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Everything posted by Cobblers

  1. So I increased the owners birth date to 1945, made board and fan opinion of the owner rated as 2. Also made mufc the owners mist disliked team. And as results show, the owner wants to leave.
  2. If be interested to know if you get anyone different. Cheers.
  3. As you can see, the takeover is already in play from the very beginning of a new save. Fingers crossed you get a tycoon come your way! See file attached. Tested this twice, both times take over happened around September/October time. Both times it was Josep Maria Bartomeu who took over the club. Neither time was the debt paid off, as no new investment offered for transfers etc, as per the image below. It does look as though there is a small increase to end of season expected transfer budget, but I'm still going through an end of season "holiday period" to see how things work out. (Edit: they gave £85m end of season 1, with a 6th in EPL finish) MUFC Force Takeover Glazers Out.fmf
  4. Hey - I've created an edit file to force through a take over more quickly. In the first test, and by the 2nd match of the EPL season, MUFC are already noted as "in process of a takeover". Just going to do one more test, and if OK, I'll add the edit file to this thread for you.
  5. Same, I loaded up a fresh MUFC save last night and felt disappointed in the results where both were concerned. Garncacho looks moderately better though, so silver lining.
  6. Oh nice! That was a major bug bear of mine, so pleased to hear this is fixed. Sometimes I can/like to get lost in player searches, so this is indeed great news!
  7. Is this for a new fresh save, or through a continued save that's been updated by the Winter Patch?
  8. And early March can be considered up to and around March 10th. So people expecting a release early Feb, with the game admittedly needing work, yet don't seem to gather this "extra work" might also require more time to achieve completion. It's like this every year, no matter how good a release. People simply have to learn patience.
  9. @Fëanáro Míriel That is unfair, there are plenty of gaming companies who choose not to communicate with their customer base. Some of the reasons have been clearly demonstrated within this topic. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
  10. People stress too much about release dates on every game. It's essentially spring, go an enjoy the fresh air, play some real football, meet with friends. Patch will come out soon. Like a wise man once said "Learning patience can be a difficult experience, but once conquered, you will find life is easier."
  11. Correct, early March. "Early March" could be recognised as between 1st March to 10th March. I'm comfortable if there happen to be a delay to any release date if it means a higher quality finish.
  12. All good things come to those who wait. It will come.
  13. Would you prefer an update done right or rushed through? Be patient, it will be released once it is ready.
  14. I remember when patch updates were added to things like the front cover of the PC Gamer magazine!
  15. Essentially, damned if you do, damned if you don't. So why bother. That said, "winter" update is in the description, so I guess it should be reworded and described as simply "Update 23.2......" and leave it at that.
  16. I still remember the old days whereby you would get a completely refreshed game every 5-10 years or so. Then they would build upon it again. Never needed to skip a year to get this done. Appreciate many are impatient about the release of the new update; just try and have some more patience. I'd rather an update done correctly.
  17. There are features in game, yes, but quite limited in what they do. Specialist software will work with FM, but this software can be quite expensive. On the old forums, the team at SI did look into this, the options we have today were born from that. But we've not had improvements for some time. Should eye sight be a real problem, perhaps use windows in built options (not sure if they work) or try a free download of a program called ZoomText. You'll have to pay for it eventually. There are some useful ideas that could be implemented into the game in order to look after older generation players. But I suggest Si have bigger fish to fry.
  18. Heard someone talk about patience, hey I'm patient, very patient.
  19. No, not yet. I've not touched the game on months, as I'm waiting for the winter update to come out.
  20. FYI, it's my birthday tomorrow. Any chance you can release the new update, wife would love it too!
  21. Just create a separate shortlist, go through each player, add them to that shortlist, and there you go. Yes, it's tedious. But it's free Intel, especially on those newly created regenerated players as the game progresses year by year.
  22. It used to be 5-10. But the past 3-5 years I've only managed 2-4.
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