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Everything posted by Cobblers

  1. Scratch that off the list of needed replies. I've looked over it, and it seems a more specific player(s) thing than anything else.
  2. Using Holy Ghost Fire 451 P107 - doing very well with it (Man Utd). However, the defenders are often putting in some poor performances, even though that doesn't necessarily mean I am conceding goals. Odd.
  3. I'll dip into this discussion.... it's not broken and playing well from my perspective. Quite enjoying the new series, though wish there were more substantial and relevant changes to the game over and above the Squad Planner, which I feel is super for new players, but offers little to the more experienced. Again - the game isn't broken and playing well.
  4. Must say I'm enjoying the ME. There appears to be much more 2nd ball "scraps" between players, with the ball not always perfectly going to a desired player from a kick/header. So ME gameplay seem more realistic.
  5. Would also appear a new Nvidia driver was released, updated and now running smoothly. So wasn't a hardware issue, but software related to the GPU.
  6. Also experiencing the same thing on my pc. Decent spec, so it should not be a performance issue.
  7. I average around 124k players in my saves. That's with Large database selected, and most major European and South American leagues playable, with the remainder after that on view only.
  8. You could be onto something there regards the International management - this would be a good idea. That's one of the reasons I don't go near it is due to the constant task of keeping up with players from not just one club, but 20+/one of the largest footballing nations in the world.
  9. I'd not worry, they tend to revolt against me whenever I've managed them. Potter also gets sacked early in my games.
  10. Well four have already lost their job this season IRL. 7 does seem a bit too much, but it can and will depend on your individual save and how those teams are performing against expectations. FM22 didn't offer enough movement and jobs seemed too stagnant. An improvement I would in FM is being alerted to such news in a more effective way. Yes, the 'NEWS' section is there, but there is too many tweets with fans spouting rubbish. I'd prefer a news paper headlines for the most part and a social media/twitter link for those worried or interested in what fans have to say. Much of the news in the world goes unnoticed for the most part. Shame.
  11. Well the game will have stats for the Devs, so I'm sure it will get sorted out if what you describe isn't intentional.
  12. The ME is always a bone of contention for every release. There are small elements that need changing, but nothing majorly wrong. I do like some of the "mistakes" players are making this year. It has bought in a level of realism.
  13. This and that prices for players have increased beyond measure this year. Some players have price tags twice the amount of last season. If this persists, then I might look to see what mods are on offer to even things out. It might be more realistic, but is it fun? I think not - especially if and when the AI doesn't have to follow the same rules.
  14. OK, I'll back you lot up on this, being a successful You Tube Streamer does not mean you are the most knowledgeable about the game, but more your ability to self-promote the channel and content is greater than the competition. There will be You Tubers out there right now with more knowledge than the forum boards combined, but you won't watch them because their ability to present their content verges on being boring. Shame, but that's just the way things are.
  15. Which should be represented within the game. IRL 35 is talked about being the average retirement age, but many of these players will drop down the leagues/teams and not take up high spots in international football/Champions League.
  16. The histogram of the age distribution for players included in the study is presented in Figure 1. The age of the players ranges from 16 to 43, with an average of 25.75 ± 4.14 years. A large number of players were observed between 21 and 29 years (>80%). From 29 years an onward, there is a substantial yearly decrease in the number of players. Between the 1992–1993 and 2017–2018 seasons, a significant increase in the players’ average age (>1.6 years) was observed (p < 0.001). However, this increase was not uniform, and two break-points were identified along these seasons, the first one in season 2003–2004 and the second one in season 2013–2014, which can be observed in Figure 2/Image 2 (as posted above). Feel free to check the published article out at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6360147/. It would be interesting to find out in FM shares the same trends as demonstrated above.
  17. For starters, during BETA I've played around 1.5 seasons with two different top flight teams. At best I've dabbled with the Squad Planner. As an experienced FM player, my thoughts on it aren't overly positive for it's not a feature I find saves me time or opens up another world of the game I was missing previously. It comes across as a needless time sink once used with a feeling of "not sure I learnt anything new about my squad for the time spent using this new feature". This is disappointing. Could it be more useful for playing teams that I have no knowledge of? Yes possibly. Due to this, the Squad Planner isn't worthy of being the sole driver for this release. I am essentially playing/paying for FM23 purely for the data update. This has kind of been a theme for the last few seasons and I was very tempted not to part with my money this year and just continue on with FM22 and use a FOC data update instead. So in summary, am I happy with the squad planner? No, not really and would have been more excited were the SI Devs instead to have redeveloped the "press conference" experience.
  18. The same old same old questions must be horrid for those new to the game... after so many years I essentially know the 'correct' answer within a glance. I'm sure most players are the same... which makes the whole thing redundant. Has been the same for many years and no sign it will get improved upon any time soon.
  19. Ah OK, I get you. Thing is, what you suggest could change from week to week. In which case, you remove the need for press conferences and replace it with AM tick box challenge of sorts. I don't mind press conferences, but the larger versions (20 off questions) gets annoying quite quickly. Should be no more than 10 questions - tops.
  20. Wouldn't the do's and do not come from the board/management team already? They tell you what to focus on/not to focus on already.
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