuff you see on that panel comes from taking inspiration from Tato, FME, TCS and OPZ skins for example (stuff like the general layout of panels, using tabbed containers, using different selector panels, using tables, etc.). 



yeah i'm the same, seeing something and trying to change/improve it to my own liking

or simply taking on things that others havnt been able to make work and then making it work. Guess we all have our strength and weakness (mine is being old and stuborn) :D

Edited by snowofman
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3 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

good luck my friend! I have been fighting with white text for the third year and there is still one place where I have not won. plus this year added the problem with the horrible draw panels. it will be interesting to look at your code :cool:


and dark text on a dark background should also be changed to light, for example the Av.Rating column looks bad

Any ideas which panel the average rating box colour is? @Olas Nick:)

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