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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. then you need a poacher. The description you gave sounds to me more like a poacher than an advanced forward
  2. what combination of instructions or scenarios made it so that the WB didn't go across to cover the opposition player despite the fact you have asked them to trigger the press more often? It frustrates me so much when my defenders step up very early, giving up space behind instead of either holding their line or dropping or waiting for the other nearby players to engage the opposition and I would like to know how to stop that from happening.
  3. I said I was not going to buy it and as soon as it got announced I'm kind if changing my mind
  4. It could still work you just have to make some adjustments
  5. Yes. Crosses are way better in FM22 and during beta and when the game first launched it was too powerful but it's toned down now.
  6. the biggest difference in my opinion is that in FM21 once a player makes a decision, he is going to carry on a do what he has decided even if the circumstances has changed that is why you get wingers and fullbacks that once they start running with the ball they don't stop even if they are running into 3 players. In FM 22 on the other hand when it lunched in the blog there was a portion that talked about "slices" and basically the fact that now players can change their decision if the condition is no longer favourable to what they initially wanted to do. Another thing is you have some roles that play slightly differently in FM like the IWB, IF, IWB and the fact that even with poor teams it's much more easier to hold on to the ball compared to FM21 where they would just kick it long if there was a threat of them being under pressure.
  7. This is the 442 I just used in a save, the WM are told to cut in with the ball and the FB on the left is asked to move forward. I came second in the Danish league and reached the final of the cup with no transfers. The AF scored 52 goals in 33 games and the DLF scored 21 in 38 games. the roles that changed the most were the 2 DM, I started with the RPM and VOL and while the VOL got good ratings. the ratings of the RPM wasn't that good then I finally settled with the RGA and DM. In terms of assists. the RGA got the most followed by the DLF and the WM on the left. The formation I struggled the most against was the narrow 4231 and one team that played a standard 442. I have no idea if t his will work for you or if this is similar to what you are looking for but maybe you can take elements from it that fits your needs
  8. give them a few days the game is going to be out in 2 months so that's more than enough time to fix whatever the issue is
  9. I think you will have to contact steam again for that
  10. Personally, I find watching highlights of the trans goals is a better way to do it be because you can recognise pattern of play easily so if I have to play against a team and I see that most if their goals are coming from crosses then I know I don't want them to cross as much, if it's a single player that's responsible for most if the assists then I don't want to give him time in the ball, if they play quickly from back to front then maybe I might not want to press to high or have my defensive line too high
  11. You can sign good young players for free if you offer them around 40-50% of profit from a next same. you need to go to the transfer list and look for players that are still reasonably young and transfer listed then offer £0 up front with around 40-50% of next sale. Teams will usually agree but the down side is if you seek those players you only get half of the money but in the situation you’re in it might still be useful for you to move all your transfer budget to the wage budget then do this
  12. I understand what you mean. i used to watch the first 10 min of every game on full highlight just to get the flow of the game and make adjustments if necessary then I go back to watching on comprehensive or extended unless I feel like the flow of the game has changed again then I will go back to full match for some minutes again. I think that is more time efficient then sitting to watch one game for 90 min
  13. You also want your GK to have high "rushing out" with good acceleration and pace. A GK with low rushing out is more likely going to stay back and you don't necessarily want that when playing with a high line, you want an Alisson. The downside tho is that he might come off his line when he isn't supposed to
  14. I think people over complicate things by trying to know every single detail. Personally, I don't ask myself or want to know if shorter passing on balanced is shorter than the shorter passing on attacking mentality. I just set the team up how I want then if I'm watching the games and I see the passing is still a bit long then I'll reduce it, if it's too short, I'll increase it
  15. I disagree. Before the introduction of roles you had all these super tactics you could use and go on a win every game. You would argue that it's still the case now but it's not ad easy as it used to be
  16. The problem with getting rid of roles and just having the instructions seems like a good idea however when you consider that this is a single player game and you play against the AI, you also have to think about how the AI would exploit this and how the AI would be exploited by this. As human hangers we have the option to be creative with it but the AI has to be programmed within certain parameters so they will never be creative and they won't be able to defend against some of the things we humans will throw at it. This is the reason why when people ask that for set pieces they want to be able to place their players wherever they want, it makes be laugh because it would be a disaster. We already complain that corners are very easy so imagine what would happen if the AI has to defend corners where you have the ability to place your players anywhere.
  17. loan him out and get the other team to pay some of his wages if you can't get them to pay all of it
  18. the only way this can happen is if someone is willing to pay big money to one of the data companies like opta to use the data they have been collecting for years to build players profile because if they were to build a database themselves, it will take years
  19. just go on holiday until you feel it's the right time to start
  20. It depends on your feeling towards FM. Personally, I've not been to happy with FM22 and I haven't played it much so I'll be willing to "jump ship" unless they add something to the game I really like
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