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Everything posted by Cobblers

  1. Yes, good point I do that as well. DOF can also get deals for me that I can not...
  2. I would agree. Sometimes it can work, ie that you get an immediate "yes" to your offer or a slight alteration to it. Sometimes this means I am kicking myself as I feel "perhaps I could have got more?". Good luck though - you'll get there and soon be fleecing the AI for cash! Try allowing the AI team to spread the cost over a number of months/years if you aren't desperate for all the money straight away.
  3. Yes, has happened to be before. I presume the club the player signed for is more appealing... though I often play as MUFC and this still happens with a player joining and equal rival for less money and no more guarantee of playing time. Worth having the Director of Football try to sign the player and see what can be negotiated? You can always cancel the transfer if you aren't happy with the contract/vale etc.
  4. Like @yezzko stated, try out the Tactics forum. Better still, try out the Knap page... his tactics will get you on the right track and then you can tinker from there. He is now working on FM23 tactics, but many FM21 tactics are still there. Ask and you will receive!
  5. Or just tell them this and boot them out the door...
  6. Today (for easier reference, we will call it Tuesday), you offer out Player X with the "no wages to be covered by me" excluded from negotiations, this goes out to AI clubs, but the AI clubs may choose on mass not respond to your offer. Come Wednesday/Thursday, the AI clubs see the Player X is transfer listed and/or club open to offers, and then proceeds to put in their own/a new bid separate to anything offer your put out on Tuesday. This form of negotiation works both ways for both AI and Human Player. Main thing is to get clubs interested in Player X, keep refusing the "% of wages to be covered by you" however, this might mean you need to lower your asking price if "wages are too high for Club X to put in an offer at this time".
  7. This is what I was about to suggest, but I don't have multiple tactics and tend to stick to only one. A little think about the other team and what is being represented on screen (via the in match video clips) can let you know if your foot should be taken on or off of the pedal from a mentality perspective.
  8. Nice one, didn't know that! Thanks. I'll look it up.
  9. Believe so. Not really for me though, I do like the full version. Good for introduction though for sure!
  10. Though some of the high end prices on offer for quite a few players are OTT, so opposite to what the OP is claiming, but still relevant, when managing MUFC I flogged them Buendia for £90m with his value set at around £45m. I was happy with the price and didn't feel as though the AI was out to get me on that transfer. So it can work both ways.
  11. Ha I'm a class of '92 here - Amiga 500. Hated the game when I first played it and didn't even realise how you selected your players - thought it was crap and didn't play with it for 6 months. Went back to it, got it, got hooked. Paying for it ever since! Back on topic, whatever the solution, I suppose we have evidenced the range of abilities some will/have not and how difficult that must be to develop a game around and keep both sides of the customer base happy.
  12. Yes, I suppose you could look at it that way. That said, I'd hate to be a new player coming into a game like FM (or other strategy games) as they are quite overwhelming - but I'm 45 years old so perhaps my brain just doesn't work as well these days at it once did!
  13. This I can understand and makes perfect sense. Though I feel players under-18 from British clubs not wanting to move from their much lesser club to, for example, Manchester United, is unrealistic.
  14. For the record, I feel comfortable with Scouting and that's a good guide you posted up @danielgear, but if the in game guide is unable to explain this stuff then Scouting possibly isn't simple enough. That is a lot of screens and selections all to find a player(s) that you may not be interested in and were I a new player it all seems quite long winded and tiresome.
  15. It's a good enough idea from my perspective. Would not going to the other squads as much then affect you negatively and also make those squads more redundant?
  16. Good idea. Though multiple job offers don't come around too often. Being able to compare your current club with the offer club would be cool.
  17. Same, from season 3 the whole thing is grinding along very slowly. Some "turns" are taking a few minutes to load when it should be a few seconds. The slow down is similar to old CM/FM turns, which I've not been used to and it hurts. As you say, some optimization is required.
  18. When I first started out playing CM1 my eye sight was near perfect.... moving on and at 45 years old with age related decrease in sight, plus the multiple thousand hours playing PC games, I wonder if the following solutions could be incorporated into the game. First off an 'eye glass magnifier' similar to the image below. This would be a cool feature to offer a blown up version of what I am currently focusing upon. As would a "when mouse focus is on a specific row or column make it highlight' in a certain colour. Sometimes, when looking up and down rows/columns of numbers it can be hard to always know whether you are on the right one. I am aware there is software out there that would enable this to happen in game, however this is setup for people with quite severe sight loss. I'd like something in game would could offer my eye sight a little less trouble when playing.
  19. The chairman of Northampton Town FC, Kelvin Thomas, sold his business, 'Radio Customs', for £5 billion and made a significant reinvestment into the club. A major upgrade to the club's stadium, training facilities, sponsorship deals, and a cash investment for player purchases (starting off with £50m) and wages (start off with £180k per week) has taken place over the summer period - check out the supporting images for reference. This is a 10-year project, but should you be successful, then Kelvin may be inclined to stay on for longer. Among English teams, only the Cobblers have risen from the lowest division to the top division, only to fall back in consecutive seasons, but the goal here is to win the Premiership and Champions League, with everything at your fingertips to help you succeed. Can you do it? Is it possible to lure players to Northamptonshire, a town most people have driven through, but never thought to stop at? The club starts off in Division 2 of the English Football League, but both Kelvin and the supporters are only looking upwards.... Good luck! **Download and relevant screen shots can be found below, or visit FM23 STEAM WorkShop and search for 'Northampton Town Rich' Northampton Town Rich.fmf
  20. Thanks. Just to clarify, I wasn't expecting the save file to be restored, but merely letting you know this had happened. Is it just one of those things even though it has happened a couple of times in the past week?
  21. First season yes, then (weirdly) as facilities improve the quality goes down south. Presume this is due to upgrade disruption? I'd say the players are on part under par for what I am used to seeing these past several years.
  22. I wasn't going to do data update (Northampton Town iirc for Miles) back in the day.... Nope, never did, but good intentions were there.
  23. Evening, Will MUFC have the owners wish to sell the club represented within the next update?
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