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Everything posted by Cobblers

  1. This has been an issue for many years now. I appreciate if Manchester United FC come into loan your player that the AI club might wish to cash in on the approach. That said, if I am managing Northampton Town FC, and looking to give your Division 1/2 rated player a regular starter (or greater) position within my team, then I would expect the AI club to offer much more favourable terms. For transfers, and as Manchester United FC, I would expect much higher transfer fees (20% approx?) as this is reality. I'm yet to play as a lower team, so can't state what the market is like for those teams.
  2. @sedge11 You did well to get Sesko for £19m. Got him start of 3rd season but for around £80m in my game. Has anyone seen club take overs happen yet? Glazers mid way through 3rd season are getting close to selling. Just hope I don't get an existing director wish to takeover, as I'd prefer someone with money to come in for obvious reasons and remove the debt. Have enjoyed these first 3 seasons, but I appear to of already got myself into a position whereby I need not purchase any more players for a while (focus on youth only). With this in mind I might try a "lesser" team out instead to draw the game out for longer in order to keep my interest.
  3. There are many ways in which you can make a team perform better/worse and these "ways" aren't always tactic related. So poor performance could be to do with who you've sold (high(er) influence and squad reputation players can be an issue), how you treated a player, what was said within a press conference and so on. So I'd look to smarten up on these things first as they have a lot to do with how your team/players might perform. When talking about tactics, I'll admit I see little difference between FM23 or previous versions where difficulty is concerned. I rarely, if ever, mess about with my tactic. Neither do I ever take notice of the stats offered within a match/post match information. The main thing I look for when playing a match is during the clips (extended option selected). If the other team are being shown to hit me on the break/taking the game to my team and more than what the clips are showing my team doing so, then I will lower the mentality to Balanced or Cautious. Once a goal or two ahead I will then change up to balanced or positive depending on the opposition. Whenever going up against big teams I will always drop the approach to play to Cautious as soon as the whistle blows (no matter my team or presumed position of strength) - but never beforehand. Seems to work OK for me with the 4123 tactic I am using. Cautious mentality seems to be quite robust from the point of view of stopping goals from being conceded. Be careful not to overload and complicate your tactic too much for the players. They are AI after all and not always the smartest bunch to work with. That all being said, Easy would be to play with Man City... more difficult would be to play with (pick your lesser team here) that has players who aren't quite as good, less money, less facilities to offer/support your team.
  4. See image below for reference. It is occasionally stating "the save game could not be loaded". The other saves are working fine, but the latest one isn't. This has happened twice in the past week.
  5. Yes, of course. File uploaded at 10:12am Sunday 20th November 2022. File name: Cobblers Man Utd.fm
  6. Not that this is a bug as such, but I feel something that should be addressed and looked at when signing back-up goalkeepers. For example, I signed Jed Steer as a Emergency back up goalkeeper for £1.1m from Aston Villa. He is on a meagre £17k per week. In my opinion, the signing serves the purpose versus value/cost. However, the board are "angry" at the signing/Fan reaction is D. This has been common place for a few years now, but why? To me this doesn't make sense. MUFC (and other teams) have often signed an elder GK purely for emergency cover. The reaction to the signing isn't realistic in relation to his cost, wages, and role within the team. So good business if you ask me. There are no restrictions to player purchases (from an age perspective) either. See following images.
  7. Correct. LFC fans had the same issue when they won the EPL during Covid... they automatically thought they were the best team in Europe after that, but coefficient would say other wise.
  8. And one thing I do not like in games is a needless time sink; whether that be through, and as you put it, “manual work” or via the additional need for mouse clicks when a small UI change would make something much simpler and less frustration.
  9. See image below for Tom Heaton. Start of second season. Thought I'd post this up as I believed this type of contract situation had been looked into previously and resolved. (could be wrong of course). But realistically, would a player not be happy to extend his contract and keep picking up a pay cheque for not doing much other than adding cover? At 37 and with ability dropping, I would have thought Tom would had been open to taking less/same money and being a player coach at the same time. Tom is currently on £65k per week. The terms below are what he wants for an extension until the end of the season.
  10. See image below for Tom Heaton. Start of second season. Thought I'd post this up as I believed this type of contract situation had been looked into previously and resolved. (could be wrong of course). But realistically, would a player not be happy to extend his contract and keep picking up a pay cheque for not doing much other than adding cover? At 37 and with ability dropping, I would have thought Tom would had been open to taking less/same money and being a player coach at the same time. Tom is currently on £65k per week. The terms below are what he wants for an extension until the end of the season.
  11. Exactly the same reason I would like that save. Could be quite interesting if done organically through the game, and more so than were I to do it via the editor.
  12. No, but if they get relegated, I'd like the save file please.
  13. Thanks for this. Any idea what approx money is offered come end of season 1 and beyond?
  14. Should add that with MUFC (first season), I achieved the following with the HGF 451 P107 tactic. We also won the Europa Cup and FA Cup. Only addition to the squad was Andreas Schjelderup.
  15. Yes to possession, for the most part anyway. All depends on the players in team and who I am up against/their tactics. It's a very robust setup. When lacking possession, revert to a balanced approach - it's normally on positive. Cautious for those times I need to see a game out defensively. Wingers are more than capable of performing well and offering goals/assists. I found playing "wide players" at their preferred role helped a lot to get more fluidity out of the tactic.
  16. End of first season, and board have me 70m + for transfers. Anyone else managed to get more? Appreciate it depends on yearly payments to other teams/transfers. Any sign of takeover? During BETA it came up within first season, but not a sniff of a hint about a takeover yet.
  17. Hmm not especially. On par with real life I'd say. Perhaps your defense aren't up to the task or part to do with tactics? Not ruling out it could be to do with your save, but mine seems fine.
  18. Try Holy Ghost Fire 451 P107. Though playing with MUFC, just about to complete my first season. With many injuries to key players, plus suspensions, we won league with 5 games to go having only lost 1 game. Goals coming from a wide selection of the team, which is more pleasing (for me) than one player providing 80%.
  19. Yes, 205 hours clocked up already. So over 2k a possibility. At 45, and having played since CM1 on Amiga 500, I dread to think how many hours I've accumulated over the past 30 years. Bah.. time well spent from my perspective.
  20. Goto Options/Game Status and then it's displayed on the following screen. Mine, for FM23, states 'midly addicted'.
  21. You can not beat FM games for value per £ spent. Many other games will give a mere fraction. Elden Ring took up some of my time this year - without that, I dread to think what hours might have been clocked up. What was your addictiveness level down as?
  22. 1,691.3 hours precisely. Last played Oct 15th. Believe FM20 at 1,886.2 hours is my highest on record.
  23. Ever so slightly harder this year compared to last, which is a good thing. Overall, the game is more enjoyable with the additional considerations in play now - rather than pick a formation and continue to win everything.
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