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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. if you do the scouting yourself you can do without them like in my current save I'm only relying on DOF recommendation and agent offers at the moment then I offer the players I get on trial if they come then fine, if they don't I don't look at them again
  2. did you install anything? When I get crashes like this I take out the additional files like graphic packs, saved games etc but leave those that come standard just after installing the game before you've created your first save file and start readding them one after the other until I find the file that caused the crash and it has always worked for me
  3. yearly release games? I doubt that. I would agree with you if it was a game like GTA that has a few years in between cycles, like why would SI or any other company waste resources on a patch for FM 21 match engine when where in FM 23? it doesn't make sense to me. Now FM is the only game I play with a yearly release cycle so if there are any other gaming companies that are on the same cycle as SI that keep releasing patches for an old game when there is a new one let me know
  4. it's not about having your face in the game, it's just the name. SI's staff and some other content creators that have their newgens in the game don't have their actual face in it
  5. won't solve it. Think about it this way, they have to release the game every year and they can't spend all their time working on a patch for the current game, they have to at some point stop an move all recourses towards the next game and it so happens that in football there is a transfer window at the middle of the season where players are allowed to move around and it's the perfect time for SI to put out the last patch to update the data base and fix what they are able to fix and move everything to the next game. The only way they would go back to working on the current game after the winter patch is if there is some issue that makes the game literally unplayable like crashes. I don't blame them for that, every yearly release game has the same issue. some things are easier to fix and don't require as much testing and somethings are not, that is the nature of software
  6. At that level it's to be expected and I prefer how it was last year although all they needed to do was improve pressing but they tried to make gegenpressing less effective but they didn't do a good job with it. I'm fine with players passing the ball around at the back for no reason if there is no pressure on them and the moment there is pressure they hoof it but the biggest complaint here last year was the passing numbers and possession for teams that aren't and this is what we got as a result of it which is fine as this is how it has always been apart from last year like I said earlier.
  7. what level are you playing at? I had the same problem playing in the Danish 4th and third tier and it has always been that way in the lower leagues apart from last year but to solve that I lowered the passing to the minimum and the tempo to one notch above minimum and the players generally kept the ball well but the centerbacks will still hoof it from time to time which is fair
  8. I can understand that but at the same time the players are not robot and the instructions you are giving them isn't an order, it's more of you guiding them to do something. I'm not saying they should always ignore the instructions however, I'm sure Klopp doesn't put out his Liverpool team to concede goals after scoring 2 This is a ME thing and unfortunately we can't do anything about that although they still play differently compared to traditional wingers. I don't know about this but I'm tired of my players taking long shots for no reason when there is a better passing option close to them
  9. I've never understood when people make this kind of comment. I also say a streamer saying he feels like to win he is forced to play a certain way and I'm not sure that's true. I've played with 5 different systems so far and they have done what I expect them to do so I don't know where this type of comment is coming from. Maybe you can enlighten me and help me understand for example how you are trying to play and what's going wrong with it
  10. That's not entirely true. You can find good African players from African teams or Asian teams but the probability is lower compared to those coming from decent team. I had a save in FM 20 where I played for about 17 seasons and I got very good players from some Cameroonian teams and Iranian teams
  11. I was just looking at it and I might take the Level 1 and 2. I’m not too interested in coaching so the UEFA B doesn’t seem like a good investment at the moment
  12. lol that would be funny. I'm already happy with the game even if defenders seem to be incapable of dealing with balls over the top (it's not as big of a problem in higher divisions but in lower divisions it's a nightmare) and having a lower defensive line doesn't seem to go as low as in previous years
  13. no one knows if it's today, we're just speculating I agree but changing how AI pick their team is more of a radical change so I wouldn't be expecting to see that now, it's something I would expect with a new version of the game. I mentioned Davincid's files because he has tested them and they seem to make it a bit better so theoretically it should be easier for SI to start from there to make changes at least for short term
  14. it has to be today, it isn't tomorrow because they don't generally release anything on Fridays in case there is a huge bug, they don't have to wait until Monday to start working on it. If it's not today there is no point releasing it on Monday or Tuesday, they might as well wait until mid march and release everything in one update
  15. if scout reports were detailed enough and more descriptive I don't thing I would even look at attributes
  16. can you send me link of the ssd you got. I'm considering getting the steam deck and this is definitely the way to go but I can't find any ssd at that price on amazon at the moment
  17. True but if you look at it from SI's point of view they are not creating a game only for the hardcore players, if you're a hardcore player you can turn off attributes and rely on coach report or stats or a combination of both, there series on youtube where people do that. SI have to create a game for everyone and they need a way to be able to tell us how good a player is compared to another
  18. Lol I had the opposite. I was supposed to fight for relegation and was in the bottom 2 for most of the season but I managed to get mid table and when clubs offered me interviews they were all saying I don’t have experience with battling against relegation
  19. You can sign players on amateur contract if your a semi pro or amateur team. As a semi pro team you need to offer them impact sub and below I think it is
  20. I'm hoping its today but if it's not then it's tomorrow. This week is going to be fun for me, I'm looking forward to the update, drive to survive and F1 preseason testing from tomorrow
  21. I've not updated mine in a while so I'm not sure if the instructions have changed but what I usually do is unpack the new files then copy the faces themselves inside the main facepack folder and I overwrite those that are already there and it usually works for me
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