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Everything posted by Wolf_pd

  1. No, in his case there was a name difference between his native and English language. By changing language settings in game and editor we spotted the issue.
  2. It is probably possible to load it into FM22, but not FM21.
  3. Can you tell me how you would see that? Would you need to add those specific clubs in the keep <Specific Club> apart field or is it done otherwise? This question is to make your idea more clear to the developers.
  4. Agreed. I would suggest to keep the request, but log a bug as well for it.
  5. Please add the option to disallow teams to have foreign affiliations in Advanced Rules under the Transfer tab. This creates a stronger emphasis on building teams instead of hording young players.
  6. Just checking, because I had it with another user who had something similar (teamname though not competition). Which languages are you using for the game and editor? On occassion a case of translation can cause this.
  7. Italy is finished and so is San Marino (quick one). Instead of Austria I will do the Nordic countries first as I won't have that much time next week, due it being the last week of work before my three week holiday starts.
  8. You work a lot quicker than me. I have about 2022 hours spend on the Iron Curtain in FM22 now
  9. Redownload indeed and instead of using the FM23 resource archiver, go here
  10. Rich man does so he pleases. That's why Saudi Arabia now wants the world cup, that's why they all want a F1 race (waiting for Kuwait to come in the discussion soon). They are rich people who don't take no for an answer. Without the bisht it would not be clearly visible enough that Messi won in Qatar. And it was about Qatar, not about Messi winning.
  11. Moved to main forum. Otherwise, noone will find your question.
  12. From Serie A and B only 241 to go and then Italy is finished! And then it's time for Austria. At least they allow for 3 foreigners.
  13. I want to block the option for teams to create affiliations. Anyone has an idea how to make this possible?
  14. It is in advanced rules. This is a quick conversion to advanced rules in the Isle of Man file from Rainbowz Under the Nation tab, you have the Transfer Windows and Transfer Rules tabs. In the Transfer Windows you can set Domestic Transfers only for your transfers and you can set for a specific division with highest and lowest division set as well, where you should be able to set domestic transfers from that highest and lowest division (same number for both should be that one specific division you set.
  15. You can set transfer rules where transferring to outside leagues isn't allowed. So not a ban per se, but a limitation.
  16. He missed more chances than the rest of the team combined.
  17. Taking first is an advantage assuming you are going to score.
  18. While not the WC, The Netherlands also managed to lose on penalties at EC92, 96, 00 and won on penalties against Sweden in 04 (shock....), Yes, we are just as crap at penalties at EC's too!
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