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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. I'm pretty sure the path has to be in quotation mark so "E:\Sports Interactive"
  2. you also have to keep in mind that sometimes SI's definition are a bit different from what it would be IRL
  3. what you're looking for is impossible to achieve in the ME. The closest you will get to it is if you moved the middle DC to the DM position and play him maybe as a HB then ask him to man mark the AMC position. That way the HB will drop between the defenders out of possession but he will also move a bit higher when your team has the ball
  4. I watched that video and I disagree with that. I explained it while replying to a question someone asked here And the way they interact with the team instructions and mentality is that those zones can be bigger or smaller to the point where 2 or 3 players zone can overlap. For example on attacking mentality it would be bigger than the zone on balanced mentality and then your line of engagement and defensive line will also have an influence. If you ask your team to press more, all it does is increase that zone and vice versa when you ask them to press less
  5. it good to see that this thread is a bit quiet now. it sems that most people are enjoying the game now post update so that's a very good thing from SI's point of view
  6. Aren’t there more loading screens this year compared to last year. If that’s the case then I’d expect it to load a bit slower compared to last year
  7. try putting them to the development list then offering them out. Wait for some days then if you see that those players have the wanted sign next to their name then offer them out again and just keep doing that
  8. I do something similar with a high press but I don't like to put tackle hard on strikers and AMs because it might result in a penalty since those players enter the box frequently
  9. I've always ignored the players moaning since they seem to turn around if the team is doing well
  10. I don’t schedule any friendly games during the first week then after that I arrange one ever 3 days and leave a week free before the first game of the season. when it comes to substitution I like to sub off the players at half time because although I have in mind who my first 11 will be, I use preseason to fine tune my tactic and learn about the players so you might notice that in a particular situation player B will play a kind of pass that player A doesn’t and that seems to give you an advantage so even if player A was supposed to be my starter, because of this particular situation I might start games with player B or I make a mental note if it so if I need to bring him on as a sub to take advantage of the AI I know exactly when to do it. You only noticed that if you have seen all your players play enough games during preseason
  11. When you scout the team you’re playing against, you can see how many formations they have used and how often they use it. I’ve seen a team use 5 different formations throughout the season but there is always their preferred formation they use much more often
  12. I think we all know that it's not true although I do believe that due to the fact that they have to release a game every year there are some issues they are aware of and maybe are already working on fixing but they don't fix until the next version which makes sense unless it something that makes the game completely unplayable like crashes etc.
  13. If you go to your shortlist there is an option that says something along the line of “keep report updated” you need to untick that box.
  14. Not really there is a way to do it properly. Here is an example of it done right https://youtu.be/F8LlFZcIqL4
  15. You do realise that issues like this even if they are fixed, if you started a save before the patch it will take some time to adjust
  16. Could be a one off. I just finished my fist season with AC Milan and I won the league and got to the champions league final against Liverpool. Up to then the most I’ve lost was 2-0 but admittedly I wasn’t trying in the Liverpool game but they destroyed me and I lost 6-1
  17. I've noticed that fullbacks now go to the byline, turn and then cross the ball with their weaker foot instead of crossing it first time with their preferred foot. Tomorrow if I don't forget I will put together a series of clip that shows it happening
  18. of course you can. I've played with both and it's fine; I don't think there is any pairing that guarantees success it just depends on the overall setup
  19. No don’t reinstall. Try right clicking on the game on steam there should be an option to cancel it. if that doesn't work try and see if you can go on offline mode
  20. It’s a bit sad but I kind of like it in a way because before even very players would lose the ball for no reason which was annoying. If it affected mostly players with bad first touch, composure, technique then I would have been fine with it
  21. I lost the lead because my defender lost the ball twice in 2 minutes against the team in second position I was tied in points with so it still happens 😂
  22. while I understand the frustration don't you guys think that if it was an easy fix it would have been done from beta to release? This is the first year that I remember that the match engine didn't change from beta to release so it tells me that the issue is way more complicated then we all think thus will take more time to complete. Now I know some will point to the fact that it seems to be ready since they updated the touch version for apple arcade but maybe the submission process is different for steam or epic or there are other parts of the game that are still being tested
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