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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. what do they now do if some of the bugs are not fixable in a timely manner? I'm not on anyone's side as I'm happy with the game despite little annoyances here and there I'm just playing devil's advocate
  2. doesn't that tell you that it was not as easy issue to fix. I find it funny when people say the developers don't care about the game, I'm sure every game studio would love to release a perfect game at lunch but that's not possible. if there is a certain bug in the game that needs fixing and it takes 2 years to fix, complaining about it won't get it fixed any quicker
  3. I've never bought it or used it and I don't plan on doing so but doesn't it make sense that it would cost more since the price of everything in general has gone up?
  4. What’s wrong with a joke? So it’s okay for the person to make a sarcastic joke but not okay to answer in the same manner?
  5. I honestly don't know if that is a good idea because you will always have to plug it in whenever you want to play and you can have issues with cables etc. I don't know what laptop you've got but isn't it better to get an internal SATA ssd. To answer your question I don't think you can only move the graphics folder, you will have to move everything in the document folder including you save games etc. once that is done you have to go to steam click on the game then right click and click on properties and in lunch option copy this --user_data_location="path". replace path with the location where you copied the files
  6. It’s the full game. You can watch lollujo’s video about it on YouTube (the most recent video)
  7. so this is the issue. There is the real life football, SI's interpretation of that football then there is your own interpretation so it's not all that easy to marry those 3 things also because of the limitations of the AI and match engine.
  8. I’m happy with how the IW plays now. In FM 21 they were basically the same as IF but a bit less aggressive
  9. I’ve found the opposite. Usually when you don’t register a player for the champions league even when they are injured they get mad but this year I left out my 3 best players because they had long term injuries and they didn’t complain. The issue I have is players asking to more than double their wages when renewing contract
  10. There is no trophy celebration unless they changed it for FM23
  11. that's my same question. Other than giving the ability to rest players I have no idea what could be done to make it better
  12. What’s the point of opening a new topic when there is a dedicated feedback thread?
  13. You’re being to dramatic. Why don’t you play the game for yourself and make your own decision. If you stopped playing is not like the issue is going to be solved anyway (if they do solve it before release then I’ll take back my word) I just have a problem with people making decisions based on other people’s comments
  14. We just have to accept that it’s going to take a bit of time to get the sweet spot. They way players used to develop didn’t change for years so now that it’s a bit different it’s normal for it to take a bit of tweaking to get it right. it may mean that they have to completely change how the AI pick their players which will also change how they scout and sign players etc.
  15. You can just hover over the “I” in front of the players name to see the attributes. People complain about too much clicking and yet doing it this way you can see the attributes and the report in one screen. i honestly prefer the way it is now but to each their own, I’m not trying to impose what I like on you
  16. some clubs irl have 2 assistant managers so they implemented that last year but I'm not sure if every team in Germany have that, it's more common in lower division I think
  17. it's in squad planner, report then comparison. The best way to use it is to click on the technical, physical and mental tabs then filter for the position you want to look at. Sorry for taking 3 hours lol
  18. When you select the players make sure you scroll down and up. That might fix it
  19. You need to go to the attribute comparison screen. It’s somewhere in the data hub I think, I isn’t remember exactly where and I don’t have access to my computer right now, when I do I’ll post a screenshot with the exact location
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