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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Agreed. The regular versions of the continental cup settings work based on positions in a tabel (top X) from the top division. There is no possibility to take them from lower level leagues this way, because if you would pick position 21-24 from the top English league it would probably pick random teams or more likely give an error teams could not be found as the Premier League is only 20 teams big.
  2. This sounds more like a request than an advanced rules question?
  3. Try exporting to XML in the original version and then upload the XML in the FM23 editor.
  4. Yes, fixing errors in the editor does make you a developer. The errors usually don't make sense, unless you go very deep and then discover the root for them. Hard to judge what Barnsley was doing exactly. I have seen that with youth teams the placement of the main team can throw up such error. Can't explain what the reason is for it though.
  5. The full mod room would need to be online to keep to melt and then implode on itself. Butwould it be a Portugal - Argentina final, it would be even worse.
  6. In the room but not watching However, learning a lot about my brothers in law. Have told them the Dutch have lost the last two EC/WC games I watched.
  7. Don't say it out loud! The Qatari organisation comittee will take the credits and they haven't even played football!
  8. World Cup 2006 was a proper organised World Cup. And Qatar were **** anyway.
  9. The Dutch have Wesley Sneijder and Rafael van der Vaart. Not exactly entertaining, or pundits. The only one who profits is the doner kebab shop around the corner.
  10. Tough discussion at the family household. Saturday is USA - The Netherlands, but it is also Sinterklaas (the Dutch predecessor which became Santa Claus). Brother in law really wants to see the game, rest not so much. So we are discussing starting Sinterklaas later or sending B-I-L upstairs and look him up in the bedroom. Either way I would like the Dutch to win as their games make for perfect travelling and grocery shopping time. In the summer it would also be a good moment for walk outside.
  11. I can only speak for FM22, but I have the Soviet Union active as the Soviet Union (Iron Curtain 22 with a complete FM22).
  12. Oh, I don't care much about the conspiracy theory the Ajax fans see there. I don't support Ajax. It looked odd from my perspective, but as I say, that's my perspective, nothing more.
  13. It's looks a bit friendlier than the **** off for sure, but that's probably a way of bringing a message in a more friendly way
  14. Please explain, so next time my Croat colleague winks at me I understand
  15. You could compare news about Qatar before they became the host and after and it would be a fair assesment. The World Cup and the selection of the host put Qatar in the spotlights.
  16. It is funny, I hope the Dutch team gets far enough to profit from more quiet supermarkets and roads during the matches, but I am not going to support them at all. Teamday at work which conveniently was planned 100 miles away while I am still limited in my travelling due to health issues. Nice one colleagues! But it did mean I didn't have to watch/suffer Netherlands - Qatar as the rest of the team did
  17. Protip here, change name to ZRussia Not kidding.
  18. I don't think we can, SI can do though. What kind of tests are you running?
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