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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. I use a bright green for excellent, dull green for good, white for average and red bad
  2. I’ve always played with a mid block and had no problem with it
  3. This is what I say when I think if most people didn’t come here they wouldn’t be as mad with the game because they don’t experience most of the issues or they don’t notice it. Basically they didn’t cut inside with the ball like they did in previous games
  4. Do you know what a scam is? No one from SI has ever said they need to cater towards cheap skates, those are all speculation from people. No one knows what their plan is
  5. It’s only Tuesday. The beta usually comes out on Thursday because they get Friday if they have to fix some huge game breaking issue
  6. Google sega approved retailers and you’ll find a list, if you get it from any of those lists you’ll have beta access
  7. I think the problem with it is that because it is a videos game it's hard to code in every possible situation plus your tactic and players has to account for 80 to 90% of success or failure rate
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