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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Considering my own weight changing regularly, I can't really be bothered by it being shown or not. So for people not understanding/agreeing the reasoning, I can understand that. It's the real anger that has shown through that surprises me. I mean, weight doesn't say much. I am 1,73 (so pretty small for Dutch guy) and my healthy and fit weight is 84 kilos. That's healthy and fit based on health checks by several doctors last december. So what does it matter? Muscle is heavier than fat anyway. Anyway, that's my two cents on weight.
  2. You mean, they should hire me You are not wrong saying that they should understand the tool, but they don't always understand how it is used. The vanilla stuff should work from the start. That's simple and I am pretty sure we both agree on that. That should also be simple to check. The more complex stuff is where testing is harder and where a few people from our side would really be helpfull to make sure the most egregious issues are fixed. But there is also the expectations that certain 'tricks' will keep on working, while this tricks are really just bugs in the software. When they are fixed it takes away a nice option we had which sucks from a user point of view, but is explanable from a technical point of view. Anyway, I am getting too much in technical talk now. I think we all agree that things can be much better in terms of attention to the editor and from my side I am just asking you to help me to get the necessary information to get SI to help us.
  3. It is not a waste of time. You will not have seen this, but I have been working hard to help point out the important issues from the last editor, to at least get it working to a certain extent. I admit, it has been just the biggest issues and not smaller niggly long time issues, but the editor when released last year was not great. By pointing out which way to go to SI, we at least got an editor that was usable. We can't block the bug tracker, but I agree that it is important to point people the right way, a lot of issues can easily be solved with the right question in here. Maybe it would be good to make solutions more clear to users, so a user is visibly rerouted to the editors hideaway and issues are locked or something like that. The fun part is, despite we seem to be disagreeing, I actually reading I can discuss with SI to improve the bug process Feedback is one I have mentioned several times last year, but just clearly locking issues and such is one I am going to propose so issues don't remain open.
  4. Loading up a FM24 savegame into FM25 is going to a bit more interesting after the news that international management will be locked away for FM25. That it returns in (a (probably expanded way) in FM26 is good new though. I do like to run internaitonal management saves and you might have noticed that the FM20 Iron Curtain release was more or less aimed at that part as well. At least I get some time to spend on FM24 instead of being distracted by a new editor
  5. With the delay of FM25, I will continue a little longer in FM24 with this. Question is what level the editor will be as well, so there is a chance that I continue in FM24 anyway and only test files to see what happens with certain items (second nations etc) when I load a 24 file into the 25 editor. While the delay is not a good sign and that is made clear with the explanation that the Unity integration turns out to be tougher than expected, the removal of being able to acitvely manage a national team is more of a thing for both my mods. Especially Iron Curtain is aimed at being an international manager next to managing a club team. Since Historical Divergence is going to take a while longer, it would only hinder a little bit in testing some things. Which is why the decision might be to continue in FM24 for testing reasons instead. I am a bit surprised at the amount of discussion about removing weight, but apparently people need to spend time on showing their anger on that.
  6. On that note, I think it would be a good idea to create a bug report thread this year and whoever logs a bug in the editor sections (in game editor) as well, to post a link to it in that thread. It won't be a pretty thread but it will help us discuss the things I can try and chase.
  7. Will do. Also made small edit to the title, removing the question mark.
  8. If you read the development blog, the issue is Unity integration. Competitions and editor are not per se related to Unity integration.
  9. Let's hope that improved faces is part of FM25.
  10. I am trying as hard as I can guys. I am as much an editor as I am moderator. I understand the frustration, but please keep the language friendly.
  11. Not that I am aware, but I don't use the XML function much except when I am comparing files.
  12. Combination of little editor burnout and recovering from the Corona infection from earlier this summer. Took a little while for the tiredness to disappear.
  13. The upvote button isn't there, because this user had their account removed. Would also suggest this fits better in the editor request section.
  14. Only time I have seen the GB team added was in my file if something was working properly (for instance when one of the hosting rules wasn't set properly). Another user had it in his default game a few times. Have tried to force it by way of a London Olympic, but couldn't get it working. Setting GB as host doesn't work for me.
  15. Releasing the non-registered players in the Premier League was the easy part, but Germany has second teams, so they can move players around at will. Same for Spain, France and possibly Italy. Now for Historical Divergence second teams in competition will not happen so much (allergic for them because of the Dutch Jong teams), but Germany will need some extra rules.
  16. I am hoping to be able to expand my football world to 500 nations. Would mean no women football though.
  17. I am just having a little fun. I agree, @grade has a plausible prediction. Right now there are no signs to assume his prediction is wrong. Some people are nervous because SI hasn't shared much, but they are at least not sharing less. Discussion can be had if they are sharing that much more than before.
  18. Since when are you part of SI that you can predict this all so well? I will revisit this the day after release to check, but you seem to know more than I do!
  19. In FM23 @Roy Race 9 discussed several solutions to the dominance of English teams. One of them was to release all players that were not registered for the Premier League. Turns out that works very well. I then tested it on Italy, Germany, Spain and France as well, but since they have second teams, it seems they can evade it by moving players around.
  20. Buildnations I will use the term build nation from time to time in my posts. A build nation is the nation you build your competition in. Every FM nation except for most of the extinct ones has a combination of a name base, demographics (determining the newgen faces in game) and a language to determine how players look and are named. Remark, I don’t know the details of this process, but this is a generalisation of how things work based on my tests and things visible in the game. Looking at that you want the best possible combination between the buildnation you use and the nation you are building. Obviously using the real nation is the best match. So you build Brazil with buildnation Brazil of course. Below is the current list of combinations. Rio de la Plata - Argentina Araucania - Chile Uruguay - Uruguay Brazil - Brazil Bolivia - Bolivia Tawantinsuyu - Peru Colombia - Colombia Guyana - Suriname Honduras - Costa Rica Yucatan - Guetamala Nahua - Mexico California - undecided Texas - undecided Cascadia - undecided Nunangat - undecided Oceti Sakowin - undecided Canada - Canada Illinois Confederation - undecided Iroquois Confederacy - undecided Acadiana - undedicded Florida - Cuba United States - United States Bermuda - Bermuda Quebec - undecided Newfoundland - undecided Greenland - Faroe Islands Lucaya - The Bahamas Hayti - Haiti Borinquen - Puerto Rico (?) Virgin Islands - British Virgin Islands Sint Maarten - Sint Maarten West Indies Federation - Jamaica Curaçao - Curaçao 10 nations have an undecided builnation with nothing that comes close enough in terms of demographics or namebase. Borinquen is a question mark as I might be able to use Puerto Rico better and one of the Central American nations (Belize maybe?) might be a better match on what I want in terms of names and demographics. Nations that I have in reserve are Paraguay, Ecuador, Caribbean nations and Central American nations. This might fill in gaps where I need a (partial) Spanish namebase and Native American and Hispanic ethnicity, but for North American nations at least a larger percentage northern ethnicity is needed as well. That’s an issue here and not easily solvable. The workaround right now is to work with the English language Caribbean nations as they are the closest in terms of language and namebase (except for Quebec that is…). Maybe Gibralfar could be an option, although I might need that one for Europe still. Ethnicity is not something we can change in the editor, player pictures will not show the demographics as they are in the North American nations. It is as it is. I have created a base set of competition files for each confirmed nation to set a base for the world setup. I have a file with all international competition deleted and I am slowly removing nations that I (currently) am not needing. Deleting nations is quite easy until you end up deleting European nations. There it can be tricky and you will find out on occasion that some nation do not like to be deleted and you need to do more than just extinct the nation, but that’s for later. You might think, but what about all those extinct nations? Good shout. At this moment I don’t want to use them yet as I need to see how the rest of the world rolls out of my mind before I know where to use the extinct nations. Also, I am still having hope for FM25 to allow some mix and matching to see if women football nations can be used for history (likely) or nation building (less likely, really depends on how they will set things up. Edit: Noticed that I missed Acadiana on my list
  21. Crimea might be an alternative as there should not a Crimean nationality and there is no Crimean national team, but I think they might give Ukrainian and Russian newgens.
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