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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. @Vakama2619 running smoothly 'til 2073 at least. Although I think what happened in yours was a combination of the host team conflicting with some of the other entries so it just didn't draw the tournament. The new set-up should avoid that. I know we were talking in the Megapack thread about your custom DB but what do the "continental cup rules" in the NZ league say? You might be able to tell it to send the cup winner with one of the two spots, without changing up the OFC CL, and it should call them as one of NZ's qualified teams. I did notice that when I added a spot to the O-League, sometimes it would just call up a third NZ team (from the inactive league) in the new spot I opened up, leaving out Wellington Phoenix entirely. I wonder if that was the game "simming" a different cup winner in the background and occupying the third spot with them somehow
  2. I might do an add on where it just changes one of the existing USL West teams to be Hawaii FC. Change name, stadium, colours, etc. Give them a continental cup nation of one of the mostly unused Pacific islands (rename to Hawaii) and release an alternate version of the Phoenix file where it uses them too. Would prevent any compatibility issues and give Phoenix an opponent that also has full-timers on its roster
  3. I think I've sorted it now, and it should be able to accommodate your custom setup. I have a long term test running on my laptop at home so will double check 2030 and onward when I get back later
  4. Sounds fun. I thought about moving Phoenix into the NZ cup but realized that would've needed both an Aussie and NZ custom league running at the same time to get them out of the Australia Cup too I also love the idea of adding a Hawaii team to the USL in a custom US file, playing out of Aloha Stadium (there was an NASL team there very briefly in the 70s). Then exclude them from the CCL and have them play in the groups of the O-League instead. Maybe add a custom "Hawaii" second nationality like in my Catalan file. Brian Ching can coach
  5. To carry over results, under "league settings" go to "matches from other stage" and I believe you'll need to select both "extra league games", specifying the stage you want to call results from, and "transfer standings" also specifying that prior stage. As for the schedule, I swear there's a stage flag somewhere to only play against teams you haven't already played in a previous group, but I can't find it. In the absence of that you could use a hidden stage, it's a bit weird but intuitive in the end: Complicated enough? Lol, I think it should work even though it's calling in results from multiple stages, but there's a lot of moving parts. Give it a go and let's see, if you get stuck I can take a look
  6. Possible? Yes, most likely. Doable with less than dozens of hours of work and repeatedly smashing your head against the wall? Unlikely
  7. @Roy Race 9 Just occurring to me now as well, you know how the "non-EU players" roster rule is broken because it also excludes domestic players (hence my elaborate workarounds in San Marino and Qatar). Is that also an issue in any of the UK leagues (or your new Celtic Nations)? Every British player has that "UK" (or possibly "GB") nationality in the background, so I wonder if you could just add that UK/GB nationality (which you may have modded to the Celtic Nations pact) to the EU itself
  8. Did an Aussie team win the AFC CL in May 2030? Did Wellington win the A-League that year? I wonder if it got confused with them also coming from OFC. The issue could be that "get best teams from division" with "maximum teams" set to 1 for inactive leagues can actually pull two different teams if you enter it in two different places. Fixing that now
  9. Weird. Might be an issue with the host, I'll take a look today. You running other custom files (not TMC) that touch the OFC CL or anything?
  10. That happens for inactive or extinct (I think) competitions anyway, game doesn't bother loading up any of the details
  11. Have to share this as well, Wellington Phoenix winning the A-League but somehow falling in the O-League quarters to Lae City from PNG: I loaded up everyone from Oceania to see what would happen in testing, so neither side had to rely on any greyed-out players. interesting to see it's not a slam-dunk for Phoenix in these trips to the South Pacific that break up their domestic season for what are essentially a couple of mini-tournaments on the way to the final
  12. @PaMi 7 I managed to change it so that if anyone from the Ural Mountains eastward will play in East Qualifying instead. Then groups and knockouts are set to a geographical draw (by default) so they end up with the East Asian teams. In the Russian Prem this year I think it's just newly-promoted Ural Yekaterinburg. In testing, I changed some of the top teams to cities like Tomsk to see what would happen, interestingly it didn't take until I changed their stadium as well
  13. I know that the default Liga MX has a bunch of rules under "other stage rules"/"continental cup rules" that sends a bunch of teams to the CCL. Then the CCL's default entry is something like "get qualified teams" for Mexico, so if you're not actually specifying any qualifying rules it likely isn't running because it doesn't have enough teams. I'd load up a default Mexican rules, copy the continental cup rules, and then load up your DB and paste them into your first division. Then just change the various entries to accommodate how you want qualifying to be arranged (as long as it has the same amount of teams in the end)
  14. Can you find the change under "database" and the list of changes? Try to undo them from there and then save (under a temporarily different name just in case) and reload
  15. I think it's fine but definitely let me know if you spot something off. My competition names file renames the Viareggio to the Coppa Carnevale or something like that, but otherwise I haven't touched it. I could see it being an issue if it's coded as being an Italian tournament and you're using an Italian file that doesn't account for it (or maybe the mod maker for the Italian DB you're using loaded it under their nation rules instead of club continental rules, so it might show up under "Italy" instead of "World")
  16. Thanks. I think I've got it so that the US and Mexican fallback spots work properly too, using "maximum teams in list". So if an MLS team has multiple spots it will also qualify the next team in the Supporters' Shield table
  17. In all seriousness - upload your file and someone can check it out
  18. Lol, the "lowest unique ID becoming the default" thing rearing its head. Remember the Legend of Sandy Martens? Belgian dude who had the unique ID of either 0 or 1 and would show up as a player or manager in all kinds of glitches. Someone ended up building a career around him as a joke but I haven't been able to find it since
  19. Cheers @Jorgen for raising a good point, apologies for my sleep-deprived a$$ not quite understanding the question. I'm changing it now so that if the same two CanPL teams occupy all the relevant spots (CanChamp winner, CanPL reg season winner, and CanPL playoff winner [with runner-up as backup]), then the third spot will fall to whoever's next in the regular season table
  20. Take a look at the file. Open to any suggestions how to code the various team entries differently to allow for a third team in the scenarios you've described
  21. Cheers, I wasn't going to touch CONCACAF this year but someone had to and honestly it took me all year editing to build up the know-how and patience to do this properly I can explore ways to get a third place team if there's a conflict, but I covered everything else in my last post. It's not a random MLS/MX team, just the next one down the table. You may be better served actually looking at the editor data and reading my prior responses instead of posting AI-generated questions
  22. As long as continental cup nation is set to Japan, it should be fine. "Based nation" can still be Russia I think. I wonder if my file could be rejigged without too much work to put any eastern Russian teams that qualify in the East zone of AFC instead, have one less team in West zone qualifying those years
  23. Yeah you got it, by cup final I meant playoffs. Same qualifying structure as real life. They haven't clarified what would happen if someone double-qualified so I'm using my best guesses
  24. CanPL regular season winner gets the other spot. If the same team wins both it should be the cup final runner-up. If either of those teams has also won the CanChamp then it might get confused and bring in a spare mexican or US team
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