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The FM24 Youth Academy Challenge

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@Neo_Geo spreadsheets are developing splendidly! Very much a fan of your new spreadsheets to join the data club. I've followed squierl_plays python saves, and it's a smart choice of a base code to start your tool. Much cleaner than my excel madness :) 

I'll be interested to see how you feel about your weighted role ability calculations over time. While I have kept the totals separate for the two colors, I haven't applied any weighting myself. Others have mentioned a non-highlighted abilities boost, which I'll be considering for my next version.

For Hidden Attribute calculations I am just doing a very basic restricted range based on the "highest low" and "lowest high" for Personality & Media Handling. I am not doing the huge number of special cases, and have a lot of work to do if I want to properly calculate it, but this gives me a very simple estimate.

Potential is the big unknown, which keeps me hooked into this game.


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@scarp Nice to see Dob getting a mention, I played as them in the european challenge, so basically what you're doing, only I was allowed to sign players :D


I eventually won the Champions League 2036 I think it was, I loved this save.

I won the premier league in my 2nd full season of the save, was weird, my team wasn't much to write home about when compared to Olimpijia in the beginning but I had so much early success and just dominated.


Here's the write up from my final season if you're interested! Keep up the good work - Europe already with no signings, amazin! I noticed you had Klemen Justin and Dino Zenkovic, they 2 were UNREAL for me first 2 seasons, both had double digits goals and assists, I held onto them for years just out of sentimentality, couldn't lose them even though they never got a sniff in later years




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Season 4 East Kilbride F.C. (Scotland)



Another season of struggle. I finished 8 out of 10 a flirted with relegation. My best player, a "tricky" winger was injured half of the season and kind of doomed us to a difficult season. The youth intakes are becoming much better and I hope to engineer a new possession based style to take advantage of them. 






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19 hours ago, Neo_Geo said:

Latest addition to my spreadsheet is to include an export and a tab for training.

This looks at the attributes for each training focus value and simply averages these to give an overall rating out of 20. This means you can easily see the areas that are lacking for a player that training can directly influence, its then up to you whether the area that is lacking is relevant for the role they play in:


For my other sheets and colour scales it was all about relativity between the players and their roles i.e. what role is Player A best at, who is best at Pressing Forward Player A or Player B? The top of that scale is the highest player rating for a role or the highest rated role for a player and that should show up as Dark Green.

For the table above this is showing the scale of 1-20 so only when a player has strong associated attributes to training focus will it show as green rather than showing the highest value as green overall.

This gives me a very good view for the squad as a whole and I can clearly see that for the likes of long throws we have one average player and the rest are lower quartile.

I think this is the best formatting for training as it shows me clearly where the team is lacking and where I can directly influence this with focused training. Similarly if I just want to look at one particular player I can then make a decision from here rather than trying to remember which stats are related to which training focus' (I remember a number off by heart but not all)

The only thing its missing is where I can see for the role I want to use them in the training focus areas that matter, I may well work on that a bit.

What code in excel do you use to work out the IFB and IWB? , not updated my roles spreadsheet since they were added

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3 hours ago, hyrule_king said:

What code in excel do you use to work out the IFB and IWB? , not updated my roles spreadsheet since they were added

I use the green and blue attributes suggested by the game and apply a 5 and 3 times weighting for each of these as a starting point.

Here is the IWB and IFB:

Role 1v1 Acc Aer Agg Agi Ant Bal Bra Cmd Com Cmp Cnt Cor Cro Dec Det Dri Ecc Fin Fir Fla Fre Han Hea Jum Kic Ldr Lon L Th Mar Nat OtB Pac Pas Pen Pos Pun Ref Sta Str Tck Tea Tec Thr TRO Vis Wor
FB_IFB 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 3 0 5 0 0 0 5 5 0 3 0 0 0 3
FB_IWB 0 5 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 5 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 5 5 5 0 0 5 3
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Ok, you can tell I have a week off as I've completely caught the bug and can't seem to stop myself.

The last addition was the training ratings and I hinted at having a look at being able to focus on the training needed for the role I want the player to play in.......well I've been busy today :D


At the right end of the training sheet where I see the attribute averages for each of the training focus values (my last post) I have now added the desired role i.e. the role I want this player to play in my team (I've just put this as the full list of positions to choose from rather than cross referencing with the values used for the sheet with the roles that fit my tactic as I think it's not a great idea to shoehorn every player into just the roles you have as sometimes you may want other options (for example I may want to train up a few inside forwards if I come up against as team where I want to overload the centre of the park as they play on the wing a lot).

Anyway, you select the desired position and the columns to the right are then filled in with values. These values are calculated by using the weightings for that selected role against the attributes associated with that training focus. For example for a fullback defensive positioning is 4.3 (5 for marking and positioning and 3 for decisions giving a weighting average of 4.3). I then subtract players attribute average from 20 and multiply by the weighting average to give me a "priority" score out of a possible 95 (so if they score 1`for everything and all weightings are 5 then 20-1 = 19 *5 = 95) to a possible minimum of 0 if all scores are 20 or the role you have selected has no attributes associated with that training focus.

Once these are calculated the max value is retrieved and the focus columns shows the optimal column to get the player training in for that given role (again all based on attributes).

So in general the sheet shows where work needs to be done for players if I want to play them in that particular role, so an obvious one is Karl Borg Y1-B who if I want to play him in his strongest current role based on his attributes I really need to work on his attacking movement as it is ranked at priority 91.5

Here is that player:


Most likely a lost cause considering he has low determination and very poor technical and mental skills. So the one it suggested for the AMC_AM role was to get him training on attacking movement as this was highlighted as the worst for that role based on his attributes. The attributes for it are Off the Ball, Anticipation and Decisions (so 3, 1 and 1 giving an average of 1.67). The weighting for this training for an AMC_AM is 5 (5 for each of the attributes), so we have 18.3(rounded to 1 DP) multiplied by 5 which is 91.5.

The only tricky thing is that since there is SOME data that I have added in the spreadsheet that is relative to the row (player) in question if the order of the export changes I may get corrupt data.

I don't see a way around this other than keeping the last spreadsheet to cross check because if I sell players or their position changes then the order of the players in the export will change too. There is no way to get the preferred role included for the player to get it to show in the filter view.

One thing that might interest some people (as I didn't know this) if you sort by one column first (say position) you can then do a secondary sort by SHIFT + CLICK on the column you want as the secondary. I ordered my export using position first then age thinking it won't change year on year until I remembered new players join, current players leave and then sometimes the positions will change if a player retrains successfully.

Next its on to thinking about how to determine a rough potential (most likely using the upper transfer estimate, the coach rating with a pinch of salt and then sprinkle in the personality to give an idea of whether they will reach the potential).

This will probably all be obsolete when FM 25 comes out :lol:

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2 hours ago, Neo_Geo said:

I use the green and blue attributes suggested by the game and apply a 5 and 3 times weighting for each of these as a starting point.

Here is the IWB and IFB:

Role 1v1 Acc Aer Agg Agi Ant Bal Bra Cmd Com Cmp Cnt Cor Cro Dec Det Dri Ecc Fin Fir Fla Fre Han Hea Jum Kic Ldr Lon L Th Mar Nat OtB Pac Pas Pen Pos Pun Ref Sta Str Tck Tea Tec Thr TRO Vis Wor
FB_IFB 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 3 0 5 0 0 0 5 5 0 3 0 0 0 3
FB_IWB 0 5 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 5 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 5 5 5 0 0 5 3

Ok, that's a different way of doing it.

Mine is an average of all the key attributes, so it looks like this :


So that is F9 pulled from a table like this


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1 hour ago, hyrule_king said:

Ok, that's a different way of doing it.

Mine is an average of all the key attributes, so it looks like this :


So that is F9 pulled from a table like this


There will be no exact science to this, I literally just followed the game's model of what each role should be like and ranked the green attributes higher than the blue using weighting.

If you decide that the blue attributes are just as important then your approach of taking the average will be exactly what you need.

I expect I'll tweak this over time as it's likely the out of the box model SI have may not be an exact match for what I look for in these players. Say for instance you value work rate and stamina for every midfield position as you want a really hard working engine in your team then I can just tweak the weightings for these and it will adjust the ratings accordingly.

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4 hours ago, Neo_Geo said:

There will be no exact science to this, I literally just followed the game's model of what each role should be like and ranked the green attributes higher than the blue using weighting.

If you decide that the blue attributes are just as important then your approach of taking the average will be exactly what you need.

I expect I'll tweak this over time as it's likely the out of the box model SI have may not be an exact match for what I look for in these players. Say for instance you value work rate and stamina for every midfield position as you want a really hard working engine in your team then I can just tweak the weightings for these and it will adjust the ratings accordingly.

FWIW I use a similar methodology, just haven't implemented weighted sums yet.



I just don't know how I'd be able to decide how much more to weight the "main" attributes over the "minor" ones. I can see the logic of your 5 to 3 weighting, but would be curious how different your values are between a flat vs weighted value.

I've been toying with the idea of Archetype Percentage Boost/Demote for 2-3 attribute groups like Speed, Endurance, Intelligence etc. Idea would be if the Avg is between 10-12 its neutral. Then a 1% boost in RA per point avg up and a 1% reduction in each point below. Would have to set a max boost probably. 

This would be an alternative to weighting, as it is essentially weighting based on what I determine core important attributes for any successful footballer. 

So much can be done with Role Ability, it's a lot more subjective than Current Ability. Makes for many hours in spreadsheets!



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On 27/08/2024 at 21:03, aldojags said:

@scarp Nice to see Dob getting a mention, I played as them in the european challenge, so basically what you're doing, only I was allowed to sign players :D


I eventually won the Champions League 2036 I think it was, I loved this save.

I won the premier league in my 2nd full season of the save, was weird, my team wasn't much to write home about when compared to Olimpijia in the beginning but I had so much early success and just dominated.


Here's the write up from my final season if you're interested! Keep up the good work - Europe already with no signings, amazin! I noticed you had Klemen Justin and Dino Zenkovic, they 2 were UNREAL for me first 2 seasons, both had double digits goals and assists, I held onto them for years just out of sentimentality, couldn't lose them even though they never got a sniff in later years




@aldojags nice, great job you've done with Dob! I agree fully, I also thought I could beat even the best team straight in the second season, even without signings. I think now it may get tougher for me as I am not getting good enough youth, but the money from Conference League will surely help in the long term.

For me Klemen Justin performs very well, but at the start I had 4 great players for two positions and Zenkovic is usually a substitute for me - even though based on CA he would be star in any other position than on the wing, where I prefer Justin or Sipek.

You must tell me how you managed to sign kovac for 900k, what a beast!

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Ok, I've been trying out some ideas around potential today and I've realised that the absolute value of a player's potential is not the goal, its about understanding who at the club is worth spending time and effort on developing more than others.

This led me to a ranking based system which ranks players on a number criteria:

  • Lower Drive (Based on Determination and lower range values for Ambition and Professionalism based on Personality)
  • Upper Drive (Based on Determination and upper range values for Ambition and Professionalism based on Personality)
  • Upper Transfer Value (ranked based on the highest estimated value but this is messed up for Semi Pro given youth players have value and when they go to non-contract it goes to zero so I have commented this out unless we go Pro)
  • Average Attributes (Looks at all attributes that apply to goalkeepers or outfield players, trying to do this for specific role is really tough unless I edit the HTML rule with the desired role to then use in the calculations)
  • Attribute changes by category (GK, Technical, Mental and Physical changes from the previous year the better the overall attribute delta the better the ranking - however as I am still in season 3 when I started this I will need to wait until season 4 end to compare season 3 and 4)

I then combine the ranks (additive) and the idea is the lowest score overall is the highest ranked potential player. When I ran this I was finding older players featuring at the top of the list and at some point when I filter out the non-youth players (I will probably do this for season 3 and 4 for Kercem Ajax) and run this for a few seasons the older players should really start to fall down the list. To do this I added age * 3 to the combined ranks score (essentially for each year difference another 3 is added to the overall ranking so the young you are the lower this will be and the bigger the age gap the wider this will be).

This is just a first stab and as with the other elements it needs data and analysis over many seasons to start to see whether its any good or not.


This image is the potential sheet and whilst it still lists the Transfer value its not actually included in the calculation at this moment. I have not added the previous year attribute averages as that would have required this export to have existed at the end of season 2.

The ordering is going to be a pain here when having to manually add values in, so I may well paste the data from the HTML file ordered by name, sort the previous year by name, copy and paste and patch any differences in personnel and then sort once more by the ranking. It's not ideal but for now it will do (I can always include a csv export which is then used to be read in the following year if I can be bothered to do that!)

I tried to include the potential rating by my assistant which would have formed part of the rankings however they don't appear in any format of exporting from the game and I'm not manually keying a decimal representation of the star ratings (after 4/5 intakes there might be as many as 60 players!).

What I have found with this so far is that someone like Michael Attard YP-1A (also changed my naming convention so that I can easily filter out all youth players from the non-youth players) had the best overall average attributes and at the moment is a 4.5 star CA and 4.5-5 star PA player, so why does he rank 17th? It's related to his personality which is Unambitious. I can clearly see he is a good player for me but as far as developing beyond where he is its not as likely as the likes of Josef Borg YP-2A who is Professional and still boasts decent average attributes (and is a year younger).

Here are those two players:

Attard YP-1A

Borg YP-2A

Attard certainly has the better current ability according to the coach reports but you can see the training effects on Borg.

What are the general thoughts here would you rank Borg as being the potentially better player or Attard (in which case the potential ranking needs some work).

I think if these were professional contract players the estimated value would play a part here but perhaps I need to weight the current attributes a little more, if I multiply that ranking by 2 Attard YP-1A comes out in 9th rather than 17th:

That is literally changing a 1 to 2 in the code to have quite the change, so I need to get more seasons under my belt now and see what the real indicators are that I should be weighting higher than the others.

I promise I'll just be playing the game tomorrow rather than doing Python/Spreadsheet fiddling!

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NK Roltek Dob 2028/29


We were playing good football through out whole season, even flirting with top3. In the end we managed to reach Europe after one year pause, which should help our struggling finances (due to Stadium construction). In League Cup we failed already in 2nd round after fully rotating the squad. Jaka Kasnik had another splendid season and carried us forward, I am worried about our striker though, as pantelic was very quiet all season long and we have noone else.


Key players: Jaka KasnikDino Zenkovic & Tim Zidan

Youth in-take: Saso HorvatMatic Poglajen & Jernej Pesa


Amazing youth in-take

Finally we got a decent in-take! Looks like HOYD change bears fruits.



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19 hours ago, Neo_Geo said:

That is literally changing a 1 to 2 in the code to have quite the change, so I need to get more seasons under my belt now and see what the real indicators are that I should be weighting higher than the others.

I promise I'll just be playing the game tomorrow rather than doing Python/Spreadsheet fiddling!

But fiddling in spreadsheets is so fun!! Great take on potential, adding more depth of overanalyzing our semi-pro teams :) A dimension I'd consider would be Minutes Played/Avg Rating. With how big of an impact quality playing time has on development 18+ it's a facet I'd track. You could then compare effectiveness of loaning players vs rotational minutes at your club. M

I wish the game gave avg. Training Rating for the season instead of just current training rating. That would be an amazing datapoint to have in determining player development.

This type of longitudinal player-development is on my bucket-list for analysis, as I currently just do squad-level. I'm tracking your developments with interest, so don't play too much FM now 

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House of Billiards | Suriname | Season 2026


I’m furious, how could we lost the final game instead of recording the perfect season? :D Anyway I’m eager to see how this team is going to play in the top division.



Santos finished 4th in the top division and this game happened before the youth intake which was really good, so I think we can aim at least for a top half finish.

Squad stats


Waal had another great season, not sure if he stays a starter for the next season as we got a better striker in youth intake but will be a useful targetman option. Pinas impressed as a box-to-box midfielder and also was our first penalty choice.

Transfers – we lost three starters in a week after securing promotion and turning semi-pro. I can understand our best assistant Maatrijk who went to the top tier a bit earlier than us, but Augustin and Klinker preferred an amateur team to our part-time offers :idiot:

Youth intake (preview)


Pandooi *26a | Y.Pinas *26b | Becker *26c | Baïno *26d | Waal *26e | Klinker *26f | Comvalius *26g | Malone *26h | Wijdenbosch *26i | G.Pinas *26j

That’s a certain golden generation, ten players with 5* CA!


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SEASON 3 - 2026/27

Finances | League Results | League Table | Relegation Results | Relegation Table | Portuguese Cup Results | Squad U19 Squad 1 | U19 Squad 2 | Leça BYouth Preview 1 |Youth Intake I | Youth Intake II | Transfers |



ELITE | João Sampaio | Miguel da Silva | Rodrigue Ndong |

TOP | Carlos Amorim | Carlos Melo | Marciano Costa | Pedro Pinheiro | Elton Borges |  Joazhifel Lopes |

GOOD | Marilson Almeida | Wilson Moreira | Iuri CostaJoão MonteiroJoão Ribeiro | Joaquim CapangoRolando Paciência |




Personal Contract

Season        Contract Start Date       Contract Expiry Date    Pre Tax Wage     Post Tax Wage
At start          29 June 2024             30 June 2025          €43k p/y           29k p/y
2024/25           26 December 2024         30 June 2026          €43k p/y           29k p/y
2025/26           25 November 2025         30 June 2027          €16,75k p/y        12,75k p/y
2026/27           28 May 2027              30 June 2029          €141k p/y          77,5k p/y

Personal Coaching Data

Season     Reputation            Qualifications     Att  Def  Fit  GkD  GkH  GkS  Tac  Tec  Men  SeP  WWY  Ada  Det  PlK  YoK  LoD  PeM  Mot
At start   Minimal   (0.50*)     None                 1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    5    1    1    1    1    1    3    3
2024/25    Minimal   (0.50*)     None                 3↑   3↑   2↑   1=   1=   1=   4↑   3↑   3↑   1=   7↑   1=   3↑   3↑   3↑   2↑   5↑   5↑
2025/26    Minimal   (1*)        None                 4↑   4↑   2=   1=   1=   1=   5↑   4↑   4↑   1=   7=   1=   4↑   4↑   4↑   2=   7↑   6↑
2026/27    Minimal   (1*)        None                 4=   4=   3↑   2↑   1=   2↑   5=   5↑   4=   1=   7=   1=   5↑   4=   4=   2=   8↑   7↑

Club Facilities

Season     Training Facilities  Youth Facilities  Corporate Facilities  Junior Coaching  Youth Recruitment  Club Reputation
At Start        Good (12)          Average (10)       Fairly Basic        Adequate (10)     Average (10)       Decent (2*)
2024/25         Good (12)=         Average (10)=      Fairly Basic        Adequate (11)↑    Average (10)=      Decent (2*)=
2025/26         Average (11)      Average (10)=      Fairly Basic        Good (14)↑        Average (10)=      Decent (2*)=
2026/27         Average (11)=      Average (10)=      Fairly Basic        Good (14)=        Average (10)=      Decent (2*)=

Season Record

Season     Played     Won     Drawn     Lost     Goals For     Goals Against     Goal Difference     Win Percentage
2024/25     39        26        6         7         96               51                +45               66,67%
2025/26     33        13        9         11        55               50                +5                39,39%
2026/27     31        14        6         11        57               44                +13               45,16%

Overall Career Record

After Season   Played     Won     Drawn     Lost     Goals For     Goals Against     Goal Difference     Win Percentage     Time At Club
2025/26          103       53      21        29          208            145                +63                51,45%              1064

Transfer Sale Record

Date               Player                    Position               Club Sold To                 Country                   Transfer Fee

Trophy Haul

Season     Competition Won

Trophy Cabinet

League Titles

Cup Competition Victories

Career Overview

Season     Champions League    Europa League    Europa Conference League       League               Position   Playoff   Relegation   Portoguese Cup
2024/25           -                  -                      -             Campeonato de Portugal      3        2              -          Semi Final
2025/26           -                  -                      -                 Liga 3                  3        6              -          2nd round
2026/27           -                  -                      -                 Liga 3                  7        -              2          4th round

Record Number of Appearances (Players From The Academy Only)

Season     Player                          Cumulative Number of Appearances
2026/27    Huber Bats                                     81

Record Goal Scorer (Players From The Academy Only)

Season     Player                          Cumulative Number of Goals
2026/27  Huber Bats                                   10

Record Number of Assists (Players From The Academy Only)

Season     Player                          Cumulative Number of Assists
2026/27   Huber Bats                                  8

Record Number of Clean Sheets (Players From The Academy Only)

Season     Player                          Cumulative Number of Clean Sheets





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Catania - Season 8 – 2030/2031


The season started with a bunch of staff members demanding much bigger wages, usually double what they were previously on. This meant that I parted ways with the majority, including my HoYD. Our new intake guy is Lubambo Musonda. Good personality with decent stats, hopefully adding licences will improve his attributes in the near future. We were predicted to finish 15th. I was optimistic about the season, especially how good the previous one left. But from the start it was an epic nightmare. Thats why I didn’t post much. The combination of living in the part of the world were you get daily highs of 37,38 C combined with everything going wrong and frustrating me life out of me lead to a 20 or more days gap between updates. Vicedomini, our only Serie B level midfielder got a 3 month injury 5 days before the start of the season. Rao our new starting LB missed the first month. Savoia missed the first month and a half and was seen at a bar on the night before his first game of the season. And the xG gods really left us from the sixth round. There were so many games, like 8 or 9 where we had the better xG, even by goal and we would still lose by 2 or 3 goals. I felt completely hopeless and paralyzed. We had a 12 game win-less streak after we started the season with 2 good wins. The worst was the game against Modena. Losing 5 0 at home with an extra man. They had an xG of 1,3, ours was 3,41. Reggina was similar, 2 0 loss, xG was 2,7 to 0,64 in our advantage. We won a few games after that. But slid again and had another 6 game win-less streak towards the end of the season. So towards the end of the season, both our xG and xG against were in the negative by double digits. So what does the game do? We win our two last games 5 0 and 6 0. And now it seems we only missed our xG for by 4,5 goals. But thats ****ing ******** and idiotic attempt at leveling out a statistic. In the end we conceded 12 goals more than we should and finished 14th.

The youth intake preview was also our worst one yet. It only promised 3 A rated youngsters, a FB, CD and MC. I am already stacked with FB on either side. Shockingly, for the first time in the save, we had a better intake than the youth preview. Instead of 3 we got 5 elite talents. Baglieri could very well be our goalkeeper of the future. Rough mentals but great technicals. Balanced personality is tricky. Franzoni can play along the right side, equally well in all roles. Training him as a invereted winger since he is either footed and I have right backs to spare. Confident he will take over from Mora given his Fairly Professional personality. Vasallo is a raw but all round talented midfielder with offensive tendencies and a good personality. Ballerini cant dance but he will be a very good left footed central defender with plenty of work rate. Chierchia is the star of the intake and only one with 1.5 stars. Very athletic and hardworking, but horrific personality combined with low determination. Happy how it turned out, especially if Baglieri develops into a starter caliber keeper.

We made our first big proper sale of the save. Savioa’s release clause of 3,7 million was triggered. He has made 140 league Apps for us and will be greatly missed, as he was by far our best player over the last 3 seasons. I immediately spent like a third of that on youth facilities. First facilities update as well! Money has been tight. Over the last few seasons we have been losing around 200-300K a year, except for that one season where we went far in the cup. That gave us an extra 800K or so to stay in the green. We should be in a good place with this amount of money. Hopefully I get to improve them youth facilities more. The senior training facilities are at a high level already. Will really miss Savoia in the next season.

Esposito ran the show this year. He was our leading scorer with 18 and most creative player with 7 assists. This also means he was our best rated player with 7.12.

Bledar Daci is our first newgen international after he got a call up from Albania. Hes still on loan btw.

Filipo Esposito made the Serie B Team of the Month for August and May, Savoia made it in January and May, while Minotti made it in November, Mora made it in February and May, Lo Cascio made it in May as well. Luca Minotti won the U19 Player of the Month for September and November, Assumma won the same award for January. Marco Cali won it in February. Lo Cascio in May.

Lo Cascio won the Scopigno award for best newcomer. Savoia was the Young Player of the Year. Mora made the Team of the Year.

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Spending some family time today so didn't get much progress made.......but I made new kits for Kercem Ajax, what do you guys think?


The home kit has a proper 90s poppers feel to them with the kappa logo strip along the shoulders

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9 hours ago, Daddy said:

For what will probably be my final attempt for FM24 I'm going to give England another try. 

It's weird being at this point again so soon and this time its the end of an era with the game changing significantly.

Best of luck with Dulwich sir

p.s. their kit colours are a belter for custom kits!

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4 hours ago, Neo_Geo said:

It's weird being at this point again so soon and this time its the end of an era with the game changing significantly.

Best of luck with Dulwich sir

p.s. their kit colours are a belter for custom kits!

For the several previous years of attempting in England, Dulwich was always one of those teams I wanted to play as. Both because of the color and I always viewed them as a measuring stick for whatever reason. I spent the afternoon trying to get Horsham promoted (I describe myself as being "from" Horsham, Pennsylvania), but I watched a full WWE show and got bored with all the Holidaying lol.

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Am 31.8.2024 um 21:02 schrieb mschafer13:

2051 and I'm still stuck in the National League. Been here for 10 years now, never really getting close to playoffs even.




No real great youth this year, so next year isn't looking much better. I don't quite know what to do to get out of this rut. Board won't spend money on youth recruitment because we're broke. But we can't earn more money unless we move up. But we can't do that unless we have better players to compete!


We've been under takeover rumors for the past 3 seasons, so I think my only hope is to keep plodding along in the National League until a takeover actually happens and, cross my fingers, the new owners agree to spend some money on youth.

Know what you‘re Talking about. I‘ve eben there more than 20 years. I‘ve found a proper preseason makes a huge difference in the Performance of the players

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