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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. LTT released a video yesterday and 13th gen performed better in games and is well priced compared to R7000
  2. One thing I’ve never seen in FM is players challenging the GK for ball in the air, once they see that the GK is coming for the ball and he’s going to get there they just leave him alone. I would like to see them challenge more and maybe foul the GK or the GK misjudge where the ball is and punch the player . That’s an “easy” way to add them getting sent off in the game
  3. My only issue with the ME so far is that players are too quick to shoot even when there is better option so they take a lot of stupid long shots
  4. because teams that play like that irl use 2 dms, it's easier to defend and you can still provide options going forward. it's definitely not a but it is done by design
  5. The forwards no. the W maintains width and I've not seen the IF drive forward as aggressively as they used to do in FM21 but it's better than in FM22 to me. These are just my first impressions though, the more we play the more we will discover more things
  6. it's more fluid, better interception, players using their stronger foot to cross and shoot, play isn't going as wide as it did in FM22, you can play on Vdefensive etc
  7. I think it's way better. At least the ME, I've not looked at other things yet
  8. I don't think people are that excited. by this time last year it was trending on twitter but this year there's nothing
  9. who's got Fabrizio Romano's number? he's the only one that can confirm for us if it's today
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