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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. The only con is if there are league rules that are not correct during beta then you definitely need to start a new game to make that work
  2. we didn't get the beta today because there no gifs/memes with the grandma in the cage. That always does the trick lol
  3. The biggest issue people have when they start looking at player stats other than attributes is that they fail to realise that stats by themselves mean nothing without some form of context. Like someone has already mentioned, the quality of the league you are looking at matters a lot and the kind of players they are playing with then you also have to factor the way the team plays, so if you were playing a low block you expect your players to make high number of tackles, interceptions etc, if you then go to the player search page to look for players you will tend to look for players that also have high numbers in the defensive department but you forget to account for the fact that teams that have more possession will tend to have lower defensive numbers so you will over look a lot of good players. Another mistake people tend to make is when looking for a playmakers they look for players with high pass completion, while this is not totally wrong they fail to recognise that playmakers make a lot of high risky passes so their pass completion numbers might not be as good of that of another player that just plays short simple passes. I've been asking Si for the past 3 years now to add possession adjusted stats at least that with it you can equally judge attacking and defensive teams properly
  4. I don't like when people make these kind of comments or when the say the game is exactly the same as the previous with a reskin. I'm not trying to attack you by any means but If you played the game you will always notices a difference so that in itself suggests that they worked on something. I remember people also complaining with the headline features of FM21 and yet for most people it was the best game they ever made. I just think it's unfair to compare FM to other games because what makes FM good are the little things we don't even see
  5. I think I've seem people in the past say that the 3D is built on top of the 2D engine
  6. I will have to disagree with this. FM is trying to replicate something that occurs in real life (football) and they have done this successfully to some extent even if it's not perfect yet. Football in itself doesn't change from year to year. I've talked about this a lot but I think FM had gotten to the point where it doesn't need anything big but just little refinements and I don't think the lack of competition is the reason (it might be 5 to 10% of the reason). Lets say for FM23 they had FIFA like graphics and a completely new set piece creator where you can even see you players train your routines, they somehow got licences to use all real stadiums, the regens actually look like real people and you can visibly see them age as they grow older, you can choose an attacking formation and a defensive formation etc. what would you expect to see in FM24? football didn't change, we will still come back to the point that there isn't much left to add other than to keep on refining the game If you look at the smartphone industry where there is lot of competition there isn't much difference between a smartphone that comes out today and one that came out a year ago or 2 years ago. I think the "issue" is yearly releases especially as the game is now matured. Even if at this point they are not starting from completely 0, they have to produce something that is playable, add some new things, test it and also give themselves time to fix certain issues before they can fully focus on what they have to do for the coming year. I think the same applies to smartphone manufacturers, laptop manufacturers etc. and you don't have to buy it every year, if you really want to see a noticeable difference then buy the game every 5 years. But this is a completely different discussion I'm not saying we shouldn't strive for improvement but at the end of the day, no company is your friend, they only purpose is to make profit and in the case of FM I wouldn't expect any huge changes with the match engine at least until they have exhausted all the options they have with the current engine or until it gets to the point where it would be cheaper to change it rather than continue to build upon the old one that they have to change anyway at some point.
  7. I dreamt about playing the game last night and I've nit even ordered it yet. I think I might have an addiction problem
  8. so there is usually a cut off point for their data to be submitted so if they have not reached that cut off point then the injury will be in the game, if not it will be in the next update.
  9. I think that's the case for most people. I don't think most people experience issues with the game, they just come here and see that people are complaining about something and they just jump on it. An example is when people were going on about the dynamic youth rating stuff, most people didn't notice anything abnormal in their saves but because SI said one thing and a few people were reporting the opposite, they just jumped on it
  10. it's hard to make those comparisons because those games usually don't try to replicate something real so they don't have to spend money on licenses and lawyers and no one know what those licenses agreements entails. For example with the new Champions League license, part of the agreement could be that they need to guarantee to release a game for the next five years so things like that are not in the hand of SI
  11. No reasonable company wound do that because it is just a waste of money and time, unless you're Samsung or apple and you can afford to produce a product where you know for sure you're not going to make the money. And even as big as apple are, the don't make moves like that
  12. you should post this to the tactic section, you will probably get more answers there
  13. If you read the blog post, you would have seen that they said wingers maintain width more in the final third now. No one has played the game yet so saying it's the same is ridiculous and it's never the same, there were huge changes in the way certain roles work from FM21 to FM22
  14. Personally, I think FM is at the point now where it doesn't necessarily need anything new, it just needs refinements so I'm not surprised they didn't announce anything ground breaking
  15. technically yes but it doesn't make that much difference currently in FM. You can play with different formations and players every single game and still win effortlessly
  16. because in football manager training is there just to improve attributes it's very different from training IRL and if you consider the amount of time you have with the national team it makes no difference and I wouldn't want AI managers messing with the training of my players. I would rather them just add the function to rest players
  17. If you're winning against teams you are supposed to win and only losing to the big teams then I don't see a problem, it's just down to player quality, the more you improve your squad the better you will be able to compete against them
  18. I've not looked at the sheet in a while so I'm just noticing it is divided into laptops and desktops and that's a good idea
  19. fair point. you can give a trait to your AF to tell him not to move into channels
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