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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. I’ve asked that before and the answer was along the line of the game is available on multiple platforms now and not all of them provide that functionality
  2. technically it affects the AI too so it's not really that unfair but I get your point
  3. I'm not saying people shouldn't complain if something isn't working as it should. They absolutely should, that's the only way to get a better game in general. My point was more the fact that personally I couldn't be bothered with any of that, I only play the game for the tactical aspect so it was interesting to see that so many people seem to care so much about the other stuff (as they should)
  4. Im not coming at anyone for anything but watch what people complain about this year has been very interesting for me because I tend to ignore most of these things as it doesn’t have any viable impact on gameplay. A player comes to me because he’s unhappy and thinks he deserves a new contract, I just try to talk them down and if it doesn’t work, I just ignore them especially if they have a lot of time left in their contract and I address it when I feel like. I do the same with players moaning about playing time, I just ignore it since it doesn’t affect their performance when I need them to play
  5. They had only one shot in the game but it was a very good chance that they are likely to score from while you had 26 shots, if you were to break them down individually those chances were not as good as the one chance they created. So while you might have been unlucky not to score they created the biggest chance in the game and took advantage of it
  6. This ha probably the case. I was playing a save yesterday and out of curiosity I looked at the xG table and saw that we were scoring way more than expected but we were also conceding more than expected so with that in mind I already knew that there will come a point where it’s going to even out a bit and that point came and I looked at the xG table and I saw that the xG was the same as the goals scored and we were now conceding less than expected so I just left the tactic because we were still playing well but not scoring goals and it fixed itself again without having to make huge changes
  7. You can download the demo version for free and look around yourself. I don’t have my computer next to me at the moment
  8. the way you watch games also helps. If you only watch key highlights then you are going to miss a lot of things same if you play with certain camera angles you won't be able to take not of the shape of your team properly. If you have a lot of time I'll advice you to watch the first 10 minutes of games in full highlight mode (at least until you are confident with your tactic) and 2d or if you prefer 3d use one of the camera settings that show you almost the entire pitch and slow the speed at which the game is played. When you watch games try to think ahead of what you want your players to do so for example if one of your defenders have the ball you should already see where you want him to pass the ball, if he doesn't pass the ball in that direction then pause the game and ask yourself why, you can rewind as much as you like and just make a mental note of it, don't change anything yet. Do the same for when your team is defending think about where you want your players to be and why they are not there; if you see that you DM is out of position rewind to see what he was doing before your team lost the ball, maybe he left his position to go and press someone on the flank when he didn't need to move then maybe change his role from BWM or DM to A. Maybe you may notice that when you attack one of your players doesn't have anyone to pass to because other players are either too forward or too deep so you try and change the roles of the players around. When you watch the game like this you will notice that players behave very differently from each other even if people say you can't tell the difference. I just went back to FM 22 to start a save and I'm still in pre season and I've already noticed that when I play a particular person as a RB whenever there is a ton of space he will put in a low cross (which is what I want), the other player that plays there tends to dilly dally on the ball until someone else comes close for him to pass. If you notice something don't change immediately until you've seen it as a repeated pattern. If your players are doing what you want them to do and you are creating chances and you go a goal or 2 down by luck (long shot, set piece or maybe player error) don't change anything, as long as they are doing what you want them to do and the chances are coming they will eventually score. If you concede a goal rewind it far back to see what went wrong, sometimes people make the mistake of thing that the player out of position at the time the goal was scored is the one at fault but if you go far back, you might see that the only reason he was out of position in the first place is because someone else was not where he was supposed to be so that player was covering for him This is the camera angle I use when I want to play in 3D because there are somethings you can only see in 3D like what foot the players are using, it's easier to see where they are facing etc. The players look so small but that's not the point and I don't care about that, I care more about seeing the shape of the team at all times
  9. It doesn't matter what league I'm playing in or what team I'm managing I always tend to over perform my xg at least goal wise
  10. traits doesn't necessarily have to benefit any type of player, they are just tendencies however to answer your question I think it might benefit a player who very good on one foot
  11. maybe remove a few leagues and clear your shortlist
  12. the space between the channels definitely got bigger in FM22 and it carried over to FM23 and it's a problem both offensively and defensively. If you go back and play FM21 you will see the the space between the channels is very different and it's just about right
  13. Out of curiosity why don’t you guys go the public beta route more often? You’ve done it in the past and like you’ve said before we are going to be able to play more games in a limited amount of time compared to what you guys can do. By public beta I don’t mean the 2 weeks before the game lunch, I mean that there is a section in steam for example where one can check if there are any beta versions
  14. You can check CD keys I'm sure they still sell keys for it
  15. These are annoying but in my head I see them more as graphical problems than match engine problems because the the ME might be correct but the graphical representation of the ME regarding those situations are awful. Another example is when the ball is going out for a throwing that will favour you but for some reason your player decides to touch the ball before it goes out gifting the throw in to the opposition
  16. Training is more important than games played until they turn 18 then playing games starts to be more important so you can leave your youth players in the youth team and focus on their training than when they are 18, look at them again and decide if they are good enough to play for you in your first them; if the answer is no then send the player on loan to a team where he is going to play and try to send him to a league that suits his level (if you look at the scout report it tells you the level the player is at so look for leagues at a similar level). This is what you want to do for most players but if you have 1 or 2 players that are really good but their personalities isn’t as good, you can put them in the first team to mentor them and make them available to play for your youth team
  17. @milenec11if you’re so sure, you can upload your save I’m sure people would like to give it a try
  18. You can change the role to a normal CM on support
  19. This is so true. I’m sure most people would be happier with the game if they didn’t come here
  20. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/452839-the-unofficially-official-training-and-mentoring-guide/
  21. Well, it’s their because for general training to work, you need players in units.
  22. They have never released a change list in any previous games so I don't know what you're trying to insinuate.
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