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Posts posted by Jellico73

  1. Deletes your preferences and cache folders out of AppData/Sports Interactive.

    Start the game, it will load very slowly.  When it finally loads, close it, then restart and it should be OK.

    If you are using a custom skin the first time you try advancing the game might crash to desktop, but after a restart it will work fine.

    If I had to guess its an issue with the update having conflicts with the prexisting preferences and cache, and it has to go to the process of rebuilding them.    

    That seems to have worked for me so far...

  2. 18 minutes ago, Bielsa1975 said:

    Ok so say your unemployed would you go boston united £500 a week or harrogate 1.5k week ?

    Not enough info there, so let me add onto it for you:

    You are a Boston United fan, you grew up following them after you moved away, and now have the opportunity to be a regular starter for them.

    Harrogate wants you to be a fringe player, and like all players, you want a long career, and regular playing time.

    So, 500 a week with a game every week, or 1500 a month with possible no games over the course of a season.

    Why are you choosing Harrowgate?

  3. 14 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

    All this “broken” talk is absolute nonsense. The game works. I play matches. I manage my squad. I enjoy it.

    There are a ton of things I wish were different. But I am playing it. Because it’s not broken.

    The frenzy for a patch is hilarious.

    To be fair, there's a distinction. 

    I recently had elbow surgery.

    My arm mobility and strength is nowhere near what it was before I hurt it. 

    Can I use it?  Sure.  Is it 100%, no.  

    But it's not fallen off at the shoulder and flopping around the floor by itself either.

  4. 58 minutes ago, (sic) said:


    Amazing finish. Great GK reaction.

    It's just insane how I could post a few of these gifs every single day. Yet people would still say "doesn't happen to me, the ME is amazing".

    This strike me as as a situation where the graphics engine can't properly display what the goal keeper is doing.

    Which happens at quite a few other positions as well.  It's annoying on many levels, and one of the primary reasons I go back to 2d

  5. 1 hour ago, greenz81 said:

    Are you Neil's guardian?  Ferocious289 has valid points! They released a small update for Gerrards sacking in beta!! But they can't release small patch for UI issues, competitions rule updates, manager movements!

    If your happy to buy unfinished games, go you! Must have money to burn!

    Plus Neil only responded after we questioned why the Touch patch was released before PC version. We kind of 'forced' SI to give us the information, which we shouldnt have to do

    I think some of  @Ferocious289points are valid. I've my concerns about the game as well, I've submitted bug reports and I'm not starting a new save until the loan economy is fixed.  And this isn't the only game I play on a regular basis that is still in Beta, hell I play Tarkov when FM frustrates me and I want to blow stuff up and that game had been in Beta for years now...

    But, having participated on those games forums and this one as well, and having a couple decades experience in some pretty complex project management positions  (Sure you can build a pipeline faster, just dig up the dirt, put the pipe in, cover it up, easy, right?  Literally a comment I heard at a meeting one time), the one thing that is apparent is that while of people a lot of people posting their concerns and solutions mean well, they have no concept or idea of real world project management workflow and refuse to accept the fact that some things are different even though they may look the same, and no matter how soon you or I or SI want them to be done and no matter how much money or people you throw at the issues, some things take time. Could they take less time? Possibly but that's a different conversation.  The PC/Touch ME conversation is a prime example of this.   

    But to put it another way, putting nine women in a room isn't going to get you a baby in a month, no matter how many other women you add or how much money you dedicate to the process.

    I am happy to buy unfinished games if I know they are a Beta, which this one was (unlike say, Cyberpunk 2077).  Having played FM for awhile now, though not as long as others, I am also familiar with SI's product cycle and how they choose to push updates and what they choose to push them for.  Past versions have also taught me that when the game left Beta there would still be issues, and they would push a patch if something was game breaking, and thats SI's definition of game breaking, not the players. And I know from previous experience that SI's chooses not too push a bunch of small patches that could potentially cause more problems (will updating a countries competition rules break a save game?  I don't know), they prefer to do one big patch.

    So If I know this, and assuming you you know this, and assuming most everyone else who has plays the game the past few years knows this, and we all bought the game, why should we expect their dev cycle to be different this year?


  6. 1 hour ago, Ferocious289 said:

    The point is the patch should have already been done by now. This isn't some small indie company, they sell millions and millions of copies each year which they get from loyal fm players who buy and help give feedback to improve the game each year,  Theyare a big enough company in terms of funds who can afford to allocate a team to work overtime on fixing bugs on a product which has been released unfinished. If there was a rival in the market that had equal sales in management sim who were competing, you can bet your bottom the patch would have been released on the 2nd week  of release date of the game, the latest, with an apology on top. You see it in other games all the time, because they have the competition and can't afford to leave their customers waiting around twiddling their thumbs and have them lose interest to pick another competitor

    Keep in mind we've been waitin for a patch since October. 2 months and to not even release a minor update is nothing short of a disgrace and taking customers for granted. Though to be honest it's probably best they don't release any more pr statements as when they do find the time to do so most of it come off as dismissive, as if the community is a nuicance for demanding/expecting feedback on the progress of updates

    So what part of Neils post are you taking issue with in this response?


  7. 3 hours ago, KingCanary said:

    I think one of the reasons this forum can be a somewhat frustrating experience is there is a queue of people always ready to, bluntly, defend the indefensible. 

    The OP has a legitimate gripe here on two fronts.

    1- There is no way a young, first choice Premier League goalkeeper would be valued at less than £3m. 

    2- This artificially low value can't be ignored as his unhappiness is triggered by the team bidding what he sees as an acceptable amount based on the value the game has given him. 

    While it is helpful to understand what goes into the values I can't see how anyone with a straight face can claim this situation is correct.

    Jordan Smith would be the 1st Choice keeper for Forrest if they hadn't brought Henderson in on loan from United...he's probably not a 3M pound player, but there in lies the problem:  Value is subjective.  You and I can look at the same player and come up with what we believe is a respectable value for that player with the reasons why, and we could both be wrong.  Or right.

    What I read from the OP was that he has a young keeper who is not a full time starter who has 25 clean sheets in 2 years across different levels of competitions.  I would need a lot more info than that to make a judgement calls (Shots stopped, rating, clean sheets per season, team defensive stats, etc), but IMO assuming he's automatically worth X because he's on a Premier League team is what causes a lot of valuation errors in the 1st place.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Beltsu said:

    Yes, it affects the AI also, but I don't feel like it does as much. A considerate amount of opposition GK are motm on a regular basis. I'm on 9 games played in the season, none one clean sheet. And the games I win are results like 4-3, 3-1, 3-2. A lot of goals, even when I concentrate on  the defence. It doesn't feel realistic.

    Teams winning games but not keeping clean sheets with a 44 YO keeper who is clearly on the downside of his career isn't realistic?

  9. 1 minute ago, ManOfSteele22 said:

    into year 3

    Wow, OK, that is very odd, IMO such crashes don't start occurring until well in the save and with larger dbases.  The only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is that if you didn't have this ussue back in FM22, roll your video card driver back a few versions, and if it works keep updating the driver until it doesn't.  

    Good luck!

  10. 2 minutes ago, stevemc said:

    We've just knocked Blackburn out of the FA Cup, and apparently Jerome Asselas "always loves seeing us get one over on Blackburn Rovers" - the last win was in 1982, 40 years ago - in fact they've only ever played each other 16 times in the history of football.

    Is Jerome aware of some ancient fierce rivalry that I'm not?

    Or mostly likely, the social feed needs a little work.


    I suspect the feed is just generated off a bunch of possibilities, one of which is not a lookup to a historical table of such events...now that I think about it that would be one heck of a table...

  11. 6 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

    how do you search for non-obvious widgets and panels? i.e. if it doesn't find anything by name or by some text inside?

    Usually within the panel is a code or widget name or some other piece of information.  I use a program called astrogrep, lets you search files in a directory and shows the results.  So say as an example you are looking for say, id="CnaG", you put that in the search and it returns all the files that have id=CnaG in it.

    When i started getting XML like the ones abopve, one of them was related to a font, was able to search for the font and find out it wasn't even in the skin I was using, which helped me track down why I was getting the XML error.

  12. 5 hours ago, andu1 said:

    I think young players have too big salaries in Italy.. and they cannot loan them since they ask a big percentage of their salary to be paid by the team who wants to loan them.

    If you compare the salaries in the starting DB to what the salaries are in 4-5 years time when newgens start appearing you find the difference is too big.

    So teams will have some very good youngsters but no one can afford their salary to loan them

    The economics side of the loan system has issues, SI is working on them

  13. 19 minutes ago, Abdiel_rivera10 said:


    Disabled my skins and re-installed the game. Doesn't even start up at this point

    Take every skin out of your skins folder.  If you have a skin anywhere else in your FM23 directory, take it out, put it on its own folder, like on the desktop.

    Go to C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023 and delete the Caches, preferences and temp folder.

    Restart the game, it will default to the FM skin.  Bring in the skin you want to use, switch to that skin.

    If you make any changes to that skin like adding a panel/widget from a different skin, change to the base skin, make the changes, and then change back.

    When you start FM, one of the things it does is create an skc file in the caches folder.

    For some reason, when looking for skins, the game is not limiting itself to just looking at the skins folder, it is examining the entire FM23 directory and building the skc file off of that, and as a result is creating some pathing/error issues where the game is trying to do something it's not supposed to, hence all the errors.

    I moved my Other FM skins folder to the desktop, deleted my cache, restarted the gamew, and there was a 60000kb difference in the Mustermann Numerical 1440.skc file size..

    It's the only solution I have found that works.


  14. 12 minutes ago, Bielsa1975 said:

    Do you think he was on more at brum then dortmund ? 


    He was still on his Youth Conract at Bham when he moved to Dortmund I think, which would have been about 150/w.  Unless he went non league somewhere he was always going to be earning more when he left.

    United offered 30M for him, Dortmund 25M.  He's made his desires to play for Liverpool known, so if Liverpool were to offer him a deal and a contract, even if the transfer fee from another club would be higher, he'd most likely go to Liverpool.

    It's not just a matter of putting numbers into columns and choosing the greater sum.

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