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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. The thing with data is they are useless if you don't understand how your tactic works so looking at the datahub without that knowledge isn't helpful
  2. It's just the fact the tactic the human manager make tend to have way more shots on average than the AI and average rating for the GK seem to be linked to the amount of save they make so if your team had 30 shots and scored 4 goals but the made 20 saves their average rating will be towards 8
  3. I don't think it's about luck. I think it's more the fact that two games are never the same even if it is played by the same player. So in football manager I think the way it works is that before you start the game, a result is calculated the as you start the game, every event that happens in the match triggers a recalculation so for example you get to the game and give your team talk, the team talk affects the moral of your player and the game will recalculate the result again; a player picks a yellow card, the game recalculates the result. A big one is making substitutions, many people will tell you not to make subs when winning because you will end up losing but the reality is that your subs will affect the game because it's going to trigger the engine to recalculate the result and it could go in your favour or against you etc so you are always able to affect the outcome of the match based on the things you do during games
  4. my ideal setup is to have the nation I'm playing in set to full detail then the top division of the top 20 nations to full detail then European and international competition to full detail. If I'm starting from a much lower division in the country I'll normally wait until I get to the top division to set that so the game can go a bit faster during the first few seasons
  5. lol they designed it to be as safe as possible without offending anyone so it doesn't end up like Microsoft's chatbot that became racist. I've found that the best way to use it is to set defined parameters or ask it to answer "yes" or "no". The main issue I have with it is that it doesn't have the capability to search the internet and its knowledge ends in 2021
  6. I was just playing with the tool asking it various things and I decided to ask it to create a wage structure for my team. The parameters I gave are a budget of £111000 and I have 1 star player, 2 important players and 12 regular starters. I also told it that there are 25 players and some of those 25 are subs and young players and subs but I didn't specify the exact number and it gave me this: Here is a revised sample wage structure that takes into account your team's specific composition, with 1 star player, 2 important players, and 12 regular starters: Star player: 45000 (40% of budget) Important players: 30000 each (27% of budget) Regular starters: 10000 each (9% of budget) Subs: 6000 each (5% of budget) Young players: 3000 each (3% of budget) This wage structure allocates a larger portion of your budget to your star player and important players, while still leaving room for competitive wages for your regular starters and some budget allocated for subs and young players. As with any wage structure, you may need to adjust the wages for each tier based on the specific needs and circumstances of your team.
  7. his natural fitness is 20 that is why he is able to retain his physical abilities longer but yes I agree that it should be toned down a little bit but not as much as it was in like FM20 or FM21
  8. If you like to play in leagues and teams you have not played with before then you know it's a nightmare trying to sort out players and remember them so after selecting your first 11 and bench, you can save it so if you have to rotate the players for a game you don't forget who is playing where while you are still learning the names of the players. To do this you need to click on the drop down menu next to quick add, then click on manage and then "save team selection" As you can see from the screenshot I have 4 different version saved at various point of the season
  9. I prefer FM23 although there are things that still annoy me. you can play the demo and see which one you prefer, it’s free to download anyway and you’ll be the best judge
  10. If you play on steam you can delete both folders then verify the game on steam and it should get you the folder back
  11. download the demo first and try it. It's free to download
  12. out of curiosity why would you have a DLP in the DM position when you have a libero. Don't they do the same job?
  13. when your scouts and analysts look at the team you are going to play against, they pull all those information for you. To see that you need to go to the data hub and your team performance tab and pin the information you want to see then go to the next opponent tab in the "next opponent performance" drop down you will see all the data there that you pinned for your own team
  14. It also depends on the formation they play. I usually notice it when they play formations like the 433 and 4231
  15. Maybe stop playing for a while. I’ve never played FM constantly throughout the entire year. There are months where I just don’t feel like playing and I don’t play until I get some kind of inspiration or I feel like playing again. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break from the game however long it takes, it’s not necessarily a reflection of the game being bad.
  16. They do use it. I think they use it too much. All you have to do to see it is have their tactic up while playing and you’ll see that the wide players swapping positions quite often
  17. @b28937idk how it works and I have not tried but it would be interesting to read it the entire game manual and then you ask it questions like "what attributes are more important in defensive transition" just to see the answer
  18. this isn't enough information to go off of. Yes you have tried all that but maybe the way you set them up was wrong or your players are just not good enough so without knowing how you've set up and a basic knowledge of your players it will be difficult to give you suggestions
  19. I would actually like a descriptive scout report like this in game with also the pros and cons as we have now. If I had this there will be no need to even look at attributes because it's detailed enough to give you an overall picture of the player in question
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