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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. You can make match plans that get implemented automatically in the game depending on the scenario you set but the problem is that your assistant manager then makes the subs in the match instead of you and I have no idea if it has been fixed yet
  2. 0.6 is a very good chances. You’re never going to get an xG of 1
  3. It’s not even that. How would they deal with testing the game and bug fixes if everyone’s setup is different. Most people would argue that they’re not doing that well with big fixes at the moment even if the game is basically the same for everyone apart from little things like tactics etc
  4. I don't think my TIs are too possession heavy, I just have short passing I'm not trying to force anything, I just want them to use the ball well and effectively. They will still counter but it won't be forced The ideal role would be a PF but the strikers I had didn't play that well in that role and I put it down to their pace. I also don't want them dropping deep because they are the only one who are good at taking their chances consistently so I want the entire team to facilitate getting them the ball I agree that the anchor man is not the best choice but it was what worked defensively although the player I had playing there played more like a DLP. Ideally I would change the role to a DLP or standard DM on defend
  5. I'm playing FM21 and I got promoted to the first division with this team and although I won the league in the first season the fact that we don't have enough shots on goal is concerning. Yes, looking at the stats we are very clinical and we don't concede that many goals but I don't think its sustainable long term. We're not also in the best financial position so I can't improve the squad that much either. As you can see from the stats below we average less than 11 shots a game and scoring wise we are out scoring our xG but not by much which is why I said it's not sustainable long term. Tactic wise I think it's fairly balanced apart from maybe the Poacher but it seems to be working for now. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance
  6. the only thing that annoys me so much about the 21 ME are the crosses that don't beat the first man that often
  7. I think the bigger issue is the yearly cycle especially as the game is matured now. If you think about it, a year isn't enough to develop a game and if you look at other games that have this yearly cycle, they suffer from the same issues. Someone did a video a few months back complaining about F1 2023 and the same points he made applies to FM, FIFA, NBA2K etc. It's a difficult position for SI to be in because they are not as big as EA and since FM is the only product they offer, they have to release a game every year to make money and apart from the in game editor there are no micro transactions like you will find in FIFA for example
  8. I've started doing the opposite so I train the young players in more specific way because in my head the goals is to get them to the first team as fast as possible so if the training is more focused they can grow in the basic attributes I need faster and then I switched to a more rounded training
  9. I went back to play FM21 and I have to say that compared to FM23 I might prefer the FM21. The perfect ME for me is the FM21 ME with FM23 ball physics, animation, cross improvement, IW behaviour
  10. You can play offline or online with friends but if you’re going to play with friends you all need to be available to play at the same time
  11. The xG is only an indication of the quality of chances you’re getting. You can create very good chances and still not score. However, I think finishing is and has always been weird in FM because it’s about the end result for example there was the period where 1v1 finishing was atrocious but the reseda so for that is because it’s very easy to create 1v1 chances so if most of those she’ shots went in most of the games will be high scoring.
  12. My biggest advice is not to take anything that is said here as gospel. Yes there are good advice but there are also bad advice and if something works for you don't stop doing it. in terms of the question I wouldn't say I change that much, I may change a few instructions or 2 depending on what's happening in the game. Now there are spells where you won't win a game in a month and when I get into that spell then not conceding is the first thing I have to try and do so I might change shape but once that spell is over, I go back to what I was originally doing
  13. I don't have enough data to say if it works or not because I don't play an entire season like that. I only do it when there are important games I don't want to lose and in those few games they do what I expect
  14. to add to the point @fc.cadoni made, remember that the star ratings depends also on the other players at the club so if someone goes from 5 star to 3.5 it could be simply the fact that you brought in someone way better.
  15. Another thing people misunderstand about the rating system is that it depends on the role and how many times they do particular things. A classis example is GK, people often complain that the AI GK seem to be way powerful when they play against them because the usually have low to normal average ratings in other match but against you they always get 7 and above then you go to look at the match and you see that they had 20 shots or more and the GK saved 18 of them but still conceded 3 goals and you will as yourself why he got an average rating of 7.5 when he conceded 3 goals but the game doesn't see it that way, the seem to lean more towards the number of saves.
  16. I press less when I play a low block and I’m more interested in denying space as opposed to winning the ball back through pressing. So in a system like this I will have tackle hard on as a team instruction or on specific players so through opposition instruction and maybe ask my wingers to mark the opposition fullback. Another time I press less is when I see some players are to quick to go out of their position to go and press and I can’t see any other thing in the tactic that encourages that behaviour so I’ll ask that player to press less
  17. yes he is keeping the pressing intense in the low block. Teams that play a low block tend to do that, the fact that you don't engage the opposition higher up doesn't mean you don't have to press intensely when they come into your own half
  18. He is not doing anything wrong per say but it's a game issue IMO. When teams defend IRL they tend to do that narrowly and if you ever watch teams defend in FM, the space between the CBs is too big and the space between the FB and CB is even bigger like you can see in the clip. If the team was a bit narrow it would have been much more difficult to concede there because other players will be closer to help defensively. I know other instructions could influence this behaviour but still it shouldn't be that much. I think another thing FM gets wrong sometimes is the body shape of the defenders when they have a striker running past them. If you watch that kind of scenario IRL you will see that the defender is not facing the direction of the ball straight on but his body shape is slightly turned giving him the ability to hold his line if he has to or run after the striker without being in too much of a disadvantage since the striker will be facing full on the direction where he is running towards. That is why in FM you will see the defender always lose in situations like that regardless of the acceleration of both players
  19. While I completely agree with you we also have to acknowledge the fact that not every one has the machine to set up lots of leagues and even If they did not everyone has the patience for a longer processing time so I've always seen it as a trade of. Now can SI do something to make things better for people like that? Maybe but at the moment that is not the case. I personally like to load a lot of leagues and I prefer that setup especially if you are a smaller club because everything becomes a competition from players to staff etc You will tend to dominate in Europe a bit less because other leagues remain competitive
  20. It doesn't like to pick or give recommendations from what I've seen put you can push it and if you give enough details it will eventually tell you and give reasons
  21. They make send to me. Your mentality, short passing, lower tempo and work ball into the box tells me lots of passing and not a lot of crosses
  22. what do you mean by mac version? I'm pretty sure you have access to steam on the mac
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