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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. this is a serious question I have for people that think that players lose the ball too often. Would you have thought the same if the game has always been like this or do you think like this because you are used to how it used to be? Sometimes I think people confuse the two
  2. It’s the same issue with laptops when you put them to sleep with the game on, it tends to crash when you wake it up and start playing again
  3. You could rest then for a day or 2 after games
  4. That’s not the point I was trying to make. If you had answered the question instead of trying to be smart, you would have understood that my point was maybe there is a certain instruction that isn’t working as intended because I’ve not hade problem with players running past my defenders and I have nothing ticked in the out of possession instructions
  5. you may want to open a separate topic about that so more people can see it in case they want to do the same
  6. It’s not because wingers are useless and they don’t dribble, it’s simply the fact that your fullbacks get the ball from a deeper position so they have all the pitch in front of them to run into. Wingers on the other hand get the ball from a higher position so the space available for them to do something with it is limited. It’s not like irl where if a player receives the ball and knows he can’t dribble he won’t even try. I’m FM unless your fullback is on defend duty or they a particular trait that stops them from dribbling, they will always try to run with the ball and dribble
  7. I have no idea why people are complaining about this. I had a striker score 51 goals in one season in all competition with a simple 442. if he keeps scoring at the rate he is right now he’s definitely going to reach those numbers
  8. To finish the point I made earlier, if you think something isn’t working as it should and you have ideas on how to improve it, take time, write it out and send it to SI. It’s very easy to point out things that don’t work. For example I’ve seen a few comments of people unhappy with the UI yet I’ve never seen any suggestions on how to make it better. We all want a better game at the end of the day and it’s all our responsibility to make that happen and not the devs alone
  9. No one is stopping you from giving a feedback, there is a difference between giving feedback and complaining. feedback is “if played for x amount of time and I’ve noticed y, I don’t think A should be happening so I’ve reported it as a bug” complaining is “I’ve been playing this game from the first championship manager and I’m really disappointed with the game this year, they’ve not fixed an issue that has been there for 20 years” You notice how in the first one, specific issues are pointed out while in the later it’s just a random statement that means nothing
  10. What’s funny to me about this comment is that everyone wants to pick and choose when there should be realism and when there should be “fun”. Now I agree that it’s a video game and there should be an element of fun but at the same time people went on an on about immersion when talking about the graphics and other things in the game because they want to feel like real manages watching a real football match.
  11. set it up per position on the tactic page before a match so all you have to do is select all players and just turn the position toggle on
  12. I’m not near my computer now so I can’t try it myself but try resting only your first 11 then quick pick and see if it picks anyone from your first 11
  13. It’s done by design, it’s not a bug and I prefer it that way, they just need to look at AI teams that play with 3 at the back and two DMs, it’s very easy to play against them now
  14. The offside trap is still there it has been renamed “hold line” regarding the position of konate it would be easier if you added a short gif of what he was doing before you took the screenshot
  15. You need to put 2 players I think on the wall and 2 in the edge of the box and it won’t happen again. At least that’s how I stop them in FM22
  16. Do you think it’s because Tuanzebe is not rested while the rest of the plates are so it prioritised him?
  17. So I'm on a laptop and normally the manufacturer tests the drivers before they put them up on their website so if you do it from the app you get the latest that might not have been fully tested yet by the manufacturer of your device, Each time I go to the driver website I always notice that the graphic driver they have there is usually 2 or 3 versions older
  18. One thing I would like to see in future games is an instruction to specifically look for cut backs, I know you can get that sometimes with low crosses but they don’t happen as often as I would like
  19. If you’re in a laptop go to the manufacturer website and download the graphics driver and if you’re on a desktop go to your motherboard manufacturer and download the graph driver, don’t do it through the gforce experience app
  20. I think it’s a known issue that technical attributes don’t go up as much
  21. KDE connect might work for you but it can look confusing
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