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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. Testing some thing atm, will come back when I have answers. And since this is more interesting than doing the dishes, I will be working on this now
  2. Just a sec, I would download and check and let you know.
  3. @Jarghawhich database are you using? There are a few that go to level 10. This might be a setting inside the England rules, so I need to know which one it is to confirm.
  4. Hello @affe1802please try to answer the question of the user. You are not doing that with your posts. You assume he wants to manage as a Youth trainer which he doesn't.
  5. Nation: Uruguay Offical long name: Oriental Republic of Uruguay Language(s): Spanish, Portuguese Capital: Montevideo National stadium: Estadio Centenario Borders: north Brazil and Bolivia, east Atlantic Ocean, west and south Río de la Plata As described before, Uruguayan independence was mostly a result of the war over the Uruguayan territory between Río de la Plata and Brazil. The Uruguayan people turned out to be much stronger in their conviction of independence than the other two involved parties had expected. The result was that Uruguay conquered parts of southern Brazil and northern Río de la Plata. Additionally it would pull Paraguay into the war and conquer the southern part of Paraguay while Bolivia took advantage and conquered the Chaco region. Uruguay these days is one of the most advanced nations of Southern America scoring near or at the top of most economic and socio economical indexes. This is reflected in football as Uruguayan football has always managed to field strong competition in international club football, with 9 Copa Libertadores wins being quite the feat for such a small country. When Uruguay hosted the second World Cup. it continued the precedent set by Nahua 4 years earlier that organising countries would win the World Cup. Next up: Brazil
  6. As you may notice updates are slower at the moment, which is mostly because of the large quantity of player to check for Germany. I have 56 more to move and then I can start at the top 2 divisions. Do not expect me to start with Austria before next week. Luckily I found a good mode for competition edits thanks to the good examples from FM20 by @Reiverso that goes slightly quicker than I hoped.
  7. Nation: Rió de la Plata Offical long name: Rió de la Platian Republic Language(s): Spanish Capital: Buenos Aires National stadium: Estadio Monumental Borders: north Brazil and Bolivia, east Uruguay, west and south Araucanía The Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata was the last to be organized and also the shortest-lived of the Viceroyalties of the Spanish Empire in the Americas. The Viceroyalty did suffer from the Napoleon Wars in another way than the South American nations on the west side of the continent. After the Spanish Armade was crushed in the battle of Trafalgar Square, in 1806 the British invaded Buenos Aires. The British were beaten back from Buenos Aires eventually, but it took two years of fighting and the loss and reconquest of Montevideo before the British were beaten. Being able to beat a world power without help from the Spanish mainland gave the local born Spaniards the confidence to start a war of independence. As the Viceroyalty was a combination of regions that currently are part of Rió de la Plata, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay not all regions responded as enthusiastic as the Rió de la Plata region. Over the years parts from Bolivia and Paraguay (a nation that no longer exists) broke off and went their own independent ways. During the independence war the area currently known as Uruguay was annexed by Brazil. In 1825 Rió de la Plata reasserted their claim over the Uruguay area and Brazil declared war. The war did not go as expected for neither the Brazilians or Rió de la Platians as it ended up with Uruguay gaining independence and conquering area from both Brazil and Rió de la Plata. Despite the war efforts not resulting in regained territory the war in general is not regarded negatively in Río de la Plata as the nation feels a kinship with Uruguay, while the Brazilians do not want to be reminded about it. Rió de la Platian football is famous for two players, Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi. Both are two time World Champions with Rió de la Plata and have played their part in European football. Records are to be broken, but it remains to be seen if many of the records Messi set, will ever be broken. Estadio Monumental in Buenos Aires was the site of the 1978 World Cup where despite Río de la Plata dignitaries protesting the outcome of the World Cup final the team of Frisia won their first World Cup. Next up is Uruguay, the last Spanish speaking nation of South America.
  8. There are two probably issues. The 30% second nationality Italian is pretty sure hardcoded. Looking into the data I can see that a lot of San Marinese in the original database have the same The second one, those Italian named players, are they greyed out?
  9. One thing that I tightened up in my test was by setting the max counted investment back to 70M from 110M. Did wonders for the English competitions. Their teams can close up any financials gaps with the team owner (I think) adding more money. By lowering the max investment some teams slowly end up losing some money, although it will take some time before they realise wild spending is no longer an option.
  10. Moved out from the download section to the main editors forum.
  11. Belgium league system is indeed a bit bizarre. They are a glutton for their own punishment I guess. Good to see you back in the next FM iteration btw
  12. Removing players isn't possible except when you would remove a competition that has an excessive amount of players in it. If you have a lower league file loaded that can happen for instance.
  13. Nation: Araucanía Offical long name: Republic of Araucanía and Patagonia Language(s): Spanish, Mapuche, Quechua. Aymara Capital: Santiago National stadium: Estadio Lef-Traru Borders: north Bolivia, east Río de la Plata, west Pacific Ocean, south Antarctica The nation of Araucanía would start of as the Captaincy General of Chile. Just as elsewhere in South America the Napoleonic invasion of Spain would provide the spark for simmering unrest. The region would gain independence as Chile in 1810, but would be reconquered by Spain by 1814 again. In 1818 once again Chile declared independence and would be lead by Bernardo O'Higgins for the next 5 years, until O'Higgins was deposed by a conversative government. Another Frenchmen would end up the defining character in the history of Araucanía. In the 1830's and 1840s the Chileans would expand their influence southwards both on the westside and eastside of the Andes. This area was mostly inhabited by the Mapuche people who were known for their resistance against the Spanish, but were on better terms with the Chileans. Enter Antoine Tounens. Antoine Tounens was a French adventurer who took a look at the map of Southern South America and considered the Araucanía and Patagonia not belonging to any other state and in 1860 proclaimed himself the King of Araucanía and Patagonia. Initially the Mapuches chuckled about this silly Frenchman, but took the message to heart. The Chilean army quickly responded by arresting and declaring Antoine de Tounens insane. They also set up a series of military campaigns to incorporate the Mapuche area into Chile. From the start this turned out to be the wrong decision. While the Mapuches were not as well armed as the Chileans, they were masters in the ambush tactic. Time and again this would gain them Chilean weaponry and allow to fight on equal footing with the Chilean army. The result was a prolonged guerilla war which would take until 1883 when the Mapuches occupied the final Chilean stronghold, Santiago. Minor skirmishes and Chilean uprisings would be beaten down until the Mapuche government ensured the governance of the whole of the now named nation of Araucanía. Araucanía is the second oldest football association in South America, behind Rio de la Plata. The first South American championship (Campeonato Sudamericano de Fútbol), played between Brazil, Uruguay, Río de la Plata and Araucanía would be played in Santiago with Uruguay winning. Another highlight was Araucanía hosting the World Cup where they managed to win the third place playoff. Despite this success it took until the 21st century until Araucanía would win the Copa America. Next up is Río de la Plata
  14. I have won a few. Assistant manager advised to appeal and that was the right decision. Some were similar to this where you look at it and say, the ref did miss that one.
  15. Yes, you can use an extinct nation for it. Just check that it doesn't suddenly turn up somewhere in the history section. But by the time you are there, that's OK.
  16. Look up the Spanish and Portuguese refereer via the editor (they are called officials). You have a few more tabs, including the tab Official data. There you have the option Competitions as referee. Add your newly made competitions there.
  17. You asked this question. You can create/unextinct Monaco so it is an active country, but it would mean there would be a national team. It would not need a national championship. If you only want to use it as a second nationality, you have to create a local region, assign it to Monaco and then move all cities you want second nationalities born to the Monaco local region.
  18. I think activating Monaco will add a national team to it. A national competition isn't necessary though.
  19. They won't be allowed to that anymore, but that's for different reasons and will come up by the time we hit Europe. Martinique and Guadeloupe will be part of another nation.
  20. Instead of a nation reveal, some file and building notes In the meantime I am slowly setting up the international football calender. It is for the World and American competitions right now. In a sense, it is the same as I did for the Iron Curtain, except that in this case I have full freedom and don't have to look at a previous incarnation. It is a puzzle for sure though and that's only for one calender. The point is that the calender already puts a framework in place and you have to keep in mind how the national competitions runs to avoid things ending up stuck. Alternatively and it is a thought I have been entertaining is to have international games during the competition which would mean a definite disadvantage for the stronger. However....., if I am doing that, I need to decide early on as building competitions and then decide things need to be different is not the best way to go. On that note, since America can exist standalone, I have already started setting up the base files. These are things are like adding cities to local regions, adding local regions (where needed) to nations and adding cities to clubs. Since I am going to move cities and local regions between nations this is needed before I can even start on clubs editing and competitions. It is a good way to jump between projects so I can take some time off from the Iron Curtain to refresh my mind. Tomorrow I expect some nation reveals and this week should probably see them all for Southern America. I still have some puzzles to solve in the Caribbean, but I think I have some interesting solutions to change the balance. On that note, another file I will have to start is the nationality part (the people file). It will be the file with the biggest amount of changes and the biggest amount of errors between each FM version, so the earlier I get a headstart, the better. The positive thing is that except for moving players between teams (this will be done when the project is close to completion) most changes can be made already. It can already show what the balance change is based on the existing nation. I have one Caribbean nation that should really become much stronger.
  21. Economics come in last as you need the game to be working and playing to properly judge that. You are moving the balance in a big way afterall. How I worked for the most part (I have a particular way of working so don’t hesitate to do differently). First check team numbers, so you have a basic idea of competition setups. As you say, Sicily and Sardinia are a bit bare. Consider reviving teams if that helps you (Italy does not have that many extinct teams I think). Chexk if you can put the Kingdom of Naples together with Sardinia and Sicily. The Two Sicilies was called the Two Sicilies for a reason
  22. World building as in moving everything in the right position is the first thing to do with these big projects. It saves you a lot of heartache instead of when you would suddenly find yourself with a build competition and a team that ended up at the wrong side of the border. Pro tip: take your time
  23. 50 players to check in Luxembourg and the Benelux is done. Belgium took a little longer than hoped, but I have some stuff to distract me during this routine player movement work. Yes, I can think of two projects at the same time After the Benelux it will be time for the three big Central European ones, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and I will add Liechtenstein to Switzerland for good measure. Those three combine for the 3000 of the 6800 foreign players left, so when those are out of the way I am pretty much on the home stretch for the biggest amount of work. The player file is on 258K now, which is about a third of all total changes!
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