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Posts posted by Jellico73

  1. Here's what I am looking for in a home page:

    Player stats

    League Standing

    Current Injuries

    Next opponent, preferably with formation, tactical style, previous records, etc

    Finance and salary with regards to available transfer money and salary, I don't need the huge graph


    I do like the layout Mustermann has now, but I think it could be tweaked.  But I am also a proponent of less is more, and would prefer like 7 widgets (like 3 medium ones on each side of a large one in the center) I cant choose to display multiple things on as opposed to 20 widgets all crammed on a page.


  2. 15 hours ago, DarJ said:

    He is not doing anything wrong per say but it's a game issue IMO. When teams defend IRL they tend to do that narrowly and if you ever watch teams defend in FM, the space between the CBs is too big and the space between the FB and CB is even bigger like you can see in the clip. If the team was a bit narrow it would have been much more difficult to concede there because other players will be closer to help defensively. I know other instructions could influence this behaviour but still it shouldn't be that much.

    I think another thing FM gets wrong sometimes is the body shape of the defenders when they have a striker running past them. If you watch that kind of scenario IRL you will see that the defender is not facing the direction of the ball straight on but his body shape is slightly turned giving him the ability to hold his line if he has to or run after the striker without being in too much of a disadvantage since the striker will be facing full on the direction where he is running towards. That is why in FM you will see the defender always lose in situations like that regardless of the acceleration of both players


    I think it has to be a combination of things going on, especially with some of the changes in the 23 ME.  There's no 'Defensive Width' option, unless I am missing it and these days anything is possible, but we do have the trap inside/outside options, and I am not sure what  effect, if any, attacking width has on the overall shape of the team in all phases.  Then there are PI's as well, but those weren't in play here, but the transition from attack to defense was pretty quick, and that has to play a factor in what happened.

    I've gone back and watched that video more than a few times, and find myself wishing it were in 2d, because I think 3d tilt is skewing some things visually, but the one thing we know the RB doing wrong is at about 7 seconds, when he's facing towards the sidelines when the ball is being lumped down the field, then at about 8 seconds he turns around and backs up.  I don't think that's an animation error, more like he failed his 'positioning' roll and is trying to recover from it.  From a tactics point of view, at this point how far off the line is he supposed to be on?  And at what point in this sequence is he supposed to start to move narrower?


  3. 2 minutes ago, arsenal3459 said:

    in the day before a match, what training session (attached) am i using that can hurt a player?

    this has been my setup ever since fm switched to this style of training, and it sometimes has resulted in injuries. so wanted to see if anyone could help.

    for example, attached is one player who got a hernia lifting weights and another who blew out his cruciate ligaments sprinting.

    looking to see if anyone can help me understand what it is about my prematch training that can cause such significant injuries (attached their descriptions too).

    because i'm struggling to see where weight lifting or sprinting injuries could come from.




    match tactics.png


    Without knowing what they practiced the days before, I would guess the weight lifting injury came about as part of a daily routine, where in your lifting weight for X minutes a day as opposed to full on weight session where you are lifting X hours a day.  The sprint injury came about in the match tactics sessions, I've always thought of it as players on the field moving at half speed (or less), and your guy was probably doing a short sprint and hurt himself.  Heck, A co worker of mine stepped of the curb to walk across the street a couple of weeks ago and snapped her Achilles.

  4. 7 hours ago, BuzzR said:

    I don't think we can blame it on the animation every time. There are persistent issues with the defensive module and they aren't new.

    Yes, the glaring issues that we had in the beta version ( a.k.a. release version ) were patched, but the recurrent ones are still there.


    I don't think this is an animation problem.

    There is a long ball - but not an over the top ball where the defenders should get in a pace contest with the attacker. 

    This a long ball on the head of the target man, the defender is close but makes a mistake. Ok. Could happen. 

    What is wrong with this situation - in my opinion, is the behavior of the FBs and the other CB. There is no cover for the possible mistake. In real life the RB and the other CB are closing in and dropping a little when the long ball is fired, and also the CMs are getting back for the second ball recovery. The LB should also close in for the other striker. 

    But, as we can see the RB is more concerned about his position closer to the sideline - moving away when the long ball is fired, the other CB is closing in just a bit, then moves away! and the LB is having a break on the left side.

    There is a lack of communication ( not sure if this is even implemented in some form ) and an imbalance in the decision tree between the position, ball following, man mark, threat of the entire defensive module. 

    Again, this was visible in FM22 (at least).

    And again, this is happening too often imho.





    I am asking these honestly, because as much as I have the played the game in real life and online, what I know about the tactical nuances of the game are at best a couple of powerpoint slides deep.

    So, in what appears to be a wider formation and a zonal marking system, what is the RB doing wrong here?  Are you counterpressing or regrouping when you don't have possession?  From how the players appear to be moving, it looks like they are regrouping.

    When Babangida kicks the ball the RB is already facing away from it and towards the sideline (turning outside around to run back, probably a mistake IMO), then turns around and goes in a step before backing up to his original line and appearing to establish his position in the zone.  Given his role and position in the formation, and the rules that go along with that role and position (which are also affected by any additional PI's and the player's own attributes), what "should" he being doing as opposed to what he "could" be doing?  The ball is nowhere near him, he could be a target for the possible incoming defensive header, is he setting up for that?  What's his primary defensive role/move here supposed to be, should he be crashing towards the CB's instead of staying wide, thereby leaving an AM and CM to cover the three closest attacking players next to them, because it looks like your striker is going further up the field to establish his own zone against the opposing CB's?

    Is the other CB supposed to crash into his own teammate in an aerial fight for the ball, especially considering he'd have to go thru his own teammate to get there?  Is he expecting Fisher to win the header and/or the ball back?  If he moves closer to the center he opens a gap that the attacking player who is already beyond your midfielders can exploit.  If the LB moves in to cover the hole created by the CB moving in closer to the center, he opens up his area of the field more.

    In the two and a half seconds from when Babangida kicks the ball to when Fisher muffs the header, what are you expecting to happen?

    In the two and a half seconds from when Babangida kicks the ball to when Fisher muffs the header, given everyone's roles and instructions, what should have happened and given how RNG affects everything and the variety of factors that goes into determining what does happen, is the result plausible?


  5. 2 hours ago, ajw10 said:

    I feel like so much is just poor animation. That's my feeling on this ME, the animations just aren't good enough.

    I've posted quite a bit about in the bugs forum about penalty decisions. I'm convinced it's poor animation work, so whilst I'm not getting cheated by the game, it feels like I am based on what I see.

    I agree with this fully.  There are situations in game where one or more of the animations just doesn't "look" right, a keeper reacting a certain way to the ball, the coming together of two players going after the ball, a defender marking an attacker then moving in an odd manner, it seems like what is going on is action A = Animiation A, Action B = Animation B, but then Act4ion C happens, and Action C does not have an appropriate animation yet, so the ME chooses to display Action A or B.  So while the match engine is good, and the data and calculations going on under the hood are correct, what's being presented visually isn't true to what the calculations are.

  6. 2 hours ago, Zoolok42 said:

    Oh, I've learned how to use it in the game, but what I'm trying to say is it's basically an opinion of someone who made the game? If that makes sense? I know how to use it to my advantage, but I don't understand how they come up with values they do. This goes for a lot of things in the game, like mentality, or "be more expressive" instruction, off the top of my head.

    Familiarity wise its the averages of the players on the field in the given areas

    So, as an example, in my current setup (5-2-3 Vertical Tiki Taka Shorter passing, higher tempo, high defensive line, high press, trap outside)it's this:


    It's my primary tactic, all my squads play it so all the players are familiar with it.

    But say I replace one of my M(C)'s with a striker, it goes to 


    And the Position/Role/Duty went down.

    If I switch to a formation I haven't trained 9442 Direct Counter, standard pass and tempo, low block and defensive line, drop off more) it goes to 



    Usually you can hover over anything selectable and a popup will appear letting you know what it does, Be more expressive vs Be more disciplined as an example.




  7. 19 hours ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

    New contract. May 2031

    I only realised my contract was up for renewal after our relegation was confirmed, and in my head I just assumed that while I wouldn't actually be sacked, they would just decline to offer me a new contract and that would be that. 

    They have (surprisingly in my book), offered me a new 2 year deal. Don't get me wrong, I think I've done a brilliant job given the resources, but I honestly thought that was the end. I had even decided that it actually might be quite interesting to take this "African-Only" template into another Nation. (I guess that will have to wait for a while). 


    I think if you had been in last place with no hopes of staying up, instead of fighting to stay up until the very end, they would gave sacked you.

  8. Great work as always.  Couple of thing I have noticed:


    These have a tendency to 'reset' when I start the game again, does over ride custom panels have to be selected/or nor for that to not happen?


    Font color on the player names in unreadable, I am not sure if it's a team color related issue or what.  This is the Best XI screen from the end of season review.





  9. 2 hours ago, JustHowie said:

    This has probably been asked 100 times already and I have tried reading through alot of threads to try and get this done. I have been trying to get rid of the diagonal lines that reach from the top of the Tato skin, using the client object browser, Tato settings and through the graphics/ generic and reading several guides. If it's not possible to remove them is there a way to recolour them to grey/black? I just don't get it one bit. it will purely be for personal use and educating myself.


    If you have Tato downloaded as an .fmf file you will have to use the resource archiver to unpack it.  It should be in the graphics folder, but I don't remember where at the moment.

  10. Just wanted to let you know you can safely add the Instant Result button to your skin, because I've been using it since day 1.

    Download the Wannachup Instant result skin, it will have 2 folders in it, graphics and panels, copy the panels folder over, overwrite the one file, reload the skin.

    It might error out, but if you close FM and open it up again it runs fine.


    Don't have to make any button adjustments either.


  11. 5 hours ago, Postduif said:

    That's a bummer, but completely understandable. I'll keep following this topic for new updates and keep my fingers crossed for one fitting for my resolution.
    Keep up the awesome work! 

    EDIT: For what it is worth, I have found out that if I zoom out to 95% or even 85% things get better visible. 

    I think that 75-80% is perfect for my resolution. I have added screenshots of both. 


    Schermafbeelding 2022-12-05 om 22.56.33.png

    Schermafbeelding 2022-12-05 om 22.57.13.png

    when you right click on your desktop, and look at scale settings, is your scale and layout at 100%?

    If not, try lowering it to that and see what happens.


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