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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. getting mad about the ads thing is silly because they have always been there is just that now they are required to tell you, previously they could do it without telling you
  2. there are situations where a player won't be in his designated position such as during set pieces then there is the fact that during half time you swap sides which will account for most of it
  3. I tend to go for more width, direct passing with lower tempo and sometimes early crosses. I also make sure the tactic I'm playing doesn't have a lot of people moving to the centre of the pitch so having roles that stretch the pitch like wingers is also important
  4. This is personal prefference but when I play with the 4231, I prefer to have 2 CMs that are not that adventurous since I have a front 4 that should be capable of breaking teams down so I would change the B2B to a CM or BWM then I would change one of the attacking wingers to an IW or a W to vary your attack a little bit and rather then having the AMC on attack I would have him in support and the IF on attack. Depending on the game or team I'm playing against I might change the WBs to FBs. Instruction wise, I would remove the overlap as you don't need it and raise the defensive line. I would consider removing pass into space but I would leave it for now because I'm assuming that in these games the other team will likely attack you and you're on balanced mentality so it will encourage the players to put more balls forward
  5. In games like this is your primary objective to keep the opposition from scoring or you to control the game?
  6. I would take off work ball into the box and go for early crosses instead and I also like to go direct and decrease the tempo to the minimum or just one notch above the minimum. In terms of your roles you have a lot of players in the same space, you have two wide players that would drive to the middle where space is limited then you have the MEZ too. I would change the MEZ to maybe a CM or BWM then one of the IFs to a W. I would also change the AP to support and put the IF on attack instead
  7. I personally don't care because the player has been playing in a different system with different players plus if the player is in another league then there are other variables
  8. I have no idea how it works irl but if the teams need to be register every season, it would make sense that since they already registered as a semi pro team at the beginning of the season, they can’t just change that
  9. I don’t think it’s strange. The AI managers are designed to use a set of formation and tactic based on what the researchers for that team think the manager does and when they go to a team they will use players that suit those formations. They are not intelligent enough yet to do what you’re asking. It’s just a limitation of the game
  10. You can also get confusing opinions or get stuck playing only a certain way because people who have no idea what they’re doing tell you that’s the only thing that works
  11. I think you’re referring to earlier in the game where players from non loaded league were not improving their technical attributes but it has been fixed for a while now
  12. I can agree with that. Maybe I’ll go 80:20 on the first part
  13. It baffles me sometimes when people want something to be implemented in the game they throw in the realism card and as soon as there is something they don't like, they use the card of "it's still a games so it has to be fun" I would be very curious to see what people would say if they were asked to quantify how much realism and how much "fun" stuff they would want in the game
  14. There are excellent guides pinned in the tactic forum. but don’t over think it, you can start with the preset style and formation while changing a few things
  15. I go to the league comparison screen and find out the average attribute then I set it according to that so for example if the average of the league is 8, I’ll set that as average then 10 would be good and 13 would be excellent. As I move up the leagues I would do the same
  16. to add to that, the reason Chelsea is doing that is to be able to spread the cost of the transfer during those years so they can comply with FFP but you don't have that problem in FM
  17. If I understood your question correctly you’re asking what attribute range we look for when we decide what youth players to scout to potentially buy. For me it’s really easy, I first of all decide the key attribute for that position and the minimum I want for my first team so let’s say I’m looking for a midfielder and the attributes I’m interested in are positioning, off the ball, anticipation, concentration, decision and passing and the minimum I’ll accept to play in my first team is 13 then they youth players I will scout need to have a minimum of 10 in those attributes. The reason is because 3 to 4 attribute growth is common in the game but it’s hard to see an attribute grow by 5 or 6 attribute point unless for physical attributes so there’s no point looking at a player that has 7 in all those attributes because for him to play in my team he needs to grow by 7 points in all those attributes which is almost impossible
  18. Every time someone has said something like that and provided the save file, other people that tried it had different results
  19. I feel like some of you guys just like to complain. How is it hard to understand that anything below 6.7 is bad and anything above is good? If 2 people did a test and one got 3 out if 10 and the other got a 4, does it matter? They both failed. A more reasonable request in my opinion would be to ask for details about what goes into the ratings the same way it would be beneficial for both students about to look at what they got wrong so they don't make that mistake anymore
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