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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. for me it depends if I'm winning or not. I've I'm winning by 2 or more goals then I will take off the tired players especially when they start giving away freekicks, If I'm losing then I'll take out underperforming players
  2. If you’re on steam you can go to FM page and click the workshop tab. Once you’re in the workshop tab there is a search bar you can just search for it and subscribe to the official SI file. once you’ve fone that you can start a new safe and it should be there
  3. what do you mean by that? it's still the same game regardless if you play on the laptop or desktop and to an extent console
  4. Get to the group stage of the champions league every year then sign u19 players develop them for 2 or 3 years then sell them. You can also track players that will be running our of contract every year so if you can build your team with free transfers you will be saving money automatically
  5. But in the history of football manager what part of the finances have you been able to control apart from the transfers, players sales then staff and players contract?
  6. @WestonWhile I agree that the finance page can be better, what would it change if they listed everything? It's not like you can influence it anyway, you will still look at it and go "okay"
  7. on the default skin I think it is 3 excluding the dugout if you're on a laptop. If you have a big monitor then you get 3 up top and 3 at the bottom. If you're a windows laptop and you want to get the full 6 panels, you need to go to your display setting and reduce the zoom from 125% to 100%
  8. Either you overachieved last season so your players are not as good as you think they are or you’ve just been unlucky so far
  9. Drag your mouse to the left side of the right panel then click and drag it to the left
  10. Scandinava normally have good affordable players but with brexit idk if you can get them
  11. I see that every time my GK takes a long kick and although it's not ideal I've not conceded a goal yet from that so I've not bothered worrying about it
  12. Most of the suggestions here are about defending but looking at the data his problem is scoring goals not defending. he concedes less than a goal per game and scores just over 1 per game (keep in mind it's not that hard to over score your xG in the game). Looking at the goal difference compared to the top 2 teams then the number of draws it's clear that the issue is scoring goals. You've lost 2 more games compared to Man City which isn't bad at all so If you can turn some of those draws to wins by scoring more goals then you will be fine My suggestion is the ditch the IW for and IF because the IF is focused more on scoring goals. The other change is to go for an AF rather than the CF because there are already enough players that are going to create chances, you just need a pure goal scorer. You can also add the defensive suggestions that other have offered and you will concede even less and improve your goal scoring
  13. I’ve been enjoying it although it’s frustrating sometimes. My philosophy with FM and life in general is that I don’t worry about things I can’t control. That doesn’t mean that you should take anything you’re given without complaining. In the case of FM, you’ve spent your money so you have the right to ask for a good product but what if the update doesn’t address any of the issues you want? Will you not play the game? It’s already late to ask for a refund
  14. He still has 3 years left on his contract. You will be able to extend it during the last year of his contract
  15. The biggest difference is that the average position are not calculated the same way then there is the fact that IRL players are free to move and roam around depending on who the manager is but in FM the movement is predictable once you see the roles and player trait and they will always make the same type of movement. You can even see an example of it in the screenshot you provided; the back line is very recognizable because generally defenders don't tend to roam around like midfielders and strikers
  16. it's not available in some skins. You will have to modify it yourself to get that and I have no idea how to do it, you might want to ask in the skinning section of the forum
  17. fm_z2x4fKTFtO.mp4 I have no idea if this is just available on this skin but on the bottom right of the screen where it says advanced playmaker there is an arrow facing down, if I click on that I can then select other positions
  18. Have you guys played those kind of games where your character has his base stats then there are items or even that modify these stats. For FM it could look like this: - You have excellent moral? Then +0.5 to all attributes for a week - you trained above a a 7.5? Then +1 to all attributes for a week - your average rating for the last 5 games is higher then your average rating fit the season? Then you’re on from and +0.8 to all attributes for a week While these are all just examples I don’t think I want a system like this in the game. The older I get the less time I’m having to play. The last thing I want to start doing before selecting the match squad for a game is getting a calculator out to see who’s got the highest attributes for that particular day
  19. Isn’t that somewhat already in the game? (Not the comment of you assistant manager). When your GK who has been good all year suddenly starts conceding goals that he would normally save don’t you take him out of the team for some games because of his bad form? I agree that a comment from the assistant manager would be nice
  20. @SimonHoddleif I understood correctly, you’re proposing fluid attributes so if we use a striker as an example with finishing of 10 what you’re saying is if he’s on form and scoring goals his attributes not just finishing should go up. Correct me if my assumption is wrong. My point about a non league players is if what I said above is what you’re proposing how are we supposed to tell the difference between a world class player and a Sunday league footballer in the game since the Sunday league footballer’s attributes can go up if he’s on form etc. The point I was driving home is that attributes are in the game to tell us how good a player is thus, the level he can play at. While your striker with 9 for all attributes might be the Zlatan Ibrahimovic of your Gloucester City team it doesn’t mean he will be the same for a team in the premier league. It just means he is very good for that level of football
  21. If you go to the rules section of the league I think it usually gives a start and finish date
  22. With your logic does a non league striker who scores every week automatically become a premier league quality striker because he scores ever week? And as others have mentioned, the attributes are already somewhat fluid. There are things like moral, consistency etc that influence a players attributes so for example if a player isn’t consistent but has 15 for passing, he might only have that 15 for 10% of the games he plays, for the other 90% it could be a 13 or 12
  23. I think the fact that you used strikers with poor finishing to make your point was quite convenient because that’s probably the only role you can get away with having someone who’s below average because all you have to do is give them a lot of chances and they would score at some point. If you did the opposite and tried to prove your point with a GK or central defender it wouldn’t work because you’d see quickly how important having better attributes are.
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