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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Thank you and happy new year to you too! Instead of the Benelux I opted for the UK and Ireland as England will be a big job. It is surprising to see the difference between the Premier League and the First Division in terms of foreign players employed. About 25 in the Premier League on average and one division down that goes down to 8. Currently cleaning up the lower levels, with only 25 to go and then it's cleaning up PL and Division 1 to 3. Luckily division 3 will be a quick one, but things get progressively harder the higher you go. Manchester City and Chelsea have 42 and 43 foreign players to check. I am not even sure whether they have a team left when I am done with them!
  2. Advice for calender dates is to check them on a side like RSSSF and copy from there. They have several seasons so you can do a quick scan where which games would be played. That always helps me keeping the fixture dates more realistic. I think it was Germany that has a setup where you can see every game set so you could copy that setup (similarly that is) and then use RSSSF to set your fxiture. Would be more fun instead of the spread out season.
  3. Writing down the basis for Nahua takes a little longer than expected, but then I need to cover about 2000 years instead 200 I promise the other nations won't take that long. And now it is time to paint the ceiling, so if you don't hear from me untill tomorrow, you can find me face down in a puddle of white paint
  4. To end the year with some statistics (our host is fixing some more drinks and food in the kitchen so I am allowed online ) I have finished Sweden yesterday and Finland today, so the Nordics are done. Next up is the Benelux and the Polish and Romanian competitions (I can work in the day afterall for the next three weeks!) 9383 foreign players left to check and move (not all of them luckily) The current files in game have a total of 695,924 changes. Considering the changes still to do on the front of players, balancing and DDR and Yugoslavia, my 800K estimate was too conservative and 1,000,000 is very much possible. And there are the new snacks and drinks! Good night!
  5. I wonder whether SI will set Ronaldo as a in-season move, as they normally make them appear at the start of the game in the new team. Also, will this be happy or grumpy Ronaldo?
  6. First on the menu is the continents. Since I want to merge North and South America to America, I have one left. The one option is to create an Arabian continent (they have their own football association UAFA) or not use it alltogether. Removing it via the editor doesn't seem possible, and from the skinning side I understand that removing it visually isn't possible either. So that's one to solve. But since I start building in the Americas I luckily not have to think too much about that at the moment. First it is time to work out the final form of Nahua!
  7. That's why I take the time to think out how to do the project. If you can't oversee it, it is bound to crash at one moment or another. Have seen too much projects go down that road on the forum here.
  8. Do you have registration rules? It is likely in there.
  9. Yep, I knew these. Some of the nations mentioned will turn up and Europe is mostly mapped already, but will not turn up for the moment as it isn't that important yet (history wise). Also, first Iron Curtain while I work out the kinks for the planning of this project. As I expect to carry over files between FMversions, I will have to work in a slightly different way and make sure that I keep an eye on teams being revived, added or removed between versions. So while I am working on mapping out the nations, and their history I am also thinking about how to do this in the editor without having to start over every time a new editor turns up.
  10. Oh, that would be nice, it also creates a much larger timeframe starting wise. Initially, I will change player nationality and see what difference it makes. The general level of players already heavily impacts how a nation can grow (much used example, but moving Dutch-Surinamese to Suriname made Suriname a constant qualifier for the Gold Cup and World Cup for instance) and depending on the result of that I will change other data. The balance will move towards the Americas based on their supposed development time. With regards to colonialism for the Americas, I will write about that later when I describe the first nation.
  11. It was invented by the Olmecs, and from there it has spread over what in the year 1800 is known as the area of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. As much of the Americas is Spanish at the time it spreads through the Americas first and then through the travels of Spanish and Portuguese sailors it is introduced in Europe.
  12. Sweden will be finished tomorrow. Just 115 foreigners to go. Finland is quite a bit smaller so should be finished this year (I know, that's a challenge ) But more importantly, from Fridayafternoon on I have three weeks of holiday!
  13. Several missed penalties with players either putting it in row Z or trying to hit the cornerflag.
  14. The issue is in the Scottish League Challenge cup which pulls teams from England, Wales and North ireland I think.
  15. The emir wanted that WC checkmark though and that's why Saudi Arabia wants one now as well. Rich people one-upping each other. But apart from that, WC was not memorable apart from Messi finally winning it. 7-1?
  16. Thank you for the compliment I have a list of 'divergent moments' and slowly are working out the details. It is like a huge sudoku. On the alt-history side, someone made a what-if in case the World Cup was already created in 1904. It's one of my options as well.
  17. Yes, FM32, because by the time this puppy is finished, it will be FM32 (at least). Also, I need a few changes to be made in the editor to allow for some ideas to work I have created the Iron Curtain mods for FM20 and FM22 (last one still WIP) on the assumption that the Berlin Wall never fell, the Iron Curtain was torn down and the 1988 status quo contined into the new millenium. This time I will take many more moments in history and merge together on a world map. The result in game will lead to (hopefully a change dynamic in world football. Baseline The game of football is not 'invented' in England, but has evolved from the Mesoamerican ball game. Yes, the cradle of football is outside Europe! I will not determine the exact effect of each historical change. There will be some historical context for the last 200 years, because that is our scope. Other than that, the map is just that, the map. While studying the butterfly effect is interesting, the goal is building a football world. History is very imporant! So teams, competitions and nations will have a complete football history. Things might be controversial. If things are controversial for you, let me know in a (respectful) way and I will listen and decide whether to change the map. I don't listen well to shouting by the way One major thing to decide on is colonialism and the effect of it. The scramble for Africa took place in the era our history starts. Colonialism also has a big effect on the game with how newgens are created (see France, Belgium and The Netherlands for instance). The same applies to migrant workers. Depending on my decisions I will need editor changes to work out things the way I have in mind. This thread will probably end being another 'Dev' diary similar to what I have done for the Iron Curtain mods. It helps to order my mind and while the Iron Curtain has a clear end result in mind, here suggestions are welcome. I have to work out football league and cup systems for about 150 nations afterall. And that is before I start thinking about international competitions!
  18. Check in the rules you created where you have added the penalties. If you click that rule, you should see the option to add the extra time as well.
  19. Not seeing much difference in my save. Chips being scored and being defended just before the line. Same before and after the patch. Dutch second level, in my case.
  20. That ES3V2 team kept evading me. Nice, now I know. On the subject of the teams that have been set to extinct while they are still active, it seems that that is something from the researchers. Have seen the same for Germany and Poland happen. I might ask SI what the research instruction is for this.
  21. Denmark, Faroe Islands and Norway already done. Sweden is quite a bit bigger, so that will take a few days. Finland should be done at the end of the week.
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