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Everything posted by themodelcitizen

  1. So the seedings where the winners of each regional competition go straight into Round of 16 is working. I think those missing spots are arising because the teams coming from tournaments like the Leagues Cup, Canadian Championship, US Open Cup aren't otherwise getting in via their domestic league - so there's extra teams bumping the Central American and Caribbean teams. Working on it now where they'll be the ones doing the bumping and will get priority EDIT: All the qualifying is working so far (including CanPL regular season winner + playoff winner for their 2 spots) except the MLS entrants, still seems delayed a year. Gonna work with the settings and try stuff like "get best team in competition" set up in December (after the MLS Cup final but before the season update day)
  2. This is great, thanks. I can PM you an updated file later today when I get one going that looks right, that might be better for testing as I'm trying to account for the stuff we've noticed so far
  3. Much appreciated. Working on the delayed qualifying now, will look at the cancelled ones too For the 19th and 20th teams, your guess is as good as mine. In the absence of a coefficient/CONCACAF Club Ranking, I felt those were the best candidates, but we could do a "team pool" with an extra team from each division and "sort by division reputation" to create a sort of makeshift coefficient that would give the extra spot to whichever leagues are ranked highest. This would allow for scenarios where you take a custom league like Panama and build up their rep over time to claim a fourth spot. I'm guessing the Carib Cup wasn't played those years because one of the Jam/T&T/Dom. Rep teams doubled up (qualified automatically to the Carib. Cup and were also mistakenly placed in the Shield, which they qualified from as well). I've fixed that bit so it won't be the same teams in both competitions
  4. Are the MLS Cup winners/Canadian championship winners consistently qualifying for the following February, or is it delayed a year? No group phase is what we want (in the CCC/CCL that is). Leagues Cup should still be a big summer tournament, I haven't touched that. Campeones has always been one game Jam/T&T send their third place team to the Shield, but the version you may have might the wrong teams getting in (i.e. they're also straight into the cup, which we don't want). I think I fixed that. No Haitian third place team because it was hard to qualify them properly with the opening/closing stages there, because I was already at a nice 32 teams, and because they were kicked out in real life for not having an active league (although I did let their top two teams still go into the cup) What do you mean teams 19 and 20? The central american cup is 20 teams IRL isn't it? The group stage is very close to the one SI had in the (wrong) fall 2023 CCL format Are the Caribbean cup top 3 teams, central american top 4 etc always getting in, that you can see?
  5. Playoffs are real, they determine who goes to CONCACAF. I added the playoff final (5th placed game) because it wasn't always sending both (if too many big teams there). Gonna try and sort that today though
  6. I think the unique ID is 219003? It's UK, not Great Britain... does that only come up after you make the changes? I was trying to run a test as well but in the default game they just have "days" in Scotland, England etc? Does it have to be a foreigner who's played in more than one for that to show up?
  7. That's the qualifying path I've got set up now! Last time I had something like this working was FM18 (in the old format) with Puerto Rico Islanders in the NASL getting to play in the Caribbean tournaments, lots of fun. Right now it should just pull the top 4 Costa Rican teams by overall table. However if we went in and touched up the Costa Rican file to have "continental cup qualifying" set so that the fall and spring winners were both guaranteed a CCL spot (even in the extremely unlikely event they didn't finish top 4 overall), we can accommodate that by making a small change to my Central American Cup. Likely just changing the entry for Costa Rica from "best teams from division" to to "get qualified teams". I don't think you'll notice anything off atm, but likely worth running a sim with a bunch of the Caribbean and Central American files you've got to make sure the right teams get into the Central American Cup in 2024, 2025 and so on. The default MLS and Liga MX nation rules have it so that at least 8 teams qualify from each country. Unless you're playing with a Mexico or US file that changes this, then if you finish high enough you'll get the news that you've qualified (can't touch this without editing their nation rules). This many qualifiers was intended for the default (cancelled IRL) format, where 20 North American teams play in a pre-qualifying group stage. I removed this stage, but we still have the game trying to qualify 20 teams just from the US, Mexico and Canada for the CCL, plus we want to add the Leagues Cup winner and even runner-up and third place if there's room and they're not already represented. In real life, US and Mex are only sending like 5 or 6 teams each (maybe more with the Leagues Cup), so IRL there are more spots to go around. I want to keep it at 27 teams (nice for the top 5 seedings to go straight into the round of 16) so teams who would otherwise be on the fringe (like the 6th place Central American Cup team) might not get in some years. They won't get the news saying they've qualified either EDIT: Canadian and US qualifying seems to be delayed a year, which was the issue in the default version (starting in Fall) but one we're trying to fix. Working on that now Screenshots:
  8. Yeah I did that in FM22 as the Republic is a more natural home for a united Ireland. But if NI was leaving GB anyway, then you get the benefit of less changes being needed (I think there's less people in the game based in the Republic than NI) and also that they'd be a part of this new common labour market (too bad we can't add Cornwall and Brittany for a proper Celtic League )
  9. This might be worth another thread when it's gone through some more testing, but here's one you might enjoy @Jorgen,.. my best go at reorganizing the CONCACAF club competitions from fall 2023 to better reflect real life: DOWNLOAD CONCACAF CLUB FIX (BETA) So far it looks like everyone is qualifying that should. If you're playing with a custom file enabling a Central American or Caribbean league with opening/closing stages, we might have to tweak this very slightly to get their two stage winners as their qualifiers to the Caribbean Cup/Central American Cup. Could use some more testing from another pair of eyes, especially from anyone familiar with the ins and outs of North American qualifying. I'll work on making a version mixing these changes with my Libertadores file
  10. I wonder what the text would say if you reverse Brexit for England too. I.e. UK still stays together but all stay with EU? Would England have the "days in nationality" for UK in that case? I wonder if you're fine for the Olympics anyway - is the nationality under "United Kingdom" while the Olympic team is under "Great Britain"?
  11. Hope for the best (fully immersive and intuitive editor) Expect the worst (clunky, key features don't work, new bugs with every patch)
  12. Ah for Pete's sake, it was a weird issue with team pools upon team pools. Will have something out later. Cheers for looking anyway
  13. Wow, OK so if the Olympic team wasn't an issue, that would work even better for the "Celtic Britain" union-thing (maybe with a flag like this) for a customs union/common labour market. Shame you can't get Ireland to "join" (maybe I can unite Ireland again this year but do it with the N.I. unique ID this time ) Maybe sim overnight and see if England hosts the Olympics down the years and what happens
  14. https://www.balls.ie/football/football-manager-united-ireland-349433 I swear I've seen screenshots of it somewhere but can't find them now, I don't think a game was ever released with that option though. Even the Wales, Scotland stuff - was that just in a beta? I wonder if the Bri'ish countries might be able to handle moving "regions" and still have a durable nameset, they might be hard-coded in ways that others aren't
  15. A lot of the those types of issues on here are people just getting a team qualifying twice (like, as last winner and also as a continental entry) and not accounting for it. This one is odd, I thought it was something with one of those "maximum teams in list"-type entries but clearing all of those doesn't help. I wonder if it's trying to start the CCL stage when the Mexican season finishes in June. May be overthinking it and it's just the season update day. It's a shame as we're now a couple of clicks away from fixing the lazy, broken CONCACAF structure, all the hard work is done, just gotta sort out these date issues (guessing that's what's causing it)
  16. @rusty217 @Roy Race 9 anyone dealt with the vagaries of editing the CONCACAF Champions League? I don't quite get the dates, I guess because the season update day is in June, but the Spring dates are set to 2001 in each version even though by all rights they should be 2000? (edit: they have a year offset, that's why) I'm very close to having an accurate CONCACAF format for 2024 onwards but I think this is why it's stumping me, now I'm getting an error that it can only find 1 or 2 teams instead of the 27 I've got in enough instructions for in "teams" (edit: link removed) The error always happens in June 2023 even if my new format (2024 onward) has a season update day and/or setup date later, like December 2023 or January 2024 (have tried both 2000 and 2001). Makes me think it has something to do with the turnover after the (default) 2023 version and trying to set up the rules for the new one. The dates look weird but they mirror the default versions of both 2023 and 2024 (you can see the default 2024 version here: cl rules.fmf) and I've tried different years (2000 and 2001), different setup dates/season update days and getting rid of either or both, etc, and the same issue comes up. Massive kudos to anyone who can help, this would sort out the broken CONCACAF once and for all (for FM23 at least)...
  17. Also "region" might not matter too much given that Ireland are in "UK and Ireland" and are separate from everything. Has it mucked up newgen names or anything by changing it?
  18. Yeah, I reckon they just left that in as a consequence of the semi-random referendums and never noticed/cared because it's hard-coded to never actually happen now. Did those events only happen in a beta version of the game? I also remember seeing official-looking screenshots of Ireland uniting (??) but that might have been a testing environment... anyway I doubt it's supported by SI in any way but a cool find for editing projects. As for GB at the Olympics, that's only if England host again, but it would be interesting to see with your changes if they continue to call up Scottish and Welsh players anyway. If you ran a custom Olympics file that changed it to U21 instead of U23, I believe it would just use England instead of GB, but I could be wrong (might be England 'B' that defaults to GB instead of U23 now)
  19. Wow, nice find... That must have been code they left in the game when those were (very rare) random events in FM17 or whatever it was. Sadly they haven't tied it to an actual fix for that "days in nation" thing. You might be screwed As a worst case scenario I'd just change the flag and name (if possible) to "Celtic Union" or something and pretend it's some new supranational organization (like the Nordic Council) that allows freedom of movement/employment, and pretend the game just recognizes that as one customs union for purposes of counting days. Obviously they all have to be the same in that case
  20. Whaaaat there's a hard-coded African only team? That's cool as hell. Would be a fun project in the English lower leagues or something (I assume you could sign dual nationals like English-Nigerian newgens) I suppose you could duplicate the city your club is based in, and change that city to having its nation or local region based in an African country (the old way people used to make diaspora clubs), but that would mean your newgens are only from that one country IIRC. You could also try building a scouting staff full of different African nationalities and see if that helps with newgens, but that's a short-term solution
  21. I won't hold my breath, this year's treatment of CONCACAF really seemed to confirm we're way down the list of priorities. I get it, the game isn't as huge here, but if they're going to devote so much energy to getting the MLS rules down pat, you'd think they'd work on the actual formats for continental and international comps too. I mean look at the bug forum, we raised this stuff with every patch and they didn't bother doing something that ended up taking me a couple of afternoons to fix
  22. Editing (or essentially creating) coefficients for North America is a daunting task, I don't envy him. I can't imagine how to do it without having an active file for all the countries that try to qualify teams to the CCL in the background too, just to clean all that up, but coefficient stuff is beyond me
  23. What happened to north america? IIRC the only stuff of mine you were running that would touch it is the gold cup/nations league edits
  24. Oh that's great, you won the O-League already? I guess my Wellington file makes it possible to win it without any custom leagues but it's not entirely realistic
  25. Thanks to all the comments and feedback @latrell @Liffa @Jorgen you guys rock, upvotes and Steam ratings are always appreciated
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