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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. I am enjoying reading the comments in this forum, it makes up for not watching.
  2. Ok, has this happened at previous tournaments or is Qatar just over scrutinised?
  3. Serbia is what I used for the Iron Curtain versions as well. The problem with Yugoslavia is that regions (so not local regions) determine names as well apparently and while for the Soviet Union you can add the USSR to north east Europe where all the right countries are, for Yugoslavia you end up a Southern Europe name mess or an Eastern Europe name mess (had that issue with Soviet Union as well at first).
  4. Genuinely thought Matterface was a nickname for someone you all hate.
  5. This is then probably a secret agent who acts for the west to lure the player away from the east.
  6. It still does, for both FM20 and FM22. The only thing you can't do is the year ban that East German players would get from FIFA.
  7. No, that’s not completely true. Players from Bulgaria, Romania and Albania were not allowed to leave. Players from Russia were only allowed to leave when 30. Players from Czechoslovakia were only allowed to leave when 32. Players from Yugoslavia were allowed to leave their country when 27. Not sure why you can’t find that information, but the information I gathered was via people in this thread, several FM researchers, friends from Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, a book on Soviet football among others. It is a bit the same with the foreign players rules in Europe. Not having internet at that time means it never got online.
  8. Started with 2449 players to check for Italy. After some smart checks already brought that down to 1936. Too bad it won't go as fast tomorrow Going to need a few weeks for this I think. Luckily I have competitions to work on as well to mix it up a bit.
  9. We have renamed the areas in the nations we have rebuild, but since we don't change the Philippines we won't rename local regions there. I don't think they are visible there either. In general we use the nation names that FIFA uses or in this case used at that time. That means that North and South Yemen are in. I renamed Yemen for that and activated South Yemen. The republic of China is not in the game as name as FIFA doesn't use that name. The Bantu nations in South Africa are from the Apartheid era and we have decided that the only option we are going to offer is the pre-1994 flag, but the competition will remain as it is now. I am not even going into the technical difficulty to recreate that as the basic thought about Apartheid makes me say no. Canada, New Zealand and Poland were always known with their current name for FIFA. Zaire (formerly and future DR Congo) has been name changed and Transnistria wasn't there in the USSR era, that's something that came up due to the breaking of the USSR. I have used the area during the build of the USSR as it is a good indication of where people speak Russian, but that's it. People's Republic of Kampuchea is a complex one. In a political sense there were two governments. You had the Democratic Kampuchea which was considered the nation by among others the UN. And you had the People's Republic of Kampuchea as officially leading the nation. But the main point was that both Cambodia and Kampuchea were used at the same time.
  10. Just checked, 617K with the latest files, excluding the East Germany and Yugoslavia files which are with Reiver.
  11. Yes, that's possible. Just make sure not to group them under the subdivisions and be careful to check with promotion and relegation.
  12. Close to it, the difference will mainly be in the expansion to lower levels. Appreciate the help!
  13. Yep, saves you from fiddling around with the comp editor files and allows you to make the changes directly in the XML files rightaway. Also means you don't need to unpack and pack the file with the resource archiver.
  14. East Germany was finished Friday I thought when I suddenly found some Western U19 players hanging around in East Germany. Cleaned those up as well, together with the players of HŠK Zrinjski Mostar and with that the East has been made safe for bourgeoisie western influence! Next up, Italy (and it's still big...). Working from biggest to smaller (so things should go faster and faster) it is Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain, England and Switzerland (and on and on). And of course in the meantime I am working on competition in Advanced Rules. Or, how can you make yourself editor mad Almost at 2000 hours and I am averaging close to 5 hours a day since FM22 was released. Considering that I have a fulltime day job and try to get that 8-9 hours sleep every night it gives you an idea of the time that goes into this. But..... when this is finished I won't release a next project untill FM32 I have promised myself
  15. Check in the data fixes in the download section. Several people have released files for that.
  16. For reference, we actually had a thread on the subject. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/569985-137-players-born-in-another-country-than-their-nt/ And what about people who are born abroad, because mom or dad played sports in another country (say Thuram or Reyna).
  17. How is your setup exactly? Have you reactivated Yugoslavia or reused one of the former Yugoslav nations (I assume the first). In the case you have reactivated Yugoslavia, which region did you add to the nation?
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